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✍ dations ◷ 2025-03-05 01:57:08 #水原华城
水原华城(朝鲜语:수원 화성)或华城(朝鲜语:화성)是韩国京畿道水原市中央的一座堡垒。这个朝鲜堡垒由朝鲜王朝正祖从1794年到1796年建成,以纪念他的父亲庄献世子。庄献世子在不遵守他的父亲英祖自杀命令的情况下,被英祖命人关进米柜内活活饿死。华城位于首尔以南的30千米(19英里),围绕水原中央的大部分地区,堡垒包括金正王宫宫殿。1997年经联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。水原川是水原主要河川,会流经山城的中央。水原华城建筑工程根据建筑师丁若镛设计而进行,由1794年至1796年以两年半时间建成,丁若镛是一名实学运动的著名领导者。实学指实践学习,鼓励科学和工业的使用,正祖将当时韩国和中国的堡垒设计以及当代科学融入建造华城的计划之中。而使用砖作为华城的主要建筑材料以及投入丁氏设计的西洋式高效滑轮和起重机也是由于当时实学对朝鲜的影响。华城的建设也是作为万历朝鲜之役期间朝鲜前线崩溃的一种回应。当时在韩国建筑堡垒的主导模式是为城市或城镇作为一个简单的防御作用,华城还有一个单独的山地堡垒,人民在战争时期可以安全撤离到此地。然而,这个山城被建造成包括墙壁,防御堡垒和市中心的元素,四个主要门被用作城镇出入口的门。沿着城墙建成的突出型弩台,雉楼和炮楼,具有篱笆的栏杆和城垛,是堡垒的重要防御性元素,而墙壁也是抵档攻击的要点。华城总共耗资七十万人力,为当时的成本八十万七千两,还有支付1500袋大米给工人。过去政府的重大基建是以徭役方式进行,但在这种情况下,工人的工资是由政府直接支付的,另一个原因实学影响的标志。仁祖显然建起了这座堡垒,准备将首都从汉城迁往水原。水原被视为汉城与西海(黄海)和中国的战略地位。国王想要对朝鲜王朝不正之风进行改革,相信水原有潜力成为朝鲜王朝新的繁荣首都。为了鼓励水原的建设,他以一大笔特别政策去奖励人们以搬到水原,例如水原居民免税十年。而仁祖还下令建设教育设施等公共工程,以更好地促进水原成为国家首都,也籍此拱卫首都汉城。在正祖去世一段时间后,一张名为《华城城役仪轨》(韩语:화성성역의궤)的白纸在1800年被公开。在韩战期间,由于华城遭到严重破坏,在1970年开始进行十多年的的重建工程。这些数量按华城各部分划分,首先涵盖“华城城役仪轨”建筑计划,包括蓝图和监事名单。接下来“华城城役仪轨”的六卷详细说明了建筑物的实际执行情况,如皇室和工人工资记录。最后三卷是补充部分,详细说明了毗邻宫殿的建设。当时建设华城的人力由专业人员进行分配,按行业分工,将其分类为工头,石匠,劳工等等。“华城城役仪轨”还详细记录并说明了不同材料的使用量。法文版由法国驻韩国领事亨利·查华利亚(Henry Chevalier)出版,由德文版则参考赵斗元(韩语:조두원/Cho Doo-won)的论文来进行翻译。南暗门东北角楼南空心墩南水门烽墩城墙的长度为5.74公里(3.57英里),长度介乎于4至6米(13-20英尺)之间,最初包围约1.3平方公里(0.5平方英里)的土地。 在平坦的地形上,建造的城墙通常比通过两个山丘中的任何一个都高,因为较高的城墙被认为不太需要沿着山顶。护栏由石头和砖制成,像大多数山城一样,身高1.2米(4英尺)。所有部件维护良好,整个城墙都可以方便地行走。1795年的堡垒有四个门:长安门(北门),华西门(西),八达门(南)和苍龙门(东)。当中长安门和八达门是四大门之中最大的两个,它们与汉城的南大门屋顶设计,所选用的石材和木材极为相似。事实上,长安门是韩国最大的门。而北门和南门均设有两层的木制凉亭,华西门和苍龙门分别位于西门和东门,只有一层。 四个主要的大门都被由守卫人员组成的小型堡垒围护着。如今,水原“内城”需要大量居民和游客所需的现代化道路。这些大型道路是在城墙建成的过程中建成的,1975年的重建工程中只能保留这些道路。对于其中三条步道来说,这些步道已经被重建为两个相邻结构之间的桥梁:至于最大南入口,已经使用了更为激进的解决方案。四个结构(西南和东南门防守平台,南暗门和南空心墩)根本没有重建,现在的南门八达门仍然与华城其他部分隔绝,平日被一大堆交通工具所包围。在水原华城城墙上的所有结构(见下面的描述)中,最引人注目的是因为汉字在朝鲜语的发迿会出现同音异义,而炮楼和铺楼在谚文的发音都是포루,因而产生华城几个设防结构的命名冲突。根据官方权威文件《华城城役议轨》 (1801年), 为华城不同种类的设防结构取不同的名称是方便分类。这样就可以将炮台和铺楼分类。
以下图片集展示了这些结构在设计中的差异及作用性:东: 东炮楼 동炮楼东北: 东北炮楼 북동炮楼西北: 西北炮楼 북서炮楼西: 西炮楼 서炮楼南: 南炮楼 남炮楼东2: 东二铺楼 동2铺楼东1: 东一铺楼 동1铺楼东北: 东北铺楼 북동铺楼北: 北铺楼 북铺楼西: 西铺楼 서铺楼沿城墙的48个原始结构(包括已经消失的部分)可以按照其功能进行排序:其中四个结构被排除在重建之外。西南和东南门敌台,南暗门和南空心墩均位于南门(八达门)附近。它们将继续被清除,以提供游客和居民所需的现代化道路。这48个结构也可以如“首尔指南”般按照“城墙”列出, 或“亚洲历史建筑”
. 在这里,这些结构以南门(使用水原公共交通的接入点)开始以逆时针方向顺序列出。37°16′39″N 127°01′01″E / 37.27750°N 127.01694°E / 37.27750; 127.01694
八达门 (韩语:팔달문),通常被称为南门 (韩语:남문),坐落于水原市中心要道之圆环上。 Its stone base is capped with a two-storey wooden pavilion surrounded by a stone wall. A small, semi-circular protective wall known as an ongseong, is located on the south side (outside) of the gate. The gate also houses a bell called Paldalmun Dongjong, which was originally cast in Gaeseong in 1080 and was refounded in 1687 by Dohwaseung, the chief priest of Manuisa Temple, for use in Buddhist ceremonies. 123 cm tall and 75 cm in diameter, it hangs from a dragon-shaped suspension ring, has a flue pipe to set the tone and has a slightly curved body - features which are typical of Korean bells of that era. This particular bell's flue pipe has a design of the dragon's tail entwined around it and is topped with a lotus flower. The top of the bell has a line of Sanskrit words around it, while the bottom is decorated with arabesque designs. The decorative nipples are interspaced with Bodisattvas holding lotus flowers. The bell is very similar in design to that in Tongdosa, which differs notably from Paldalmun's only in size.