
✍ dations ◷ 2025-01-24 06:42:13 #ABS防锁死刹车系统
name = 'Transport', description = '交通', content = {{ type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', original = 'articulated bus', rule = 'zh-cn:铰接客车;zh-tw:双节公车;zh-hk:挂接巴士;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'BRT', rule = 'zh-cn:快速公交系统; zh-tw:公车捷运系统; zh-hk:巴士快速交通系统;zh-sg:快捷巴士系统;zh-my:快捷巴士系统;', description = 'BRT' }, { type = 'item', original = 'BRT', rule = 'zh-cn:快速公交; zh-tw:公车捷运; zh-hk:巴士快速交通;zh-sg:快捷巴士;zh-my:快捷巴士;', description = 'BRT' }, { type = 'item', original = 'bus', rule = '公车=>zh-cn:公交车; 公车=>zh-hk:巴士; 公车=>zh-sg:巴士; 公车=>zh-mo:巴士; 公车=>zh-my:巴士; 公交车=>zh-tw:公车; 公交车=>zh-hk:巴士; 公交车=>zh-sg:巴士; 公交车=>zh-mo:巴士; 公交车=>zh-my:巴士; 公交=>zh-tw:公车; 公交=>zh-hk:巴士; 公交=>zh-sg:巴士; 公交=>zh-mo:巴士; 公交=>zh-my:巴士; 公共汽车=>zh-tw:公共汽车; 公共汽车=>zh-hk:巴士; 公共汽车=>zh-sg:巴士; 公共汽车=>zh-mo:巴士; 公共汽车=>zh-my:巴士;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'bus lane', rule = 'zh-cn:公交专用道; zh-tw:公车专用道; zh-hk:巴士专线;zh-sg:巴士专用道;zh-my:巴士专用道;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'double-decker bus', rule = 'zh-cn:双层公共汽车;zh-tw:双层公车;zh-hk:双层巴士;zh-sg:双层巴士;zh-my:双层巴士;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'low-floor bus', rule = 'zh-cn:低地板公交车; zh-tw:低底盘公车; zh-hk:特低地台巴士;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'single-decker bus', rule = 'zh-cn:单层公共汽车;zh-tw:单层公车;zh-hk:单层巴士;zh-sg:单层巴士;zh-my:单层巴士;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'single-decker bus', rule = 'zh-cn:双铰接客车; zh-tw:三节公车; zh-hk:双挂接巴士;zh-sg:双铰接巴士;zh-my:双铰接巴士;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'roundabout', rule = 'zh-cn:环岛; zh-hk:回旋处; zh-tw:圆环;'},{ type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', original = 'automatic platform gate', rule = 'zh-cn:站台安全门;zh-hk:月台闸门;zh-tw:半高式月台门;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'brake', rule = 'zh-cn:制动; zh-hk:制动; zh-tw:制轫;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'brake', rule = 'zh-cn:制动机; zh-hk:制动机; zh-tw:轫机;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'bumper', rule = 'zh-cn:车挡器; zh-hk:止冲挡; zh-tw:止冲挡;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'carriage', rule = 'zh-hans:车厢;zh-hk:车卡;zh-tw:车厢;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'coil', rule = 'zh-cn:绕组; zh-hk:线圈; zh-tw:线圈;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'concourse', rule = 'zh-cn:站厅;zh-hk:大堂;zh-tw:大厅;zh-sg:大厅;zh-my:站厅' }, { type = 'item', original = 'container', rule = 'zh-cn:集装箱; zh-hk:货柜; zh-tw:货柜;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'crossover', rule = 'zh-cn:渡线; zh-hk:渡线; zh-tw:横渡线;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cross-platform interchange', rule = 'zh-cn:同站台换乘; zh-tw:同月台平行转乘; zh-hk:跨月台转车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cross-platform interchange', rule = 'zh-cn:同台换乘; zh-hk:跨月台转车; zh-tw:同月台转乘;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cross-platform interchange station', rule = 'zh-cn:同台换乘站; zh-tw:同月台平行转乘站; zh-hk:跨月台转车站;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'Diesel Multiple Unit', rule = 'zh-hant:柴油动车;zh-hans:柴油动车组;zh-cn:内燃动车组;zh-hk:柴油列车;zh-tw:柴联车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'digitization', rule = 'zh-cn:数字化; zh-tw:数字化; zh-hk:数码化;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'diode', rule = 'zh-cn:二极管; zh-tw:二极管; zh-hk:二极管;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'distance', rule = 