螺蛳属(学名:)是一个淡水生、有口盖(英语:operculum (gastropod))的淡水螺(英语:freshwater snail)的属,是田螺科环棱螺亚科的腹足纲软体动物。
螺蛳属的学名源于本属模式种样本的采集者A.R. Margary:他在中国云南洱海采集了本物种的标本,然后再由Nevill (1877) 描述。基于螺壳及螺肋的形态,张玺及齐锺彦于1949年首度修订本属,本辨识出本属有七个不同的物种。在这次修订里,张玺建立了两个螺蛳属的亚属,即:玺螺蛳亚属()及亚属。The first molecular phylogeny showed that the genus is 多系群 and divided into three distinct clades.Combining study of comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny, Zhang . revised the systematics of and recognized eight genuine extant species. However, only four species were found belonging to s. str., the rest species belonging to distinct genus or .
本属物种只见于中华人民共和国云南省的湖泊中,包括有:滇池、洱海、茈碧湖、Jianhu Lake、Xihu Lake及泸沽湖。
及光肋螺蛳 现时属于角螺属 ; is transferred to .
The cladogram based on sequences of mitochondrial 16S 核糖体RNA and Main subunit of cytochrome c oxidase(英语:Main subunit of cytochrome c oxidase) (COI), and nuclear Internal transcribed spacer(英语:Internal transcribed spacer) genes showing the phylogenic relationships of the genus indicates that is 多系群. Margarya as traditionally delimited decayed into three distinct clades.The sister lineages of two of these clades are representatives from different vivparid genera, which are widely distributed in East and Southeast Asian rivers and lakes. These predominantly riparian viviparids also differ markedly in their shell morphology. Herein only genus-level phylogenic relationship is given, whereas relationship between lower taxonomic units deserve further study.
湄公螺属 sp. 及 石田螺属 spp.
圆田螺属 spp.
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