由于在韩战期间八达门幸免于难,所以没有经历与城墙上其他结构的广泛重建。 因此,一些横梁已经广泛下垂,所以自2010年9月开始,八达门正在进行全面拆除,修理和重新组装门的屋顶。看不到交通工具的八达门南面和内城西面的黄昏的东面的夜晚从东南角楼的屋顶看华城南北门两旁都设有敌台。今天只剩下北门(长安门)得以保留。A:八达门; B:西南敌台 & 东南敌台; C:东南空心墩; D:南水门此门已经消失。仪轨设计图南空心墩, like that standing by Hwaseomun, was an observation tower standing beside the Suwoncheon. It is part of the section of Hwaseong which has not been restored.Uigwe picture南水门, meaning South Floodgate, sat across the Suwoncheon at the downstream end of the city walls. The gate was a little over a kilometre from Hwahongmun, the gate at the upstream end. Construction began on February 28, 1794, was interrupted, but continued in November 1795, the structure being completed on March 25, 1796, but having been fully operational since completion of its basic structure on January 16 that year. The bridge had nine arches for the water to flow beneath: two more than Hwahongmun because of increase in flow. Above the bridge there was a large brick structure instead of the usual gatehouse, as this section of Hwaseong was one of the most vulnerable. This took up two thirds of the space above the arches, the remaining third being the bridge.This gate was swept away in a flood in 1846. It was restored but washed away again by a flood in 1922. During the general restoration of the Fortress in 1975, no consensus was obtained on how to rebuild the gate, and the area remained reserved in its ancient status.The issue arose again during the rehabilitation of the entire Suwon Stream, inside and outside the Fortress, that was initiated in 2006.Concerning Namsumun, the restoration was launched in June 2010 and the restored floodgate is 29.4m long, 5.9m wide and 9.3m high. The inauguration was 2012-6-9.The Suwoncheon at the site of Namsumun (2008)Uigwe picture37°16′42″N 127°01′11″E / 37.27833°N 127.01972°E / 37.27833; 127.01972
东南角楼, sits on top of a small rise above the former location of Namsumun. Its location serves its purpose as a lookout tower well, as much of Hwaseong and the area outside to the south and east can been seen from here.The north sideFlag flying beside the pavilion reading 巡视.The exteriorAt nightUigwe picture37°16′44″N 127°01′13″E / 37.27889°N 127.02028°E / 37.27889; 127.02028
Dongsam Chi, the third eastern turret, lies halfway from the south-east pavilion to the second eastern sentry post. Like other turrets, it extends a short distance perpendicularly from the wall to enable guards to see and attack assailants who had already reached the fortress.Looking towards Dongnam GangnuThe south-east cornerSeen from outside37°16′49″N 127°01′14″E / 37.28028°N 127.02056°E / 37.28028; 127.02056
Dong-i Poru, the second eastern sentry post, like other sentry posts, is a wooden structure sitting on a turret. Construction of this post was completed on July 3, 1796 and it was intended to defend the beacon tower. For this purpose, it extends further out from the wall than the north-western sentry post. It also lacks wooden front doors.The stepsThe exteriorUigwe picture37°16′53″N 127°01′17″E / 37.28139°N 127.02139°E / 37.28139; 127.02139
