
✍ dations ◷ 2025-03-07 10:48:20 #委内瑞拉国旗



2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag1811

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag1811

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag1813

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag1813-1814

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag1817-1819

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 大哥伦比亚 1819-1830

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 大哥伦比亚 1820-1830

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1830-1836

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1830-1836

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1836-1859

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1859

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1859

2:3Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag委内瑞拉共和国 1859-1863

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉合众国 1863-1905

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉合众国 1905-1930

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1930-2006

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1930-1954 政府旗

2:3 Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag 委内瑞拉共和国 1954-2006 政府旗

委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 (2006-至今)

委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 (2006-至今) 政府旗


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  • 扬·叙瑟扬·佩德·叙瑟(挪威语:Jan Peder Syse  聆听 帮助·信息,1930年11月25日-1997年9月17日),挪威保守党政治家。1983年至1985年担任产业大臣,1989年至1990年出任挪威首相。
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  • 长峯达也长峯达也(日语:長峯 達也,1971年10月6日-),日本男性动画演出家、动画导演。东映动画所属。出身于东京都日野市。日本大学艺术学院电影学系毕业后,进入东映动画上班。大学浪人时期加入魅力动作俱乐部(日语:AAC STUNTS)学习剑术的基础知识。2001年,以《大~集合!小魔女DoReMi》(第25话)作为演出家出道。 ※东映动画的系列导演阶级与其它动画公司的导演相同。