在人体解剖学中,下腹壁动脉(Arteria epigastrica inferior)指的是外髂动脉(英语:external iliac artery)和上腹壁动脉的动脉吻合。与其伴行的有同名静脉下腹壁静脉(英语:inferior epigastric vein)。
下腹壁动脉会在腹膜下的结缔组织中微微向前行走,后沿腹股沟环的内缘上行一小段后继续上行,钻入横筋膜(英语:transversalis fascia)之间,并经过腹弓状线(英语:linea semicircularis)前方,于腹直肌和后方筋膜之间上行。
下腹壁动脉会形成数个分支,并会在肚脐上方与上胸动脉、上腹壁动脉,以及最下肋间动脉(英语:lower intercostal arteries)形成动脉吻合。
The interfoveolar ligament, seen from in front.
The internal mammary artery(英语:internal mammary artery) and its branches.
The arteries of the pelvis.
The iliac veins.
Dissection of side wall of pelvis showing sacral and pudendal plexuses.
Posterior view of the anterior abdominal wall in its lower half. The peritoneum is in place, and the various cords are shining through.
Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for arteries and inguinal canal.
Schema of the arteries arising from the external iliac and femoral arteries.