烽墩, the beacon tower, sits midway from Paldalmun to Changnyongmun. It is located intentionally in direct line with Haenggung so that the king could see its signals. Smokes and lights were used to signal the state of threats. The southernmost of its five chimneys was used during peacetime.North sideSeen from Dong-i ChiDoorwayFrom the wallNorthern chimneys from insideSouthern chimney from insideThe exteriorUigwe picture37°16′57″N 127°01′20″E / 37.28250°N 127.02222°E / 37.28250; 127.02222
东二雉, the second eastern turret, like the other nine turrets around Hwaseong, allowed soldiers to look out in many directions along the exterior of the wall. Unlike the other two eastern turrets, the outer corners of this structure are rounded, the others forming sharp right angles.The north sideThe exterior37°17′01″N 127°01′23″E / 37.28361°N 127.02306°E / 37.28361; 127.02306
东炮楼, the eastern GunTower, lies between the two eastern turrets. Construction of the post was completed on July 16, 1796. As with other GunTowers in Hwaseong, the interior is of multiple levels to allow various angles for firearms and other weapons.The entranceSeen from Dong-i ChiSeen through a hole in Dong-i ChiThe exteriorUigwe picture37°17′05″N 127°01′27″E / 37.28472°N 127.02417°E / 37.28472; 127.02417
Dong-il Chi, the first eastern turret, is the first turret south of the first eastern sentry post, lying 148米(486英尺) along the wall towards the beacon tower.Inside the turretThe exterior37°17′09″N 127°01′28″E / 37.28583°N 127.02444°E / 37.28583; 127.02444
Dongil-SentryPost, the first eastern sentry post, was completed on July 10, 1796. Like the second eastern sentry post, it extends further from the wall than most posts.Looking south from the postThe exteriorUigwe picture37°17′16″N 127°01′31″E / 37.28778°N 127.02528°E / 37.28778; 127.02528
苍龙门 (창룡문), 通常被称为东门 (동문),它位处在一个主要的路口。它的石头基座上盖着数层木制的亭子。朝鲜战争期间东门被摧毁,及后在1975年进行重建。西面西面的夜景南面东面从内部观看角度从内部观看角度37°17′20″N 127°01′31″E / 37.28889°N 127.02528°E / 37.28889; 127.02528
Dongbuk Nodae is one of two crossbow platforms in the fortress and is situated within reach of the east gate and has a wide field of view as it sits on a corner of the wall, enabling archers to target assailants from many angles.Inside face seen from the southThe north corner of the outside faceDongbuk Nodae and Dongbuk Gongsimdon seen from outside the wallsUigwe picture37°17′22″N 127°01′28″E / 37.28944°N 127.02444°E / 37.28944; 127.02444
东北空心墩,意指东北瞭望台,位于苍龙门对面。外表呈椭圆形,楼高 6.8米(22英尺),三层。可沿着旋转形楼梯直达天台。从东面展望从西南面展望西南方夜景西南方夜景近观从城墙展望从窗外望向旋转形楼梯仪轨图37°17′18″N 127°01′23″E / 37.28833°N 127.02306°E / 37.28833; 127.02306
Dongjangdae, meaning eastern command post, stands next to Dongbuk Gongsimdon, facing Changnyongmun across an archery field. When the king was in residence in Haenggung, within the fortress walls, there were two generals and four soldiers on guard in this command post at all times. (There were five night shifts.) Each officer was armed with a bow and arrow, sword and baton. The command post is nicknamed Yeonmudae, a reference to its second function as a training camp.The southern sideNighttime view of the southern sideThe eastern sideAnnexe just below the main buildingGateway on the western side37°17′14″N 127°01′17″E / 37.28722°N 127.02139°E / 37.28722; 127.02139
