
✍ dations ◷ 2025-03-01 23:36:59 #软件设计模式


以下的日志类(logging)例子演示了该模式。 每一个logging handler首先决定是否需要在该层做处理,然后将控制传递到下一个logging handler。程序的输出是:

  Writing to debug output: Entering function y.  Writing to debug output: Step1 completed.  Sending via e-mail:      Step1 completed.  Writing to debug output: An error has occurred.  Sending via e-mail:      An error has occurred.  Writing to stderr:       An error has occurred.



import java.util.*;abstract class Logger {    public static int ERR = 3;    public static int NOTICE = 5;    public static int DEBUG = 7;    protected int mask;    // The next element in the chain of responsibility    protected Logger next;    public Logger setNext( Logger l)    {        next = l;        return this;    }    public final void message( String msg, int priority )    {        if ( priority <= mask )         {            writeMessage( msg );            if ( next != null )            {                next.message( msg, priority );            }        }    }        protected abstract void writeMessage( String msg );}class StdoutLogger extends Logger {    public StdoutLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }    protected void writeMessage( String msg )    {        System.out.println( "Writting to stdout: " + msg );    }}class EmailLogger extends Logger {    public EmailLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }    protected void writeMessage( String msg )    {        System.out.println( "Sending via email: " + msg );    }}class StderrLogger extends Logger {    public StderrLogger( int mask ) { this.mask = mask; }    protected void writeMessage( String msg )    {        System.out.println( "Sending to stderr: " + msg );    }}public class ChainOfResponsibilityExample{    public static void main( String args )    {        // Build the chain of responsibility        Logger l = new StdoutLogger( Logger.DEBUG).setNext(                            new EmailLogger( Logger.NOTICE ).setNext(                            new StderrLogger( Logger.ERR ) ) );        // Handled by StdoutLogger        l.message( "Entering function y.", Logger.DEBUG );        // Handled by StdoutLogger and EmailLogger        l.message( "Step1 completed.", Logger.NOTICE );        // Handled by all three loggers        l.message( "An error has occurred.", Logger.ERR );    }}


<?phpabstract class Logger {	const ERR = 3;	const NOTICE = 5;	const DEBUG = 7;	protected $mask;	protected $next; // The next element in the chain of responsibility	public function setNext(Logger $l) {		$this->next = $l;		return $this;	}	abstract public function message($msg, $priority);}class DebugLogger extends Logger {	public function __construct($mask) {		$this->mask = $mask;	}	public function message($msg, $priority) {		if ($priority <= $this->mask) {			echo "Writing to debug output: {$msg}\n";		}		if (false == is_null($this->next)) {			$this->next->message($msg, $priority);		}	}}class EmailLogger extends Logger {	public function __construct($mask) {		$this->mask = $mask;	}	public function message($msg, $priority) {		if ($priority <= $this->mask) {			echo "Sending via email: {$msg}\n";		}		if (false == is_null($this->next)) {			$this->next->message($msg, $priority);		}	}}class StderrLogger extends Logger {	public function __construct($mask) {		$this->mask = $mask;	}	public function message($msg, $priority) {		if ($priority <= $this->mask) {			echo "Writing to stderr: {$msg}\n";		}		if (false == is_null($this->next)) {			$this->next->message($msg, $priority);		}	}}class ChainOfResponsibilityExample {	public function __construct() {		// build the chain of responsibility		$l = new DebugLogger(Logger::DEBUG);		$e = new EmailLogger(Logger::NOTICE);		$s = new StderrLogger(Logger::ERR);				$e->setNext($s);		$l->setNext($e);		$l->message("Entering function y.",		Logger::DEBUG);		// handled by DebugLogger		$l->message("Step1 completed.",			Logger::NOTICE);	// handled by DebugLogger and EmailLogger		$l->message("An error has occurred.",	Logger::ERR);		// handled by all three Loggers	}}new ChainOfResponsibilityExample();?>

Visual Prolog


First the outputStream interface (a simplified version of the real one):

interface outputStream   predicates      write : (...).      writef : (string FormatString, ...).end interface outputStream

This class encapsulates each of the stream operations the mutex. The finally predicate is used to ensure that the mutex is released no matter how the operation goes (i.e. also in case of exceptions). The underlying mutex object is released by a in the mutex class, and for this example we leave it at that.

class outputStream_protected : outputStream   constructors      new : (string MutexName, outputStream Stream).end class outputStream_protected#include @"pfc\multiThread\multiThread.ph"implement outputStream_protected   facts      mutex : mutex.      stream : outputStream.   clauses      new(MutexName, Stream) :-         mutex := mutex::createNamed(MutexName, false), % do not take ownership         stream := Stream.   clauses      write(...) :-         _ = mutex:wait(),  % ignore wait code in this simplified example         finally(stream:write(...), mutex:release()).   clauses      writef(FormatString, ...) :-         _ = mutex:wait(),  % ignore wait code in this simplified example         finally(stream:writef(FormatString, ...), mutex:release()).end implement outputStream_protected

Usage example.

The client uses an outputStream. Instead of receiving the pipeStream directly, it gets the protected version of it.


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