
✍ dations ◷ 2024-07-03 08:25:12 #载脂蛋白B100
· phospholipid binding · heparin binding · cholesterol transporter activity · lipase binding· extracellular space · cytoplasm · early endosome · endoplasmic reticulum lumen · endoplasmic reticulum membrane · Golgi apparatus · cytosol · plasma membrane · endosome membrane · actin cytoskeleton · clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane · endosome lumen · mature chylomicron · chylomicron remnant · very-low-density lipoprotein particle · low-density lipoprotein particle · intermediate-density lipoprotein particle · chylomicron · neuronal cell body · intracellular membrane-bounded organelle · extracellular exosome· in utero embryonic development · triglyceride mobilization · receptor-mediated endocytosis · spermatogenesis · nervous system development · blood coagulation · phototransduction, visible light · cholesterol metabolic process · fertilization · response to virus · response to carbohydrate · post-embryonic development · response to selenium ion · positive regulation of gene expression · positive regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation · positive regulation of lipid storage · positive regulation of cholesterol storage · triglyceride catabolic process · cholesterol transport · sperm motility · response to lipopolysaccharide · cholesterol efflux · low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling · very-low-density lipoprotein particle assembly · low-density lipoprotein particle clearance · lipoprotein metabolic process · lipoprotein biosynthetic process · lipoprotein catabolic process · cholesterol homeostasis · lipoprotein transport · small molecule metabolic process · regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process · artery morphogenesis · leukocyte migration · cellular response to tumor necrosis factor载脂蛋白B(英语:Apolipoprotein B)(ApoB)是乳糜微粒、极低密度脂蛋白、中密度脂蛋白(英语:intermediate-density lipoprotein)、低密度脂蛋白上的主要载脂蛋白。其由人类APOB基因编码。


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