东暗门,为东端暗门, 位于东将台 140米(459英尺)之上 , was used for passage of people, animals and munitions. Construction of the gate, which sits beneath a brick structure surmounted with a large round parapet, was completed on March 25, 1796.Outside faceOutside face seen from the north-eastDoor seen from outsideInside faceInterior seen from the westThe interior seen from the wall to the westThe exterior seen from the wall to the westUigwe picture37°17′15″N 127°01′11″E / 37.28750°N 127.01972°E / 37.28750; 127.01972
这个结构不能与北东炮楼(韩语:동북포루)混淆。仪轨图37°17′14″N 127°01′07″E / 37.28722°N 127.01861°E / 37.28722; 127.01861
北暗门(韩语:북암문),官方称为第3北暗门(韩语:제3북암문)是三个原结构中唯一剩下的暗门。它靠近东北角楼。暗门和东北角楼从城墙上看到的北暗门外部内部仪轨图37°17′15″N 127°01′06″E / 37.28750°N 127.01833°E / 37.28750; 127.01833
The north-east pavilion is known as Dongbuk Gangnu and nicknamed Banghwasuryujeong. It sits above Yongyeon, a pond surrounded by a small garden. It was originally intended to be the second battle command post, though its scenic location made it a place favoured instead for feasts.Daytime viewNighttime viewSeen from the SuwoncheonCloseupSeen from YongyeonOutflow from Yongyeon a few metres downstream from HwahongmunLevel viewCloseup of wallUigwe picture37°17′15″N 127°01′04″E / 37.28750°N 127.01778°E / 37.28750; 127.01778
Hwahongmun, otherwise known as Buksumun, is the gate under which the Suwoncheon flows on entering the area encompassed by Hwaseong and exited through Namsumun. The gate has the obvious function of being a bridge, but also housed cannons for defensive purposes. The Suwoncheon was widened at this point and the gate has seven arches through which it passes.The north sideFrom the path beside the Suwoncheon (upstream)The north side in snowView downstreamThe south side in snowUigwe picture37°17′19″N 127°01′00″E / 37.28861°N 127.01667°E / 37.28861; 127.01667
Bukdong-GunTower sits between Janganmun and Hwahongmun. This tower controls the North-East outskirts of the Fortress, and protects Hwahongmun. It was completed on September 23, 1794. Not to be confused with 동북포루, the East-North SentryPost.From the westThe west sideUigwe picture37°17′21″N 127°00′54″E / 37.28917°N 127.01500°E / 37.28917; 127.01500
北东雉(韩语:북동치),是位处东北的雉楼。坐落于北东敌台的东边。从城墙内37°17′21″N 127°00′53″E / 37.28917°N 127.01472°E / 37.28917; 127.01472
Bukdong Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the east of Janganmun. It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong.See from the west in snowOutside37°17′20″N 127°00′51″E / 37.28889°N 127.01417°E / 37.28889; 127.01417
长安门 (韩语:장안문),通常被称为北门 (韩语:북문),为韩国最大城门。亦有部分人称之全球最大, as it is through this gate that visitors from Seoul will have entered Suwon and this would be in keeping with King Jeongjo's original desire to move the capital of the country to Suwon. Janganmun's stone base is capped with a two-storey wooden pavilion. A small, semi-circular protective wall known as an ongseong, is located outside the gate. The gate was destroyed in the Korean War and reconstructed in the 1970s.Nighttime view of the interior faceNighttime view of the roofSeen from Bukseo JeokdaeSeen from Bukseo Jeokdae in snowThe ongseongView from inside Janganmun37°17′19″N 127°00′49″E / 37.28861°N 127.01361°E / 37.28861; 127.01361