'zh-hans:里程; zh-hk:距离; zh-tw:里程;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'electric multiple unit', rule = 'zh-cn:电力动车组;zh-hk:电动列车;zh-tw:电联车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'electric multiple unit', rule = '电车组=>zh-cn:电力动车组;电车组=>zh-hk:电动列车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'electrified', rule = 'zh-cn:电气化; zh-tw:电气化; zh-hk:电气化;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'enquiry', rule = 'zh-hans:问询;zh-hant:询问;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'equalizer', rule = 'zh-cn:均衡梁; zh-tw:均衡梁; zh-hk:均衡梁;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'four stroke', rule = 'zh-cn:四冲程; zh-tw:四行程; zh-hk:四冲程;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'GE', rule = 'zh-cn:通用电气; zh-tw:奇异; zh-hk:通用电气;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'GEC plc', rule = 'zh-cn:英国通用电气; zh-tw:英国通用电气; zh-hk:英国通用电气;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'interchange', rule = 'zh-cn:换乘; zh-tw:转乘; zh-hk:转乘;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'interchange station', rule = 'zh-cn:换乘站; zh-tw:转乘站; zh-hk:转车站;zh-sg:转换站;zh-my:换乘站;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'infill station', rule = 'zh-cn:新设站; zh-tw:增设站; zh-hk:增设车站;zh-sg:新设站;zh-my:新设站;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'line', rule = 'zh-cn:线路;zh-hk:路线;zh-tw:路线;zh-mo:路线;zh-sg:线路;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'maglev', rule = 'zh-hans:磁悬浮列车; zh-hant:磁浮列车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'module', rule = 'zh-cn:模块; zh-tw:模组; zh-hk:模组;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'monomotor', rule = 'zh-cn:单电机; zh-tw:单马达; zh-hk:单电机;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'motor', rule = 'zh-cn:电动机; zh-tw:马达; zh-hk:电动机;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'neutral zone', rule = 'zh-cn:分相区; zh-tw:中性区; zh-hk:中性区;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'operation', rule = 'zh-cn:运营;zh-hk:营运;zh-tw:营运;zh-sg:运营;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'overpass', rule = 'zh-cn:高架;zh-hk:架空;zh-tw:高架;zh-sg:高架;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'overhead line', rule = 'zh-cn:架空接触网;zh-hk:高架电缆;zh-tw:架空电车线;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'pantograph', rule = 'zh-cn:受电弓; zh-tw:集电弓; zh-hk:集电弓;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'platform', rule = 'zh-cn:站台; zh-tw:月台; zh-hk:月台; zh-my:站台;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'platform screen doors', rule = 'zh-cn:屏蔽门;zh-hk:月台幕门;zh-tw:月台门;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'stacked island platform', rule = 'zh-cn:叠岛式站台; zh-hk:岛叠式月台; zh-tw:岛叠式月台;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'stacked side platform', rule = 'zh-cn:叠侧式站台; zh-hk:侧叠式月台; zh-tw:侧叠式月台;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'Push–pull train', rule = '推拉式=>zh-cn:动力集中式;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'Power Car', rule = 'zh-cn:动车组动车; zh-tw:动力车卡; zh-hk:动力车卡;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'Power Car', rule = '动力机车=>zh-cn:动车组动车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'railway lines', rule = 'zh-hans:铁路线; zh-hant:铁路线;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'railway signal', rule = 'zh-cn:铁路信号; zh-tw:铁路号志; zh-hk:铁路讯号;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'signals', rule = 