Bark lice are found on foliage, under bark, or in leaf litter. Most species are microbial surface feeders, some species feed on dead insects and a few species, known as 啮虫目, eat paper products. Many species live gregarious(英语:gregarious)ly. Mating behavior can be elaborate.
The body of a louse is dorsoventrally flattened and the eyes are absent or nearly so. The legs are strong for holding onto fur or feathers of the host. Amblycera have chewing mouthparts, and Anoplura have true sucking mouthparts with stylets(英语:Stylet (anatomy)). Chewing lice feed on feathers, hair and skin surface detritus, whereas sucking lice feed exclusively on blood. Most species of lice are host specific, with the sucking lice being more host specific than chewing lice. There is strong evidence for host-parasite coevolution in some groups. Because lice are wingless, transfer between hosts usually involves direct contact during mating, brooding and nursing of young, sharing of communal nest sites or even during predator-prey interactions. Lice have the fewest life stages of any insect (egg, 3 larval instars, and adult).
缨翅目(Thysanoptera)为体型微细(体长0.5至5 mm)之昆虫:35,包括有5500个物种,按其产卵管(即其第十腹节:38)之形态再细分为两个亚目: