
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-25 06:10:46 #孔代亲王路易·德·奥尔良

路易·德·奥尔良(法语:Louis Philippe Marie Léopold d'Orléans,1845年11月5日-1866年5月24日)是法兰西奥尔良王室成员之一,被封为孔代亲王。他是历史记载上第一位访问澳大利亚洲的欧洲王室成员。

路易·德·奥尔良在1845年11月15日诞生于圣克卢,是奥马勒公爵亨利和两西西里的玛丽亚·卡洛丽娜的长子、法国人的国王路易-菲利普一世的孙子。他被封为孔代亲王,这个爵位最初为孔代家族所持有,随着路易六世·亨利·德·波旁-孔代的逝世,孔代家族彻底绝嗣。人们根据之前最有名的被称为“大孔代”(le Grand Condé)的孔代亲王的典故,将路易·德·奥尔良称之为“小孔代”(le petit Condé)1848年革命爆发后,他和他的家族流亡到英国。之后他在爱丁堡皇家高中就读,师从莱昂哈德·施密茨(英语:Leonhard Schmitz)

儅路易·德·奥尔良在20岁时,他的父亲为他安排了一场为期十八个月的环球航行。在他的父亲看来,这次环游在欧洲之外的旅行所穿越的地区气候能改善他虚弱的健康状况。1866年2月14日,路易·德·奥尔良与他的私人医生保罗·金戈特(Paul Gingeot)以及他的表兄阿朗松公爵斐迪南王子(英语:Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Alençon)在南安普敦乘坐一艘由英国铁行轮船公司所有的名为“蒙古利亚号”的邮轮开始了他的旅行。这场旅行计划经过埃及、锡兰、澳大利亚、新西兰、爪哇岛、中国、日本和印度。路易·德·奥尔良尤其对澳大利亚感兴趣;他尤其为澳洲的异域风景而着迷


4月8日,“孟买号”到达了位于西澳大利亚西南海岸的一处名为乔治王湾(英语:King George Sound)的海湾。路易·德·奥尔良在一位来自昆士兰的富商的陪同下在奥班尼上岸,并在那里会见了奥班尼首席治安官亚历山大·坎贝尔爵士等人

4月13日,“孟买号”进入墨尔本港口。路易·德·奥尔良想尽快进入雪梨,决定在回程中游览这座城市。于是“孟买号”继续经过南澳大利亚、维多利亚和新南威尔士的殖民地,经过豪角(英语:Cape Howe)与澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山脉

在1866年4月16日,“孟买号”在杰克逊港停靠。 路易·德·奥尔良对这个城市印象深刻,并将其与世界各地的老城区进行了比较。

尽管一些人包括新南威尔士州州长第一代利斯加尔男爵约翰·杨恩爵士(英语:John Young)为路易·德·奥尔良和他的旅伴提供更好的居所,但他决定还是在位于教堂山圣菲利普教堂(英语:St. Philip’s Church)附近的的佩蒂酒店居住。在接下来的五周里,路易·德·奥尔良在他的身体逐渐好转的情况下,参观了悉尼大学、澳洲博物馆、雪梨皇家植物园和雪梨医院(英语:Sydney Hospital),在此期间他会见了雪梨大学校长、爱德华·迪亚斯·汤姆森(英语:Edward Deas Thomson)、皇家植物园的主管查尔斯·摩尔(英语:Charles Moore)等当地政要。他的其他短途旅行经过巴拉马打、温莎和库拉宗(英语:Kurrajong)

On 12 May 1866 he received news of the death of his grandmother, Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily, which affected him badly and this, together with a cold, that he had picked up during his trip to Manly, caused his health to noticeably worsen. Dr. Gingeot ordered him to rest, but d’Orléans ignored him.

After a short-lived improvement, his health deteriorated rapidly, so that Dr. Gingeot sought the opinion of a second doctor. On the evening of 24 May, Louis d’Orléans died in Sydney in the presence of Dr. Gingeot, his valet and archdeacon McEnroe, who administered the last rites. On his death, the title of Prince of Condé died out for a second, and final, time.

Over the next few days, various public figures visited Petty's Hotel, including Governor John Young, Alfred Stephen, the Premier of New South Wales James Martin, Commodore Sir William Wiseman and the Consuls of the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium and Brazil, in order to pay their last respects to d’Orléans. Louis Sentis, the French consul, unlike his peers, went as a private individual, because the French government did not recognise the claims of the House of Orléans to the French throne.

The funeral took place on 29 May 1866. A long procession, led by Bishop Aloys Elloy and about 20 clerics, accompanied the coffin from Petty's Hotel to Saint Mary’s Cathedral. Amongst the coffin bearers were the Governor, the , the Premier, Commodore Sir William Wiseman and the Belgian consul. Many businesses in Sydney closed during the funeral and the consulates lowered their flags to half mast.

Two thousand attended the requiem mass in Saint Mary’s Cathedral. Because Archbishop John Bede Polding was in Rome at the time, he was represented at the service by Aloys Elloy. After the end of the service the coffin and the silver container that held the heart of Louis d’Orléans were taken on board the which was anchored at Circular Quay. On 2 June 1866 the set sail for London with d’Orléans' remains. Also on board were Dr. Gingeot and the prince's retinue. The arrived in London on 11 September 1866.

After the end of the Second French Empire and the Paris Commune the family of Louis d’Orléans returned to France in 1871 from their exile in England. In 1885, the urn that contained the hearts of the Princes of Condé was placed in the chapel of Château de Chantilly. Here, too, is the final resting place of Louis d’Orléans' heart.

His mortal remains are in Chapelle Royale Saint-Louis in Dreux.


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