
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-26 00:11:11 #A-235反弹道导弹系统

A-235 PL-19 (俄语:Система А-235 / РТЦ-181М RTTs-181M / 努多利河(俄语:Нудоль (река)))是俄罗斯的第三代反弹道导弹系统与反卫星武器系统。 该系统用于保卫莫斯科地区。系统开发商是阿尔玛兹·安泰(英语:Almaz-Antey)。用以替换1989年部署使用至今的A-135反弹道导弹系统。二者主要差异是A-235使用常规弹头并机动部署。

使用升级过的顿河-2N雷达(英语:Don-2N radar)与测距雷达Don 2NP / 5N20P。制导系统类似于A-135。部署阵地未知。 根据2018年初报告,系统不会装备核弹头。莫斯科州的顿河-2N型雷达已经完成了现代化升级,可以探测到2200-3000公里外5厘米*5厘米的高空目标,或以2米的精度探测3700公里外的弹道导弹。A-235系统2018年底将在莫斯科周边部署。


Initially, the A-235 missile defense system was planned to have a three-echelon: long-range echelon with the A-925 missile, the middle echelon was the 58R6 firing complex, and the short-range flight was the PRS-1M missiles (the result of the upgrade of the PRS-1 missiles) . In the modified A-235 anti-missile and anti-space defense system, it is planned to use two-stage anti-missiles with high-explosive and nuclear warheads, providing it with the ability to shoot down hypersonic attack weapons, ballistic missiles and their combat units, as well as satellites in near space .

The task of developing a modernized version of the A-135 missile defense system was set out in Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 585-119 dated June 7, 1978 "On the construction of the A-135 system." The system was designed by the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering (NIIRP) of the Vimpel Central Scientific Industrial Association since 1986, general designer - A. G. Bassistov (to 1998), chief designer - B. P. Vinogradov (after the death of A. G. Basistov in 1998, B. P. Vinogradov replaced him as general designer of the NIIRP). In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 661-202 of July 15, 1985, NIIRP, as a subdivision of Vympel, is the leading enterprise of Russia in the multi-echelon ABM system as a whole, in the ground ABM system and in the information system for the ABM system. The first draft design of the ABM A-235 system was probably protected in 1985–1986. The Soviet government signed the state contract No. 406/1591 of January 31, 1991 with the NIIRP to modernize the missile defense system, work to expand the combat capabilities of the A-135 system in terms of increasing the distant border of the affected area, increasing the maneuverability of the missile, and equipping new missiles combat unit (all together - OCD "Samolet-M"). The name of the rocket-technical complex of the modernized missile defense system of Moscow - RTTs-181M. In accordance with the state contract, the readiness period of the upgraded version was set for 2015. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 163 dated February 17, 1995, the NIIRP was determined as the head enterprise for the modernization and improvement of the Moscow PRO system - the RTC-181 system - and the creation of the RTC-181M system . In 2011, the concern Almaz-Antey developed the working design documentation for the shooting complex 14TS033, the working design documentation for the first stage of the complex 14LS031 radar and the design of functional software. In 2012, the concern Almaz-Antey held an autonomous preliminary test of the components of the complex 14TS033. Experimental and combat training tests of the A-235 were planned to be held in 2013. At that time, experts did not point out any fundamental differences between the A-235 and the A-135 missile defense system . According to foreign media reports, on November 18, 2015, the first successful launch of the Nudol missile and the third launch in the missile test program of the complex took place. Presumably, the deployment site of the A-235 missile defense system will be the former base area of the A-135 missile defense system near Moscow. According to the plan, the complex will have the capabilities to intercept the warheads of ballistic missiles, as well as spacecraft . In May 2016, system elements were tested as part of the exercises of the Military Space Forces of the Russian Federation .

To solve these problems, the system was supposed to include the following elements: The letter-numeric indices of GRAU for individual elements of the complex are indicated in brackets.

Command and compute point.Automated control system.Means of detection, selection of targets and guidance Radar complex information support "Kiev".Multifunctional radar "Narva".Battle Means Shooting complexes "Kivach".Ilek fire complexes.Multichannel shooting complex "Amur".Optical-electronic aircraft-based complex "Onega", designed for atmospheric selection of the head parts of enemy ballistic missiles.The launch position of the anti-missile with the launch of missiles from transport-launch containers.Anti-missileslong range interception - A-925 (51T6),medium interception - an unidentified modification (58R6),short-range interception - IRS-1M (45T6), the result of the modernization of the rockets ORS-1 (53T6).Aids Vehicles for the transportation and deployment of system assets that ensure rapid deployment and coagulation of the system on the ground.Material and technical base.

As the military expert, reserve colonel M. Hodarenok notes: “The A-235 will be a classic version of the missile defense system. A very well-informed source in MIC personally told me about the system: “The work is being done, and very successfully.” Also, according to the expert, due to the secrecy of the project, accurate information on the A-235 system is currently not available, but it can be hypothetically assumed that the following three principles are taken into account in the tactical and technical task : first, the system must be capable of non-nuclear interception, since the earlier anti-missile projects were equipped with a nuclear warhead, which significantly narrowed the scope of their possible use, moreover, the use of anti-missiles with special charges Eski meant the beginning of nuclear war and eliminates the use within the limited armed conflict and other situations of this kind; secondly, the system must be mobile, without a rigid binding to any object or center; thirdly, it must provide interception at an altitude of at least 500–750 km, that is, at Low Earth Orbit].


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