
✍ dations ◷ 2024-10-06 07:08:14 #血管收缩素II
1N9U, 1N9V, 2JP8, 2WXW, 2X0B· hormone activity · hormone activity · protein binding · growth factor activity · acetyltransferase activator activity · type 1 angiotensin receptor binding· extracellular region · extracellular region · extracellular space · extracellular space · extracellular space · soluble fraction· regulation of cell growth · blood vessel development · positive regulation of cytokine production · kidney development · blood vessel remodeling · angiotensin mediated vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure · renal response to blood flow involved in circulatory renin-angiotensin regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure · regulation of blood volume by renin-angiotensin · renin-angiotensin regulation of aldosterone production · regulation of renal output by angiotensin · regulation of blood vessel size by renin-angiotensin · brain renin-angiotensin system · cellular sodium ion homeostasis · cell-matrix adhesion · G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway · G-protein signaling, coupled to cGMP nucleotide second messenger · activation of phospholipase C activity by G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway coupled to IP3 second messenger · nitric oxide mediated signal transduction · cell-cell signaling · excretion · establishment of blood-nerve barrier · regulation of blood pressure · negative regulation of cell proliferation · response to cold · response to salt stress · positive regulation of activation of JAK2 kinase activity · positive regulation of endothelial cell migration · positive regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy · positive regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation · positive regulation of cholesterol esterification · negative regulation of endopeptidase activity · regulation of norepinephrine secretion · positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase cascade · response to muscle activity involved in regulation of muscle adaptation · regulation of vasoconstriction · regulation of proteolysis · extracellular matrix organization · negative regulation of cell growth · peristalsis · positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process · positive regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity · low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling · positive regulation of multicellular organism growth · regulation of cell proliferation · hormone metabolic process · drinking behavior · positive regulation of apoptosis · positive regulation of catalytic activity · positive regulation of MAPKKK cascade · negative regulation of neuron apoptosis · cellular lipid metabolic process · positive regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process · positive regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway · positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent · positive regulation of organ growth · astrocyte activation · positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation · regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity · smooth muscle cell proliferation · positive regulation of inflammatory response · positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation · positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity · smooth muscle cell differentiation · negative regulation of nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway · positive regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity · positive regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis血管收缩素(Angiotensin),亦称血管紧张素、血管张力素,是一种寡肽类激素,是肾素-血管收缩素系统(renin-angiotensin system)的重要组成部分。血管紧张素能引起血管收缩,升高血压;促进肾上腺皮质释放醛固酮。它也具有很强的致渴作用。血管紧张素的前体是由肝脏合成的一种血清球蛋白:血管紧张素原。血管紧张素最早于20世纪30年代末由美国印第安纳和阿根廷的研究人员分别独立分离,并被分别命名为Angiotonin和Hypertensin,后来被美国克利夫兰诊所和瑞士巴塞尔的汽巴实验室(Ciba Laboratories)描述并合成。血管紧张素原是一种主要由肝脏持续合成并释放入血液循环的α-2球蛋白。它属于丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制物超家族(serine protease inhibitors,serpin),虽然就目前所知它不能抑制任何酶的活性。皮质激素、雌激素、甲状腺素和血管紧张素II可增高血浆血管紧张素原含量。血管紧张素原是肾素的底物。人血管紧张素原包含452个氨基酸残基,而其他物种的血管紧张素原大小有所不同。它的N-端12个氨基酸残基由于关系到其活性而最为重要。血管紧张素Ⅰ由肾素作用于血管紧张素原形成。肾素能催化血管紧张素原亮氨酸(Leu)与缬氨酸(Val)间的肽键水解产生十肽血管紧张素I;血管紧张素Ⅰ基本没有生物学活性,而是作为血管紧张素Ⅱ的前体存在。血管紧张素I经血管紧张素Ⅰ转化酶剪切C-末端两个氨基酸残基而形成血管紧张素Ⅱ。血管紧张素II是一种可通过内分泌、自分泌/旁分泌以及胞内分泌发挥作用的激素。血管紧张素Ⅱ通过血管紧张素酶降解为血管紧张素Ⅲ,其在循环系统的半衰期约为30秒,而在组织中最长可达15至30分钟。相比较血管紧张素Ⅱ而言,血管紧张素Ⅲ(七肽)仍具有40%的升压活性和100%的促醛固酮分泌活性。血管紧张素Ⅳ(六肽)与血管紧张素Ⅲ相似,而活性更低。Template:Angiotensin receptor modulators(英语:Template:Angiotensin receptor modulators)


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