
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-23 21:59:20 #Cite tweet templates with errors,自2019年4月需要从外语维基百科翻译的条目,自April 2019需要查证来源的维基百科条目

猎鹰9号FT Block 5(英语:Falcon 9 Full Thrust Block 5)是猎鹰9号的最新版本,火箭在Block 3 和 Block 5中的最大变化是所有发动机上的更高推力和着陆腿的改进。此外,许多小的变化将有助于简化恢复和可重用性。第一级助推器改变的重点是提高生产速度和重复使用的效率。SpaceX的目标是每一个Block 5 助推器飞行10次,只有检查两次,最多100次翻新。

2018年5月11日,猎鹰9号FT Block 5 的处女航发射了 Bangabandhu-1 卫星。

2018年6月29日,猎鹰9号 Block 4 执飞了该版本的最后一个任务-发射龙飞船 CRS-15 到国际太空站。这也是一个由Block 4 到全 Block 5 执飞的过渡期。

The Moon lander (initially called ) was one of the candidates for the Google月球X大奖, whose developers SpaceIL(英语:SpaceIL) had secured a launch contract with Spaceflight Industries in October 2015. Its launch mass was 585 kg including fuel. After separating into a supersynchronous transfer orbit(英语:supersynchronous transfer orbit) with an apogee of 69,400 km, raised its orbit by its own power over two months and flew to the Moon. After successfully getting into lunar orbit, Beresheet attempted to land on the Moon on 11 April 2019 but failed.

The side boosters from the Arabsat-6A mission just 2.5 months before were reused on this flight and successfully returned to LZ-1 and LZ-2. The center core, in use for the first time, underwent the most energetic reentry attempted by SpaceX, and attempted a landing over 1,200千米(750英里) downrange, 30% further than any previous landing. This core suffered a thrust vector control failure in the center engine caused by a breach in the engine bay due to the extreme heat. The core thus failed its landing attempt on the drone ship due to lack of control when the outer engines shut down. For the first time one fairing half was successfully landed on the catch-net of the support ship GO (formerly ).

The booster used on this flight was the same used on SpaceX CRS-17(英语:SpaceX CRS-17) earlier in the year; originally, it was planned to reuse it again for the SpaceX CRS-19(英语:SpaceX CRS-19) mission later this year, but the plan was scrapped. For the first time, the twice flown 龙飞船 spacecraft also made a third flight. Also used for the first time was a gray-band painted where the RP-1 tank is located, to help with thermal conductivity and thus saving fuel during long coasts.

从2010年6月至2017年10月,猎鹰9号系列运载火箭共发射了44次,其中42次任务完全成功(成功率95.5%),1次部分成功(成功将主载荷送入轨道,但一个次级载荷进入了低于预期的轨道), SpaceX CRS-7(全部损失)。另外,Amos-6(英语:Amos-6)于发射前在发射台上为静态点火测试作准备时因爆炸被摧毁。24次火箭回收尝试中有19次成功(成功率79.2%)。



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