铋化锰(Bismanol) 是一种磁性合金由铋和锰 (铋化锰manganese bismuthide)组成, 由US Naval Ordnance Laboratory(美国海军军械实验室)开发。
“Bismanol”(铋化锰)是由锰铋粉末冶金制成的永久磁铁,由美国海军军械实验室于20世纪50年代初开发 - , a permanent magnet made from powder metallurgy of Manganese Bismuthide, was developed by the US Naval Ordnance Laboratory in the early 1950s -在发明时,它是可用的最高矫顽力永磁体之一,约3000奥斯特 at the time of invention it was one of the highest coercive force permanent magnets available, at 3000 oersteds. Coercive force reached 3650 oersteds and flux density 4800 by the mid 1950s. The material was generally strong, and stable to shock and vibration, but had a tendency to chip. Slow corrosion of the material occurred under normal conditions.
Bismanol磁铁已经被钕磁铁取代,钕磁铁在其他方面既便宜又优越,在更关键的应用中使用钐钴磁铁,以及铝镍钴合金磁铁。Bismanol magnets have been replaced by Neodymium magnets which are both cheaper and superior in other ways, Samarium-Cobalt magnets in more critical applications, and Alnico magnets.