'zh-cn:信号机; zh-tw:号志机; zh-hk:讯号机;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'signals', rule = '号志=>zh-cn:信号; 号志=>zh-hk:讯号; 讯号=>zh-cn:信号;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cab signals', rule = 'zh-cn:机车信号;zh-tw:车载号志;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'signal station', rule = 'zh-cn:线路所; zh-tw:号志站; zh-hk:信号场;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'silicon controlled rectifier', rule = 'zh-cn:可控硅整流器; zh-hk:硅控整流器; zh-tw:硅控整流器;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'thyristor', rule = 'zh-cn:晶闸管; zh-hk:闸流体; zh-tw:闸流体;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'toshiba', rule = 'zh-cn:东京芝浦电气; zh-hk:东京芝浦电气; zh-tw:东京芝浦电气;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'traction motor', rule = 'zh-cn:牵引电动机; zh-tw:牵引马达; zh-hk:牵引电动机;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'tram', rule = 'zh-cn:有轨电车; zh-tw:路面电车; zh-hk:有轨电车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'Tilting Train', rule = 'zh-cn:摆式; zh-tw:倾斜式; zh-hk:摆式;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'trailer', rule = 'zh-hans:动车组拖车;zh-hk:拖卡;zh-tw:无动力车卡;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'transfer', rule = 'zh-hans:换乘; zh-hant:转乘;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'two stroke', rule = 'zh-cn:二冲程; zh-tw:二行程; zh-hk:二冲程;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'through train', rule = 'zh-cn:贯通运营; zh-tw:直通运行; zh-hk:直通运行;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'morning rush hours', rule = 'zh-hans:早高峰; zh-tw:早上尖峰; zh-hk:早上繁忙;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'evening rush hours', rule = 'zh-hans:晚高峰; zh-tw:傍晚尖峰; zh-hk:傍晚繁忙;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:平峰; zh-tw:离峰; zh-hk:非繁忙;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:显示屏; zh-tw:显示器; zh-hk:显示屏;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:空气制动; zh-hk:空气制动; zh-tw:气轫;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:电气制动; zh-hk:电气制动; zh-tw:电轫;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:电传操纵空气制动; zh-hk:电传操纵空气制动; zh-tw:电子控制式气轫;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh:玻璃纤维; zh-hant:玻璃纤维; zh-hans:玻璃钢;'}, { type = 'item', original = , rule = 'zh-hans:乘降所; zh-tw:招呼站; zh-hk:无人站;'}, { type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', original = 'taxi', rule = 'zh:出租车;zh-cn:出租车;zh-tw:计程车;zh-hk:的士;zh-sg:德士;zh-my:的士(计程车);', description = },{ type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', original = 'bike', rule = 'zh-cn:自行车;zh-tw:脚踏车;zh-hk:单车;zh-sg:脚车;zh-my:脚车(自行车);', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'scooter', rule = 'zh-cn:踏板式摩托车;zh-hk:绵羊仔;zh-tw:速克达;', description = }, { type = 'item', original = 'elevator', rule = 'zh-cn:电梯; zh-hk:升降机; zh-tw:电梯;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'escalator', rule = 'zh-cn:滚梯; zh-hk:扶手电梯; zh-tw:电扶梯;'}, { type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:讴歌; zh-tw:Acura; zh-hk:极品;', original = 'Acura', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:阿尔法·罗密欧; zh-tw:爱快罗密欧; zh-hk:爱快; zh-my:爱快罗密欧;', original = 'Alfa Romeo', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:阿斯顿·马丁; zh-hk:雅士顿·马田; zh-tw:奥斯顿·马丁;', original = 'Aston Martin', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:奥迪; zh-tw:奥迪; zh-hk:奥迪;', original = 'Audi', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:奔驰; zh-tw:奔驰; zh-hk:平治; zh-sg:宾士; zh-my:奔驰;', original = 