
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-22 16:31:04 #奥林匹克运动会,奥运项目,各种体育运动,各综合运动会比赛项目



     水上运动 –     皮划艇 –     自行车 –     体操 –     排球 –     马术 –     摔跤





1 军事巡逻,见下文。


Many sports are not recognized as Olympic sports although their governing bodies are recognized by the IOC. Such sports, if eligible under the terms of the Olympic Charter, may apply for inclusion in the program of future Games, through a recommendation by the IOC Olympic Programme Commission, followed by a decision of the IOC Executive Board and a vote of the IOC Session. When Olympic demonstration sports were allowed, a sport usually appeared as such before being officially admitted. An International Sport Federation (IF) is responsible for ensuring that the sport's activities follow the Olympic Charter. When a sport is recognized the IF become an official Olympic sport federation and can assemble with other Olympic IFs in the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF, for summer sports contested in the Olympic Games), Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWS, for winter sports contested in the Olympic Games) or Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations (ARISF, for sports not contested in the Olympic Games). A number of recognized sports are included in the program of the World Games, a multi-sport event run by the International World Games Association, an organization that operates under the patronage of the IOC. Since the start of the World Games in 1981, a number of sports, including badminton, taekwondo, and triathlon have all subsequently been incorporated into the Olympic program.

The governing bodies of the following sports, though not contested in the Olympic Games, are recognized by the IOC:

1 世界运动会官方项目
2 过去奥运项目
3 无法列为奥运项目因为不能使用机械动力
4 2013年棒球和垒球的理事机构合并成为一个国际联合会。


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