Bukseo Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the west of Janganmun. It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong.The west side37°17′14″N 127°00′44″E / 37.28722°N 127.01222°E / 37.28722; 127.01222
Bukseo-GunTower is adjacent to Bukseo Jeokdae. Made from black bricks, it is divided into three storeys internally by boards. Firearms were secreted on these floors. The roof is unusual in design, being gabled on the inner side (towards the wall) and angled to the outer side (away from the wall). Construction was completed on September 24, 1794.The west sideThe south sideThe roofThe exteriorUigwe picture37°17′14″N 127°00′44″E / 37.28722°N 127.01222°E / 37.28722; 127.01222
Buk-SentryPost is another Sentry Post containing hidden firearms. This is closer to Hwaseomun than to Janganmun. Today a tourist information centre and public toilet stand on the north side of the structure. Construction was completed on February 20, 1795.The west sideThe east sideSeen from outsideUigwe picture37°17′09″N 127°00′34″E / 37.28583°N 127.00944°E / 37.28583; 127.00944
Seobuk Gongsimdon is an observation tower standing directly adjacent to Hwaseomun, giving it the obvious function of being a lookout post to protect the gate. Built from bricks on three sides, its inside is partitioned into three storeys with two wooden floors, from which soldiers could fire cannons and other firearms. It is said that, in 1797, on visiting Suwon, King Jeongjo claimed to his companions that this was the first gongsimdon in Korea. Its construction was completed on March 10, 1796.From outside Hwaseomun in snowFrom the wallHwaseomun and the towerFrom the south-westUigwe picture37°17′08″N 127°00′35″E / 37.28556°N 127.00972°E / 37.28556; 127.00972
华西门 (韩语:화서문)是华城的西门。它的石头基座上盖着一层层的木制亭子。从外面看雪地的城墙华西门、北门炮楼、北铺楼和长安门夜景南面观看西门内部的雪景内部的雪景内部37°17′04″N 127°00′30″E / 37.28444°N 127.00833°E / 37.28444; 127.00833
Seobuk Gangnu, facing a hill known as Sukjisan, is the lookout post immediately anti-clockwise from Hwaseomun. With less of a wide field of view than from the other side of the gate, it is shorter than the gongsimdon a short distance to the north-east. The pavilion's ground floor is fitted with an under-floor heating system.The west sideA corner of the pavilionSeen from outside the walls in snowSeen from outsideView from Seobuk GangnuThe interiorUigwe picture37°17′02″N 127°00′29″E / 37.28389°N 127.00806°E / 37.28389; 127.00806
Seo-il Chi, meaning West Turret 1, is a small bulge in the wall to allow soldiers to fire upon anyone attempting to scale Hwaseong from the outside.The south sideThe turret and Seobuk GangnuThe interiorSeobuk Gangnu (left) and Seoil Chi (right)37°16′57″N 127°00′31″E / 37.28250°N 127.00861°E / 37.28250; 127.00861
Seo-GunTower sits partway up the hill named Paldalsan when heading anti-clockwise from Hwaseomun to Seojangdae. It controls the outskirts of Mount Paldal, and protects the Western Command Post (seojangdae). It was completed on May 30, 1796, and was one of Hwaseong's most heavily armed posts.
