"for his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths"
"for his work on malaria, by which he has shown how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the foundation for successful research on this disease and methods of combating it"
" his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially , with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science"|}
"in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged"
"for his investigations and discoveries in relation to tuberculosis"
"in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system"
"in recognition of his work on the role played by protozoa in causing diseases"
"in recognition of their work on immunity"
"for his work on the physiology, pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland"
"in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including the nucleic substances"
"for his work on the dioptrics of the eye"
" his work on vascular suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs"
" his work on anaphylaxis"
"for his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus"
"for his discoveries relating to immunity"
"for his discovery of the capillary motor regulating mechanism"
"for his discovery relating to the production of heat in the muscle"
"for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle"
"for the discovery of the mechanism of the electrocardiogram"
"for his discovery of the "
"for his discovery of the therapeutic value of malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia paralytica"
"for his work on typhus"
"for his discovery of the antineuritic vitamin"
"for his discovery of the growth-stimulating vitamin"
"for his discovery of human blood groups"
"for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme"
"for their discoveries regarding the functions of neurons"
"for his discoveries concerning the role played by the chromosome in heredity"
"for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia"
"for his discovery of the organizer effect in embryonic development"
"for their discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve impulses"
"for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes, with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid"
"for the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respiration"
"for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil"
"for his discovery of vitamin K"
"for his discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K"
"for their discoveries relating to the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibres"
"for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases"
"for the discovery of the production of mutations by means of X-ray irradiation"
"for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen"
"for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar"
"for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods"
"for his discovery of the functional organization of the interbrain as a coordinator of the activities of the internal organs"
"for his discovery of the therapeutic value of leucotomy in certain psychoses"
"for their discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects"
"for his discoveries concerning yellow fever and how to combat it"
"for his discovery of streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective against tuberculosis"
"for his discovery of the citric acid cycle"
"for his discovery of co-enzyme A and its importance for intermediary metabolism"
"for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissue"
"for his discoveries concerning the nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes"
"for their discoveries concerning heart catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory system"
"for his discoveries relating to synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances, and especially their action on the vascular system and the skeletal muscles"
"for their discovery that genes act by regulating definite chemical events"
"for his discoveries concerning genetic recombination and the organization of the genetic material of bacteria"
"for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid"
"for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance"
"for his discoveries of the physical mechanism of stimulation within the cochlea"
"for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material"
"for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane"
"for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism"
"for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis"
"for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses"
"for his discoveries concerning hormonal treatment of prostatic cancer"
"for their discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eye"
"for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis"
"for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses"
"for their discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release and inactivation"
"for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones"
"for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure of antibodies"
"for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patterns"
"for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell"
"for their discoveries concerning the interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material of the cell"
"for their discoveries concerning new mechanisms for the origin and dissemination of infectious diseases"
"for their discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brain"
"for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones"
"for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics"
"for the development of computer assisted tomography"
"for their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions"
"for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres"
"for their discoveries concerning information processing in the visual system"
"for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically active substances"
"for her discovery of mobile genetic elements"
"for theories concerning the specificity in development and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle for production of monoclonal antibodies"
"for their discoveries concerning the regulation of cholesterol metabolism"
"for their discoveries of growth factors"
"for his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity"
"for their discoveries of important principles for drug treatment"
"for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes"
"for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease"
"for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells"
"for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism"
"for their discoveries of split genes"
"for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells"
"for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development"
"for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence"
"for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection"
"for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system"
"for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell"
"for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system"
"for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle"
"for their discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'"
"for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging"
"for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system"
"for their discovery of the bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease"
"for their discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA"
"for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells."
