NodeMCU是一个开源的物联网平台。 它使用Lua脚本语言编程。该平台基于eLua 开源项目,底层使用ESP8266 sdk 0.9.5版本。该平台使用了很多开源项目, 例如 lua-cjson, spiffs. NodeMCU包含了可以运行在 esp8266 Wi-Fi SoC芯片之上的固件,以及基于ESP-12模块的硬件。
NodeMCU is started after ESP8266 come out. In December 30, 2013, Espressif systems begin production of ESP8266. ESP8266 is an Wi-Fi SoC and integrated with LX106 core, widely used in IoT applications(See related projects). In 13 Oct 2014, Hong committed first file of nodemcu-firmware to github, NodeMCU project started. And then more and more developers from ESP8266 opensource community join in NodeMCU developer team. On 1 Dec 2014, Huang R commit the gerber file of an ESP8266 board, then NodeMCU project have the first open-hardware which named devkit 1.0, thus NodeMCU is not only a firmware, it becomes a platform. In 31 Dec 2014, Tuan PM port MQTT client library from Contiki to ESP8266 SoC platform, and commit to NodeMCU project, then NodeMCU can support MQTT IoT protocol, using Lua access MQTT broker, it is an important update of firmware. Another important update is in 30 Jan 2015, Devsaurus port u8glib to NodeMCU project, and NodeMCU can drive LCD, Screen, OLED, even VGA display module easily.
nodemcu_latest.bin: 0x00000
对于大多数 esp8266 模块, 直接拉低 GPIO0 引脚的电平,并且重新上电或重启。
可以使用 nodemcu-flasher页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 烧写固件。
0x00000.bin: 0x00000
0x10000.bin: 0x10000
如果使用 NodeMCU devkit, 只需要安装 CH340G 驱动程序, 并且将开发模块使用micro-usb 线缆连接到个人计算机。 然后将波特率设置到9600, 并打开串行端口。若使用普通的esp8266模块, 则 usb-ttl 转接器是必需品。