'Benz', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:宾利; zh-tw:宾特利; zh-hk:宾利;', original = 'Bentley', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:甲壳虫汽车; zh-tw:金龟车; zh-hk:甲虫车; zh-my:甲虫车; ', original = 'Beetle', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:甲壳虫汽车; zh-tw:金龟车; zh-hk:甲虫车; zh-my:甲虫车; ', original = 'Beetle', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:宝马; zh-tw:BMW; zh-hk:宝马; zh-sg:BMW; zh-my:宝马; ', original = 'Beetle', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:布加迪; zh-tw:布卡堤; zh-hk:布佳迪;', original = 'Bugatti', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:宝来; zh-hk:Bora; zh-tw:Bora;', original = 'Bora', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:别克; zh-tw:别克; zh-hk:标域;', original = 'Buick', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:克莱斯勒; zh-hk:佳士拿; zh-tw:克莱斯勒;', original = 'Chrysler', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:凯迪拉克; zh-tw:凯迪拉克; zh-hk:佳特力;', original = 'Cadillac', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:凯美瑞; zh-hk:Camry; zh-tw:Camry;', original = 'Camry', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:戴姆勒; zh-hk:丹拿; zh-tw:戴姆勒;', original = 'Daimler', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:丹尼斯; zh-hk:丹尼士;', original = 'Dennis', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:菲亚特; zh-tw:飞雅特; zh-hk:快意; zh-sg:飞霞;', original = 'Fiat', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:依维柯; zh-tw:威凯; zh-hk:欧霸;', original = 'Iveco', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:捷达; zh-tw:Jetta;', original = 'Jetta', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:捷豹; zh-tw:捷豹; zh-hk:捷豹;', original = 'Jaguar', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:柯尼赛格; zh-tw:科尼赛克; zh-hk:科尼赛克;', original = 'Koenigsegg Automotive AB', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:蓝旗亚; zh-tw:兰吉雅; zh-hk:领先;', original = 'Lancia', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:路虎; zh-hk:越野路华; zh-tw:荒原路华;', original = 'Land Rover', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:兰博基尼; zh-tw:蓝宝坚尼; zh-hk:林宝坚尼; zh-my:蓝宝基尼;', original = 'Lamborghini', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:雷克萨斯; zh-tw:凌志; zh-hk:凌志; zh-sg:立胜; zh-my:凌志;', original = 'Lexus', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:曼恩; zh-hk:猛狮; zh-tw:MAN;', original = 'MAN', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:马自达; zh-tw:马自达; zh-hk:万事得;', original = 'Mazda', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:迈凯伦; zh-hk:麦拿仑; zh-tw:麦拉伦;', original = 'McLaren', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:梅赛德斯; zh-tw:梅赛德斯; zh-hk:梅斯特斯; zh-sg:马赛地;', original = 'Mercedes', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hant:梅赛德斯-奔驰; zh-cn:梅赛德斯-奔驰; zh-tw:梅赛德斯-奔驰; zh-hk:梅赛德斯-平治; zh-sg:马赛地-宾士; zh-my:马赛地-奔驰;', original = 'Mercedes-Benz', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = '奥林比安=>zh-cn:奥林匹克; 奥林比安=>zh-tw:奥林匹克; 奥林比安=>zh-sg:奥林匹克;', original = 'Olympian', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:帕萨特; zh-hant:Passat;', original = 'Passat', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:普利茅斯; zh-tw:顺风; zh-hk:顺风;', original = 'Plymouth', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:斯堪尼亚汽车; zh-tw:Scania汽车; zh-hk:斯堪尼亚汽车;', original = 'Scania AB', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:萨博; zh-tw:绅宝; zh-hk:绅宝; zh-sg:绅宝;', original = 'Saab