This structure shall not be confused with the Seo-SentryPost.The south sideThe exteriorThe exteriorUigwe picture37°16′54″N 127°00′34″E / 37.28167°N 127.00944°E / 37.28167; 127.00944
Seo-i Chi, the second turret on the west of Hwaseong, stands just below Seonodae on the slopes of Paldalsan. Its purpose, as with any turret, was to provide a location to attack people trying to scale the walls.The south sideThe interiorThe Exterior37°16′51″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28083°N 127.01000°E / 37.28083; 127.01000
Seonodae is an octagonal, steep-stepped, black brick platform directly adjacent to Seojangdae at the crest of Paldalsan when heading uphill from Hwaseomun. From here, archers could attack assailants in a wide range of directions and facing downhill, too.Seen from the frontSeen from the sideOriginal piece of wall by SeonodaeUigwe picture37°16′51″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28083°N 127.01000°E / 37.28083; 127.01000
Seojangdae, meaning western command post, sits atop Paldalsan, a small hill over which the higher section of Hwaseong runs. Seojangdae was destroyed by a fire in 1996 and was reconstructed afterwards. However, on May 1, 2006, an arsonist attacked Seojangdae. The arsonist reportedly caused the fire by lighting his clothes and underwear with a cigarette lighter. The fire caused about ₩6 billion in damage (about $6 million), destroying the upper floor of the watchtower. Seojangdae was reconstructed in 2007.Nighttime viewDaytime viewView from Seonodae37°16′49″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28028°N 127.01000°E / 37.28028; 127.01000
Seoammun, the West Secret Gate, lies 50米(164英尺) south of Seojangdae. Sitting on a forested part of the ridge of the hill Paldalsan, it was designed to provide access in and out under cover. Today, it is easily accessible from the road outside, being located near Jindallae (Azalea) Public Toilets.Interior sideThe outsideCloseup of doorUigwe picture37°16′45″N 127°00′35″E / 37.27917°N 127.00972°E / 37.27917; 127.00972
Seo-SentryPost sits on a turret projecting from the wall 140米(459英尺). It controls and protects the West Secret Gate that sits immediately southwards. The structure was completed on August 18, 1796.
