巴东勿刹国会议席是马来西亚的国会下议院议席之一,选区位于玻璃市内,于1994年创设至今,国会选区编号为P001。目前其下有五个州议席,分别是知知丁宜(英语:Titi Tinggi (state constituency))(N01)、柏斯里(英语:Beseri (state constituency))(N02)、朱宾(英语:Chuping (state constituency))(N03)、马打亚逸(英语:Mata Ayer (state constituency))(N04)和山丹(英语:Santan (state constituency))(N05)。现任国会议员为扎希迪,来自国民阵线巫统。
巴东勿刹国会议席于1994年马来西亚选举委员会重划选区时创立,其前身为加央国会议席(英语:Kangar (federal constituency))的一部分。
根据2018年3月30日颁布的宪报,巴东勿刹国会议席共分为27个投票区。提名中心与计票中心则位于柏斯里玛拉理科初级学院东姑赛布特拉礼堂(Dewan Tunku Syed Putra MRSM Beseri)。
1. Federal Government Gazette - Results of Contested Election and Statements of the Poll after the Official Addition of Votes, Parliamentary Constituencies for the State of Perlis (PDF). Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia. 28 May 2018 .
1. Federal Government Gazette - Results of Contested Election and Statements of the Poll after the Official Addition of Votes, Parliamentary Constituencies for the State of Perlis (PDF). Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia. 22 May 2013 .
1. Keputusan Pilihan Raya 2004: Perlis. Utusan Malaysia. 2004-03-23: 2.
1. Hasan Hamzah. Almanak Keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum: Parlimen & Dewan Undangan Negeri 1959-1999. Shah Alam: Anzagain Sdn. Bhd. 2004: 45. ISBN 983-037-152-2.
1. Hasan Hamzah. Almanak Keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum: Parlimen & Dewan Undangan Negeri 1959-1999. Shah Alam: Anzagain Sdn. Bhd. 2004: 40. ISBN 983-037-152-2.