英国皇家鸟类保护协会(Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)是英国的一个慈善组织, 成立于1889年。 它不断通过组织公共宣传活动、请愿和协会的自然保护区来促进鸟类和环境的保护。
1889年,艾米莉·威廉姆森在曼彻斯特迪兹伯里的自宅(现在的弗莱彻苔藓植物园)创立了羽衣联盟(The Plumage League),成立宗旨是反对用凤头鸊鷉和海鸥的皮与羽毛制作裘衣。该组织之后与毛皮和羽毛联盟(Fur and Feather League)在克罗伊登合并成现今的英国皇家鸟类保护协会。
英国皇家鸟类保护协会不断吸引一些社会地位较高的妇女的支持。渐渐地,协会也开始吸引许多其他影响力较高的人物,且不分男女,如鸟类学家教授Alfred Newton。协会得到了较好的发展,吸引了许多新成员。成立仅15年后,协会便得到了爱德华七世的皇家宪章。英国皇家鸟类保护协会还帮助英国议会推出了禁止用羽毛制作服装的法律。
现在,英国皇家鸟类保护协会与公务员一起工作,并同这些公务员一起向政府提供关于环保的政策。 在英国,它是协助编写官方所有已发现鸟类的保护状态列表的组织之一。
英国皇家鸟类保护协会在英国拥有超过200多个自然保护区 ,拥有各种栖息地 保护区通常有专门用来观鸟的观鸟屋,在那里游客还可以查询到很多信息,其中包括了在那里可以看到的野生动物的相关信息。
英国皇家鸟类保护协会称:“RSPB Medal是该协会的最高奖项。”它被用于表彰在野生鸟类郊区的保护方面有杰出贡献的人。一般每年颁发给一个人,偶尔会颁发给两个人。
1903年4月,杂志第一次出版,当时杂志的名字叫做Bird Notes and News(ISSN0406-3392)1947年,名字被改为。。
1947年,的标题改为。在20世纪50年代,杂志每年发布四次,(每逢三月,六月,九月和十二月的第一天发布一次)。Each volume covered two years, spread over three calendar years. For example, volume XXV (25), number one was dated Winter 1951, and number eight in the same volume was dated Autumn 1953.
From the mid-1950s, many of the covers were by Charles Tunnicliffe. Two of the originals are on long-term loan to the Tunnicliffe gallery at Oriel Ynys Môn, but in 1995 the RSPB sold 114 at a Sotheby's auction, raising £210,000, the most expensive being a picture of a partridge which sold for £6,440.
successor (ISSN 1367-983X) replaced it immediately, with volume 1, number 1 being the January–February 1966 edition. Issues were published quarterly, numbered so that a new volume started every other year.
The Autumn 2013 edition, dated August–October 2013, being vol. 25 no. 7, was the last.
had eleven credited editors during its 47-year, 199 edition run. There were some dual editorships at times of change-over.
英国皇家鸟类保护协会主要依靠协会成员的资助来获取资金。截至2006年,协会超过50%的资产来自订阅杂志、捐赠和遗赠,合计53669000英镑。作为一个已注册过的慈善机构,the organisation is entitled to gift aid worth an extra £0.28 on every £1.00 donated by income taxpayers. It also receives contractual payments from clean energy utilities and financiers of renewable energy solutions, when its members sign up as clients. The bulk of the income (£63.757 million in 2006) is spent on conservation projects, maintenance of the reserves and on education projects, with the rest going on fundraising efforts and reducing the pension deficit, worth £19.8 million in 2006.
The RSPB is funded primarily by its members; in 2006, over 50% of the society's £88 million income came from subscriptions, donations and legacies, worth a total of £ 53.669 million. As a registered charity, the organisation is entitled to gift aid worth an extra £0.28 on every £1.00 donated by Income_tax payers. It also receives contractual payments from clean energy utilities and financiers of Renewable_energy solutions, when its members sign up as clients. The bulk of the income (£63.757 million in 2006) is spent on conservation projects, maintenance of the reserves and on education projects, with the rest going on fundraising efforts and reducing the pension deficit, worth £19.8 million in 2006.