This structure shall not be confused with the Seo-GunTower, which sits on the other side of Seojangdae.The south sideStepsPanelling37°16′39″N 127°00′39″E / 37.27750°N 127.01083°E / 37.27750; 127.01083
Seosam Chi, the third western turret, has the same function as the other nine turrets around Hwaseong. It sits just north of the south-western spur.The south sideThe entranceThe interiorSeen from outside37°16′38″N 127°00′42″E / 37.27722°N 127.01167°E / 37.27722; 127.01167
Seonam Ammun is the beginning of a path to Seonam Gangnu, the south-western pavilion. The gate used to contain a house known as a posa, and Seonam Posa, the south-western posa, sat above the gate, enabling soldiers to keep watch and issue alerts.Seen from the spur (Original wall visible)The upper sectionSeen from YongdoSeen from outsideUigwe picture37°16′35″N 127°00′43″E / 37.27639°N 127.01194°E / 37.27639; 127.01194
为了控制沿着八达山的山脊,华城堡垒有一个甬道。它始于山顶的西南暗门,经过八达山的西南端,最后到达西南角楼,又名华阳楼(韩语:화양루)。如今这个位置提供了饱览水原市的大景观,包括水原站。西南角楼最高点由西南角楼看东北西南角楼东北方向西南角楼内部37°16′34″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27611°N 127.01222°E / 37.27611; 127.01222
两个雉楼位于西南暗门到西南角楼方向的中间。它在暗门右侧,西南一雉(서남일치)延伸至华城西部,俯瞰著水原市向西湖方湖。它也被称为勇道西雉(용도서치)。西雉楼的勇道37°16′32″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27556°N 127.01222°E / 37.27556; 127.01222
西南角楼(韩语:서남각루),华阳楼(韩语:화양루),位于西南暗门的尖端,可以看到许多水原建筑,包括水原站。从南面甬道尽头的西南角地面仪轨图37°16′35″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27639°N 127.01222°E / 37.27639; 127.01222
这两个雉楼位于西南暗门的西南方向到西南角楼的中间。即在西南角楼的右边,西南二稚(서남이치)一直往东延伸,俯瞰著南部八达门的城墙(现在八达山上已经变得树木茂盛了,但现在看不到)。它通常被称为甬道东雉 (용도동치)。甬道东雉37°16′38″N 127°00′48″E / 37.27722°N 127.01333°E / 37.27722; 127.01333
南炮楼(韩语:남포루)坐在甬道和南堡楼之间,并控制堡垒的郊区,,特别接近八达门。东面西面华城外角度仪轨图37°16′38″N 127°00′52″E / 37.27722°N 127.01444°E / 37.27722; 127.01444
