
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-01 06:43:48 #DNSSEC,国家及地区顶级域,阿拉伯联合酋长国

.ae(源自阿拉伯联合酋长国一词的英语:United Arab Emirates中“Arab Emirates”的缩写“AE”)为阿拉伯联合酋长国(简称“阿联酋”)在互联网域名系统中拥有的国家及地区顶级域(ccTLD)。


2006年,互联网号码分配局(IANA)首次收到非正式的再授权请求,要求.ae域交由阿联酋电信管理局(英语:Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (UAE))(TRA)管理。

2007年2月,IANA工作人员又收到更多请求,同时IANA也通知了这些请求的申请人有关再授权的评估标准。7月31日,IANA收到一份有关ccTLD变更TRA为管理人的正式申请模板文档,模板中计划ccTLD管理员为时任TRA技术事务负责人的穆罕默德·盖亚斯,却没有表明技术管理人员的具体身份,只是名字叫做“DNS Admin”(意思为DNS管理员)。在此之后,IANA又收到两份材料——其中一份材料是一封由TRA发送给互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)中东区域联络处的信函,另一份材料是来自Etisalat支持TRA此举的传真副本。



 TRA is acting upon the National Telecom Law of the UAE, which ensures all telecom assets are managed in the public interest.  The .AE Domain Name is certainly represented in the public interest through the establishment of the .AE Domain Administration, .aeDA (a function of the TRA). This entity will allow for public participation through the inception of an Advisory Board made of up industry members.As the Internet community in the UAE is undeveloped it is difficult to canvass internet users with any authority or outcome. There are only two ISPs, so a survey or study doesn't seem worthwhile nor appropriate. There is no formal ISOC chapter here within the UAE. There are no organised public interest groups. The TRA does understand the value of the input of these groups into the process however it doesn't seem feasible nor warranted given the lack or organisation and clear response they would/ could provide.Finally it is fair to say that the TRA have gained the view of the "Internet community" by seeking and receiving the support of the current .AE delegate (UAEnic and Etisalat).



Whereas, the .AE top-level domain is the designated country-code for the United Arab Emirates.Whereas, ICANN has received a request for redelegation of .AE to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed redelegation would be in the best interest of the local and global Internet communities.It is hereby resolved (2008.01.09), that the proposed redelegation of the .AE domain to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is approved.




A .ac .ad .ae .af .ag .ai .al .am .ao .aq .ar .as .at .au .aw .ax .az  B .ba .bb .bd .be .bf .bg .bh .bi .bj .bm .bn .bo .br .bs .bt .bw .by .bz  C .ca .cc .cd .cf .cg .ch .ci .ck .cl .cm .cn .co .cr .cu .cv .cw .cx .cy .cz  D .de .dj .dk .dm .do .dz  E .ec .ee .eg .er .es .et .eu  F .fi .fj .fk .fm .fo .fr  G .ga .gd .ge .gf .gg .gh .gi .gl .gm .gn .gp .gq .gr .gs .gt .gu .gw .gy  H .hk .hm .hn .hr .ht .hu  I .id .ie .il .im .in .io .iq .ir .is .it  J .je .jm .jo .jp  K .ke .kg .kh .ki .km .kn .kp .kr .kw .ky .kz  L .la .lb .lc .li .lk .lr .ls .lt .lu .lv .ly  M .ma .mc .md .me .mg .mh .mk .ml .mm .mn .mo .mp .mq .mr .ms .mt .mu .mv .mw .mx .my .mz  N .na .nc .ne .nf .ng .ni .nl .no .np .nr .nu .nz  O .om  P .pa .pe .pf .pg .ph .pk .pl .pm .pn .pr .ps .pt .pw .py  Q .qa  R .re .ro .rs .ru .rw  S .sa .sb .sc .sd .se .sg .sh .si .sk .sl .sm .sn .so .sr .ss .st .su .sv .sx .sy .sz  T .tc .td .tf .tg .th .tj .tk .tl .tm .tn .to .tr .tt .tv .tw .tz  U .ua .ug .uk .us .uy .uz  V .va .vc .ve .vg .vi .vn .vu  W .wf .ws  Y .ye .yt  Z .za .zm .zw


.bl .bq .eh .mf

.bv .gb .sj

.an .bu .cs .dd .tp .um .yu .zr


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