AB', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:土星汽车; zh-tw:钍星汽车; zh-hk:土星汽车;', original = 'SATURN', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh:西亚特汽车; zh-cn:西亚特; zh-tw:喜悦汽车; zh-hk:西雅汽车;', original = 'SEAT', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:斯柯达; zh-tw:Skoda; zh-hk:斯高达;', original = 'Skoda', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:斯巴鲁; zh-tw:速霸陆; zh-hk:富士汽车; zh-my:Subaru;', original = 'Subaru', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:丰田牛魔王; zh-tw:丰田Supra; zh-hk:丰田Supra;', original = 'Toyota Supra', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:沃克斯豪尔; zh-tw:Vauxhall; zh-hk:获素', original = 'Vauxhall', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:大众汽车; zh-tw:福斯汽车; zh-hk:福士汽车; zh-sg:福士伟根汽车', original = 'Volkswagen', description = '避免跟“黎民大众”等词汇混淆' }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:大众集团; zh-tw:福斯集团; zh-hk:福士集团; zh-sg:福士伟根集团', original = 'Volkswagen Group', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:沃尔沃; zh-tw:富豪; zh-hk:富豪; zh-my:富豪;', original = 'Volvo', description = }, { type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:安全气囊; zh-hk:安全气袋; zh-tw:安全气囊;', original = 'air bag', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:无级; zh-tw:无段;', original = 'continuously variable', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:敞篷; zh-tw:敞篷; zh-hk:开篷;', original = 'convertible', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:发动机; zh-tw:引擎; zh-hk:引擎; zh-sg:引擎;', original = 'engine', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-tw:主管级房车; zh-hk:行政轿车; zh-cn:行政轿车;', original = 'executive cars', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:掀背; zh-tw:掀背; zh-hk:揭背;', original = 'hatchback', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:混动; zh-hk:混燃;', original = 'hybrid power', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = '厢型车=>zh-cn:面包车; 面包车=>zh-tw:厢型车;', original = 'van', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = '面包车=>zh-hk:客货车;', original = 'van', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:后视镜; zh-hk:倒后镜; zh-tw:后视镜;', original = 'rearview mirror', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:前护栅; zh-tw:水箱罩; zh-hk:鬼面罩;', original = 'spindle grille', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:悬挂; zh-tw:悬吊;', original = 'suspension', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:变速器; zh-hk:波箱; zh-tw:变速箱;', original = 'transmission', description = }, { type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:雨刷; zh-hk:水拨; zh-tw:雨刷;', original = 'wiper', description = }, { type = 'text', text = [[]] }, { type = 'item', original = 'airbus', rule = 'zh-cn:空中客车; zh-hk:空中客车; zh-tw:空中客车;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'airport terminal', rule = 'zh-cn:航站楼; zh-tw:航厦; zh-hk:客运大楼; zh-mo:客运大楼; zh-sg:搭客大厦;'}, { type = 'item', original = 'passenger terminal', rule = '客运航厦=>zh-cn:客运航站楼; 客运航厦=>zh-tw:客运航厦; 客运航厦=>zh-hk:客运大楼; 客运航厦=>zh-sg:搭客大厦'}, { type = 'item', original = 'passenger terminal', rule = '客运航站楼=>zh-cn:客运航站楼; 客运航站楼=>zh-tw:客运航厦; 客运航站楼=>zh-hk:客运大楼; 客运航站楼=>zh-sg:搭客大厦'}, { type = 'item', original = 'passenger terminal', rule = '客运航站楼=>zh-cn:客运航站楼; 客运航站楼=>zh-tw:客运航厦; 客运航站楼=>zh-hk:客运大楼; 客运航站楼=>zh-sg:搭客大厦'}, { type = 'item', original = 'passenger terminal', rule = '客运航厦=>zh-cn:客运航站楼; 客运航厦=>zh-tw:客运航厦; 客运航厦=>zh-hk:客运大楼; 客运航厦=>zh-hk:搭客大厦'}, { type = 'item', original = 'satellite terminal', rule = 