国际信息系统研讨会(英语:International Conference on Information Systems,缩写:ICIS),由信息系统协会(Association for Information Systems)所主办,于每年12月举行的学术研讨会。首场研讨会于1980年在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城举办,前期多于美国各大城市轮流举行。自2011年起,指定第1区(美洲)、第2区(欧洲/中东/非洲)、与第3区(亚洲/澳大利亚/太平洋)轮流争取主办权至今。国际信息系统研讨会现已发展成为信息系统、信息管理领域的指针性研讨会之一。
2. IS Implementation and Use
3. Managing the Info Processing Function
4. Impacts of IS on Organisations and Society
5. Innovative IS Curricula
2. Social, Organisational and Measurement Issues
3. Issues Dealing with the Management of the Information Function
2. Research in MIS
3. Strategies for Developing and Offering Quality MIS Educational Programmes
4. Articulation of Issues of Mutual Interest and Concern Between MIS Academics and Professionals
除了研讨会本身之外,ICIS在研讨会前后亦有多项附属会议。例如于2018年在旧金山举办的ICIS就有48项官方附属会议,包括Bright Internet Global Summit、JAIS Theory Development Workshop、Workshop on E Business、DIGIT、Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI)、Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP)、Social Inclusion Research Workshop等。此外,亦有数个会议可能不属于ICIS附属会议,但性质与附属会议雷同,均选择与当年ICIS举办的时间地点附近举行,例如Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems(WITS)、Workshop on Information Systems and Economics(WISE)等。