"for his discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer"
"for their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus"
"for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"
"for the development of in vitro fertilization"
^ A. 这里的中文姓名是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页(nobelprize.org)提供英文名字的翻译,对于得奖者的原名或其他名字,可从该得奖者的条目中了解。华人或日本人姓名按中文和日文姓名习惯翻译。尽可能提供了每一位获奖者的照片;如果需要,可以到诺贝尔基金会的官方主页上查询每一位获奖者的照片。
^ B. 这里的国家信息是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页提供的信息列出,并不一定为得奖者真实的国籍或出生地。
^ C. 这里所引用的获奖理由是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页提供的英文原文翻译列出,英文原文被列于中文翻译之后以供查对。这一栏中的条目链接是与获奖者的获奖原因相关的研究领域与历史;这些链接这是作为指引和解释,需要了解每一位获奖者的具体工作,请由名字一栏中的链接到对应得奖者的条目中查看,或到诺贝尔基金会的官方主页中相关获奖者的页面中查看。
1901年:贝林 1902年:罗斯 1903年:芬森 1904年:巴甫洛夫 1905年:科赫 1906年:高尔基、拉蒙-卡哈尔 1907年:拉韦朗 1908年:梅契尼可夫、埃尔利希 1909年:科赫尔 1910年:科塞尔 1911年:古尔斯特兰德 1912年:卡雷尔 1913年:里歇 1914年:巴拉尼 1919年:博尔代 1920年:克罗 1922年:希尔、迈尔霍夫 1923年:班廷、麦克劳德 1924年:埃因托芬
1926年:菲比格 1927年:瓦格纳-尧雷格 1928年:尼科勒 1929年:艾克曼、霍普金斯 1930年:兰德施泰纳 1931年:瓦尔堡 1932年:谢灵顿、阿德里安 1933年:摩尔根 1934年:惠普尔、迈诺特、莫菲 1935年:斯佩曼 1936年:戴尔、勒维 1937年:圣捷尔吉 1938年:海门斯 1939年:多马克 1943年:达姆、多伊西 1944年:厄尔兰格、加塞 1945年:弗莱明、柴恩、弗洛里 1946年:马勒 1947年:科里、G·科里、奥赛 1948年:穆勒 1949年:赫斯、莫尼斯 1950年:肯德尔、赖希施泰因、亨奇
1951年:泰累尔 1952年:瓦克斯曼 1953年:克雷布斯、李普曼 1954年:恩德斯、韦勒、罗宾斯 1955年:特奥雷尔 1956年:考南德、福斯曼、理查兹 1957年:博韦 1958年:比德尔、塔特姆、莱德伯格 1959年:奥乔亚、科恩伯格 1960年:伯内特、梅达沃 1961年:贝凯希 1962年:克里克、沃森、威尔金斯 1963年:埃克尔斯、霍奇金、赫胥黎 1964年:布洛赫、吕嫩 1965年:贾克柏、利沃夫、莫诺 1966年:劳斯、哈金斯 1967年:格拉尼特、哈特兰、沃尔德 1968年:霍利、科拉纳、尼伦伯格 1969年:德尔布吕克、赫希、卢瑞亚 1970年:卡茨、奥伊勒、阿克塞尔罗德 1971年:萨瑟兰 1972年:埃德尔曼、波特 1973年:弗里希、洛伦兹、廷贝亨 1974年:克劳德、迪夫、帕拉德 1975年:巴尔的摩、杜尔贝科、特明
1976年:布隆伯格、盖杜谢克 1977年:吉耶曼、沙利、耶洛 1978年:亚伯、内森斯、史密斯 1979年:科马克、豪斯费尔德 1980年:贝纳塞拉夫、多塞、斯内尔 1981年:斯佩里、休伯尔、威泽尔 1982年:伯格斯特龙、萨米尔松、范恩 1983年:麦克林托克 1984年:杰尼、克勒、米尔斯坦 1985年:布朗、戈尔茨坦 1986年:科恩、列维-蒙塔尔奇尼 1987年:利根川进 1988年:布拉克、埃利恩、希钦斯 1989年:毕晓普、瓦慕斯 1990年:默里、托马斯 1991年:内尔、萨克曼 1992年:费希尔、克雷布斯 1993年:罗伯茨、夏普 1994年:吉尔曼、罗德贝尔 1995年:路易斯、纽斯林-沃尔哈德、威斯乔斯 1996年:杜赫提、辛克纳吉 1997年:布鲁希纳 1998年:佛契哥特、伊格纳罗、慕拉德 1999年:布洛伯尔 2000年:卡尔森、格林加德、坎德尔
2001年:哈特韦尔、亨特、纳斯 2002年:布伦纳、霍维茨、苏尔斯顿 2003年:劳特伯、曼斯菲尔德 2004年:阿克塞尔、巴克 2005年:马歇尔、沃伦 2006年:法厄、梅洛 2007年:卡佩奇、埃文斯、史密斯 2008年:豪森、巴尔-西诺西、蒙塔尼耶 2009年:布莱克本、格雷德、绍斯塔克 2010年:爱德华兹 2011年:博伊特勒、奥夫曼、斯坦曼 2012年:格登、山中伸弥 2013年:罗思曼、谢克曼、聚德霍夫 2014年:奥基夫、莫泽夫人、莫泽 2015年:威廉·塞西尔·坎贝尔、大村智、屠呦呦 2016年:大隅良典 2017年:霍尔、罗斯巴什、扬 2018年:艾利森、本庶佑 2019年:凯林、拉特克利夫、塞门扎