'zh-cn:卫星楼; zh-tw:卫星航厦; zh-hk:卫星楼'}, { type = 'item', original = 'satellite concourse', rule = 'zh-cn:卫星厅; zh-tw:卫星廊厅; zh-hk:卫星廊'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cargo terminal', rule = 'zh-cn:货运航站楼; zh-tw:货运航厦; zh-hk:货运大楼'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cargo terminal', rule = '货运航站楼=>zh-cn:货运航站楼; 货运航站楼=>zh-tw:货运航厦; 货运航站楼=>zh-hk:货运大楼'}, { type = 'item', original = 'cargo terminal', rule = '货运航厦=>zh-cn:货运航站楼; 货运航厦=>zh-tw:货运航厦; 货运航厦=>zh-hk:货运大楼'},{ type = 'item', original = 'control tower', rule = 'zh-cn:控制塔; zh-tw:塔台; zh-hk:控制塔'},{ type = 'item', original = 'boarding gate', rule = 'zh-cn:登机口; zh-tw:登机门; zh-hk:登机闸口;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'boarding pass', rule = 'zh-cn:登机牌; zh-tw:登机证; zh-hk:登机证;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'taxi', rule = 'zh-cn:出租车;zh-tw:计程车;zh-hk:的士;zh-sg:德士;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'lobby', rule = 'zh-cn:大厅; zh-tw:大厅; zh-hk:大堂;zh-sg:大堂;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'hub', rule = 'zh-cn:基地航空公司; zh-tw:枢纽航空公司; zh-hk:枢纽航空公司;zh-sg:枢纽航空公司;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'inch', rule = 'zh-cn:英尺; zh-tw:英尺; zh-hk:呎;zh-sg:呎;' }, { type = 'text', text = [[]] },{ type = 'item', original = '台北', rule = 'zh-cn:台北;zh-hk:台北;zh-tw:台北;zh-mo:台北;zh-sg:台北' },{ type = 'item', original = 'Chennai', rule = 'zh-cn:金奈; zh-tw:清奈; zh-hk:清奈;' },{ type = 'item', original = 'ดินแดนสุวรรณภูมิ', rule = 'zh-cn:素万那普; zh-tw:苏凡纳布; zh-hk:苏万那普;zh-sg:素万那普' }, { type = 'item', original = 'กระบี่', rule = 'zh-cn:甲米;zh-hk:喀比;zh-tw:喀比;zh-sg:甲米' }, { type = 'item', original = 'ภูเก็ต', rule = 'zh-cn:普吉;zh-hk:布吉;zh-tw:普吉;zh-sg:普吉' }, { type = 'item', original = 'U-Tapao', rule = 'zh-cn:乌塔保;zh-hk:乌达堡;zh-tw:乌打抛;zh-sg:乌塔保' },{ type = 'item', original = 'Heathrow', rule = 'zh-hans:希思罗; zh-hk:希斯路; zh-tw:希斯洛; zh-mo:希斯路;' },{ type = 'item', original = 'دبي', rule = 'zh-cn:迪拜;zh-hk:迪拜;zh-tw:迪拜;zh-mo:迪拜;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'أبو ظبي', rule = 'zh-cn:阿布扎比;zh-tw:阿布扎比;zh-hk:阿布扎比;' },{ type = 'item', original = 'Sydney', rule = 'zh-cn:悉尼;zh-hk:悉尼;zh-tw:雪梨;zh-mo:悉尼;' },{ type = 'item', original = 'İstanbul', rule = 'zh-cn:伊斯坦布尔;zh-sg:伊斯坦布尔;zh-hk:伊斯坦布尔;zh-tw:伊斯坦布尔;' }, { type = 'item', original = 'Atatürk', rule = 'zh-cn:阿塔图尔克;zh-sg:阿塔图尔克;zh-hk:阿塔图克;zh-tw:阿塔图克;' },{ type = 'item', original = 'Kenya', rule = 'zh-cn:肯尼亚;zh-hk:肯雅;zh-tw:肯亚' },}, }防抱死制动系统(Anti-lock Braking System,缩写:ABS),由罗伯特·博世有限公司所开发的一种在摩托车和汽车中使用,能够避免车辆失控,并一般能减少制动距离,以提高车辆安全性的技术。紧急制动或者是在冰雪路面等低附着系数路面上制动时,由于制动力超过路面能提供的最大附着能力,滚动的车轮与路面之间趋向打滑,车轮趋向抱死。车轮抱死后将丧失侧向附着能力,不能够承受侧向力,一般前轮抱死导致汽车丧失转向能力,后轮抱死会引起汽车甩尾、失稳。防抱死刹车系统根据各车轮角速度信号,计算得到车速、车轮角减速度、车轮滑移率;依据上述信息,防抱死刹车系统在车轮趋向抱死时减小制动力,车轮角减速度或滑移率在一定范围时保持制动力,车轮转速升高后恢复制动力。由于作动十分迅速,所以看似点放刹车。装有ABS系统的汽车在使用刹车时,刹车踏板会有上下震动的现象。但是这属于正常的现象。一般驾驶在遭遇紧急情况时,通常会因紧张使劲的踩死刹车,如果没有ABS控制刹车动作,轮胎通常会因为刹车制动力道过大而抱死、打滑。一般驾驶的反应能力通常来不及正确掌控刹车的力道或进行人工ABS(点放刹车),但ABS却有能力调控每个车轮的刹车动作,使其接近理想化。ABS不是仅仅为了缩短车辆的刹车距离,有些情况下刹车距离甚至会增加,它的主要目的在于使行驶中之车辆在刹车过程中完全处于受控制的状态,而不至因为轮胎抱死而使车辆失去控制。在普通沥青路面上,特别是在路面湿滑的情况下,ABS能够明显改善车辆的刹车动作,缩短刹车距离。因为据试验证明,滑移率约15%的轻微抱死情况下,地面提供的附着能力最大,从而使得车辆能更快地减速,而ABS系统能调整制动力,车轮趋近于此理想状况。在松软的路面上,比如沙地、雪地,ABS会明显增加刹车距离。因为在这种情况下锁紧的车轮会挤压路面而形成隆起,进而陷入土堆,而使用ABS的车辆则能轻易越过跟减少这样的隆起。这使具备ABS的车辆在野外或雪地能更轻易的操控。ABS能够加强车辆在各种情况下的操纵性,一般的驾驶者在急刹车过程中仍然能够绕过障碍物,这在没有ABS的状况下几乎是不可能办到的,从而可以大大提升驾驶安全性。不过在大部分国际赛车活动,如勒芒24小时耐力赛,为考验赛车手真正的驾车能力,所使用的赛车多数都不准使用ABS。


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