南雉(韩语:남치),南雉楼(韩语:남치루),位处八达门上的八达山山坡上的城墙上,突然出现于南炮楼下面。西面部分西面的特写当时南北门两旁都是守卫台。今天,只剩下北门守卫台保留下来。正祖因父亲庄献世子墓园—永祐园风水不佳,且在墓穴中有蛇,因此将其从杨州拜峰山迁移至水原华山脚下,并更名为显隆园。原位于华山脚下的水原郡官衙及村庄奉命一同搬迁至八达山脚下。而每年都为正祖都会组织一次皇室巡行,敬拜他父亲的坟墓。1795年二月的皇家巡行最大型的一次,适逢正祖母亲献敬王后六十岁生辰,同时也是其已故父亲诞辰六十周年。(请紧记,在韩国的出生日是算1岁,所以韩国人的60岁生日是指61岁)。在1795年的巡行是一个巨大的事件,动员共5,661人和1,417匹马。像往常一样,这个庭园事件也被皇家图书馆记录下来,根据《园幸乙卯整理仪轨》(韩语:원행을묘뎡니의궤)(乙卯= 1795年)。每一个仪轨,本文件的几个“正式副本”已经被确认(正本更为珍贵,为国王使用而保留)。 该仪轨的主要文件是八屏: 华城行幸图 屏风(화성행행도 병풍)如今,这个屏风存在三个副本中,其中一个是棕褐色的,另是一个蓝色(见下面的画廊)和一个彩色, 而朝鲜国王使用的副本。最后一份可以在三星艺术博物馆看到,并在2005-04-15被指定为国宝1430号。这些画作描绘了巡行的重要事件,尽管画廊小组的顺序并不反映巡行实际的程序。在奉寿堂举行的宴会,像当时的传统绘画类似。然而,描绘返回行宫的巡行的场景的组成形式是“之”的形状,这是著名的法院画家金弘道的终身画作的特征。画廊最后一幕描绘了巡行队伍横渡在汉江一座浮桥上展现出独特的作品,这在当时在皇室巡行画中很少见到类似场景。根据皇室记录,正祖的母亲献敬王后对于如此宏伟的规模和惊人精确度的屏风感到非常高兴,她奖励了七位参与其中的画家。分别是崔得贤(韩语:최득현)、金得臣(韩语:김득신)、李命奎(韩语:이명규),张汉宗(韩语:장한종)(1768 - 1815),尹硕根(韩语:윤석근),许寔(韩语:허식)(1762 - ?)和李寅文(韩语:이인문)。这些小组和山城的军事图之间的比较很有趣:庭园画家的重点似乎更多地针对文官(例如: 龙渊在何处?以及如何通过北暗门(북암문)到达这个池塘?)。而不是关注军事(例如东将台在图中消失了)。其中一个原因被认为是出于某种军事“机密”的考虑。水原华城主要的重建工作是在1970年代进行,虽然在之后经过都定期维护。 在下列表中概括了各项重建的成本(韩圆₩)(来自京畿道的数据)。西将台的维护工程南铺楼的维护工程东北空心炖维护工程水原华城有几个值得观看的表演和节日。大部分表演在行宫前面的广场进行,如下。在三月至十一月的每个星期六下午二时举行各种传统表演。二十四武术表演是按照正祖国王时代他所采用的惯例而进行的演示。二十四武术表演在1790年由李德木和朴齐家以及武术大家白东秀(韩语:백동수)制作武术教学的教科书,教科书大多内容是由朝鲜王朝的艺术所组成的。这些武术是由华城的士兵在壮勇营(장용엉)的监督下所练习的。示范活动由3月至11月11日(星期一除外)每天早上11时,而12月仅在星期六和星期日举行。这个仪式是在重建十九世纪九十年代在华城的皇家卫队仪式,由被提拔为“训练守卫”(韩语:훈련수위)的皇室卫兵。当时在韩国最大的军营中有一万二千人守卫。当正祖国王于1789年将他父亲的遗体搬到水原时,他命名为显隆园(韩语:현륭원),并派兵从这个营中守卫新园址。1793年将水原城的名称从水原地改为华城,在墙内修建了一个附属于华城的壮勇营(韩语:장용엉)。根据华城的官方网站表示,这个表演将从3月到11月每个星期日的下午2点举行。水原华城堡垒是韩国电视剧正祖暗杀之谜-8天的拍摄场地。该部电视剧描述1795年正祖为他母亲献敬王后60岁生日所组织的庆典,同时也纪念了他已故父亲庄献世子六十岁生日。剧本是基于2006年由午世英(오세영)撰写的小说《远行》(원행)。剧中除虚构的元素之外,主要参考两个历史的来源。恨中录序列中许多部分被广泛使用,纪录在庄献世子死亡之前(1762年)的闪回部分,而朝鲜皇室图书馆的官方文件则用于1795年的建设华城的活动纪录文件:《园幸乙卯整理仪轨》(원행을묘뎡니의궤)以及关于华城整体的《华城城役仪轨》(화성성역의궤)。水原华城提供列车游城服务,它由一辆动力车和三辆乘用车组成。电动车的前部具有龙头的形式,象征着正祖国王的权威和强大的能力。乘客车类似于国王的轿车椅子,以显示皇家权威和方便观众游览沿途景色。736:石窟庵和佛国寺 ·
737:海印寺藏经板殿-高丽大藏经藏经处 ·
738:宗庙 ·
816:昌德宫建筑群 ·
817:华城古堡 ·
976:庆州历史遗迹地区 ·
977:高敞、和顺和江华支石墓址群 ·
1319:朝鲜王朝王陵(共18处) ·
1324:韩国历史村落:河回村和良洞村(共5处) ·
1439:南汉山城(共2处) ·
1477:百济历史遗迹地区 ·
1562:山寺,韩国佛教名山寺庙 ·
1498:韩国新儒学书院1264:济州火山岛和熔岩洞(共5处)坐标:37°16′20″N 127°0′30″E / 37.27222°N 127.00833°E / 37.27222; 127.00833
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