
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-23 15:03:52 #AMD图形处理器,冶天科技,显卡,计算机比较,计算机硬件列表


1 Pixel pipelines : Render output units

1 Pixel pipelines : Render output units

1 Pixel pipelines : Vertex shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 OpenGL 1.0 (Generic 2D) is provided through software implementations.

5.3, 5.9


5.3, 5.9


333 (DDR2)



333 (DDR2)



333 (DDR2)



1 Pixel pipelines : Vertex shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units


从性能高到低分别为RX 5700 XT 50周年纪念版、RX 5700 XT、RX 5700、RX 5600 XT、RX 5600、RX 5500 XT等。

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units.

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units.

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units.

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units.
2 Unified Shaderss : Texture mapping units : Render output units

1 Unified Shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 TDP specified for AMD reference designs, includes CPU power consumption. Actual TDP of retail products may vary.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 TDP specified for AMD reference designs, includes CPU power consumption. Actual TDP of retail products may vary.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

While the desktop versions are code-named "Sea Islands", the mobile GPUs of the AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series are code-named "Crystal Series": "Vesuvius", "Topaz" and "Amethyst".

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 The effective data transfer rate of GDDR5 is quadruple its nominal clock, instead of double as with other DDR memory.

1 Vertex shaders : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping unit : Render output units
2 Unified shaders : Texture mapping unit : Render output units

1 Vertex shader : Pixel shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units

1 Pixel shaders : Vertex shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
2 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units
3 10.4 GB/s texture bandwidth. 7.6 GB/s framebuffer bandwidth.


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