股动脉(拉丁语:arteria femoralis)来自外髂动脉,为供应下肢的主要动脉。 外髂动脉在经过腹股沟韧带深层后改名为总股动脉。之后总股动脉会分为股动脉及深股动脉,在股三角(英语:femoral triangle)中沿前内侧下行。股动脉之后会穿过内收肌管(英语:Adductor canal),并进入内收大肌(英语:Adductor magnus muscle),进入内收大肌后股动脉改名为腘动脉。
股动脉的起源处3到4公与股静脉(英语:femoral vein)伴行,包覆于股动脉鞘(英语:femoral sheath)之中。
在临床上,股动脉未分支出股深动脉以前又常被称为“股总动脉”(Common femoral artery)而股动脉的延续分支则又被称做股浅动脉(uperficial femoral artery)。
上臂动脉(英语:Brachial artery)与股动脉作用类似。
本条目使用了部分解剖术语,概述请参阅这里(英语:anatomical terminology)。
Structures surrounding right hip-joint.
Femoral sheath laid open to show its three compartments.
The femoral artery.
The spermatic cord in the inguinal canal.
Front of right thigh, showing surface markings for bones, femoral artery and femoral nerve.
Schema of arteries of the thigh.
Femoral artery and its major branches - right thigh, anterior view.
Illustration depicting main leg arteries (anterior view).
Femoral artery.Deep dissection.
Femoral artery.Deep dissection.