
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-24 02:14:06 #齿股蝇属,家蝇科,1830年描述的昆虫

齿股蝇属(学名:)是家蝇科之下一个双翅目昆虫的属。虽然几乎全球都可见到本属物种的踪影,但在较温暖的气候更常见。在夏季,它们时常会在粪便上出现,在家畜的排遗附近很常见。本属已知物种有超过130种,当中最常见的为Hydrotaea aenescens(英语:Hydrotaea aenescens)。

如同其他同科的属,本属物种无论在经济方面或公共卫生方面都具有司法科学领域的重要性。无论是在人类医学或兽医学这两方面,本属物种均被多个权威机构认定为最重要的昆虫。已证明部分本属物种会将某些疾病的病原体携带并传播给温血动物,包括人类。研究人员继续监测这些疾病的传播媒介,因为它们与小母牛的乳房发生的夏季乳房炎(summer mastitis)的传播有关。


幼体e of this genus are often 多态性 (生物学) obligate 肉食动物s. The second and third instar(英语:instar)s are predators, and the first is also carnivorous in some species. Some species have 同类相食 final instars. The smallest larvae are under 6 mm and the largest are up to 16 mm. The abdomen has ventral welts and large 气门s with Sinuosity(英语:Sinuosity) slits.

Adults commonly feed on the 血液 of 哺乳动物s. They are able to reopen wounds that are almost completely healed. Mouthpart 形态学 (生物学) in the genus ranges from sponging mouthparts to mouths with rasping teeth. Many species have enlarged prestomal teeth. The metathorax(英语:metathorax) spiracle is covered in long, thick seta(英语:seta)e. The average male is 6.5-8.5 mm and the average female is 5.75-7.5 mm. They are very light brown to bluish black with large, red eyes and plumose 触角.


The 生物生命周期 of has been studied in the field of 法医昆虫学. Mature flies seek out decay, preferably in material that has been dead for an extended amount of time. Masses of 蛆s, which are often characteristic of other species of flies, are not typical of . The larvae of this species progress through three stages, or instar(英语:instar)s, which are then followed by the formation of a 蛹. The adult fly emerges from the pupa. The developmental process from egg to adult takes between 518.4 and 1555.6 hours, according to one study in Australia. Development is more rapid in warmer temperatures of 19~30 °C(66~86 °F). In cooler temperatures of 12~18 °C(54~64 °F), development may take up to 64.5 days.

The larvae of another species, the black dump fly (), inhabit fecal material and consume other larvae, including those of , the housefly. The black dump fly is commercially available for use in housefly control. It is also useful in forensics, as it may inhabit 尸体.

Some larvae are able to seek shelter underground in cold conditions.

Research has incriminated as a vector of summer mastitis(英语:mastitis), a 牛亚科 infection that can be caused by multiple suspected 细菌. The research allowed flies inoculated with select bacteria from a sample representing summer mastitis to come in contact with the udder(英语:udder)s of 家牛. The bacteria appeared in some of the cows and on the bodies of just over a third of the doctored flies. The evidence indicates that transmits the bacterial species , , , , , , and .

attacks many other warm-blooded animals, including humans.

also carries bacteria, particularly Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica(英语:Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica).

本属物种在世界各地司法科学个案方面有其重要性,因为这些物种的存在及数量显示了尸体现象(post-mortem interval,PMI)发生的时间。这些物种会在尸体开始分解作用之后四至五个月栖息于尸体之内。它们显示了尸体未有被火化,而且在较早期被丽蝇所栖息的期间已完结。 larvae may feed on each other and on other flies, such as blow-flies.

can be used to identify 药物s and to determining whether a body was relocated. can make up 70% of the muscid fly population on a corpse in forested habitat. may arrive at a decomposing body on the second day of decay, and may stay up to 34 days or until the body is 骨骼系统ized.


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