✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-13 23:38:08 #PPARγ
1FM6, 1FM9, 1I7I, 1K74, 1KNU, 1NYX, 1PRG, 1RDT, 1WM0, 1ZEO, 1ZGY, 2ATH, 2F4B, 2FVJ, 2G0G, 2G0H, 2GTK, 2HFP, 2HWQ, 2HWR, 2I4J, 2I4P, 2I4Z, 2OM9, 2P4Y, 2POB, 2PRG, 2Q59, 2Q5P, 2Q5S, 2Q61, 2Q6R, 2Q6S, 2Q8S, 2QMV, 2VSR, 2VST, 2VV0, 2VV1, 2VV2, 2VV3, 2VV4, 2XKW, 2YFE, 2ZK0, 2ZK1, 2ZK2, 2ZK3, 2ZK4, 2ZK5, 2ZK6, 2ZNO, 2ZVT, 3ADS, 3ADT, 3ADU, 3ADV, 3ADW, 3ADX, 3AN3, 3AN4, 3B0Q, 3B0R, 3B1M, 3B3K, 3BC5, 3CDP, 3CDS, 3CS8, 3CWD, 3D6D, 3DZU, 3DZY, 3E00, 3ET0, 3ET3, 3FEJ, 3FUR, 3G9E, 3GBK, 3H0A, 3HO0, 3HOD, 3IA6, 3K8S, 3KMG, 3LMP, 3NOA, 3OSI, 3OSW, 3PBA, 3PO9, 3PRG, 3QT0, 3R5N, 3R8A, 3R8I, 3S9S, 3SZ1, 3T03, 3TY0, 3U9Q, 3V9T, 3V9V, 3V9Y, 3VJH, 3VJI, 3VN2, 3VSO, 3VSP, 4A4V, 4A4W, 4E4K, 4E4Q, 4EM9, 4EMA, 4F9M, 4FGY, 4PRG· DNA binding · chromatin binding · sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity · steroid hormone receptor activity · ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity · prostaglandin receptor activity · protein binding · drug binding · zinc ion binding · enzyme binding · ligand-dependent nuclear receptor transcription coactivator activity · activating transcription factor binding · sequence-specific DNA binding · transcription regulatory region DNA binding · retinoid X receptor binding· nucleoplasm· placenta development · negative regulation of acute inflammatory response · transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter · lipid metabolic process · induction of apoptosis · activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process · signal transduction · heart development · response to nutrient · regulation of blood pressure · response to cold · gene expression · negative regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation · negative regulation of receptor biosynthetic process · negative regulation of cholesterol storage · negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride · long-chain fatty acid transport · fatty acid oxidation · monocyte differentiation · negative regulation of cell growth · epithelial cell differentiation · response to caffeine · organ regeneration · response to retinoic acid · cellular response to insulin stimulus · response to vitamin A · response to lipid · peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway · response to drug · glucose homeostasis · lipoprotein transport · response to estrogen stimulus · innate immune response · cell fate commitment · positive regulation of fat cell differentiation · low-density lipoprotein particle receptor biosynthetic process · negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent · positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent · positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter · positive regulation of fatty acid oxidation · cell maturation · negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation · positive regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation · white fat cell differentiation · brown fat cell differentiation · positive regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity · negative regulation of telomerase activity · lipid homeostasis · response to low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus · negative regulation of interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway · regulation of cholesterol transporter activity过氧化物酶体增殖物活化受体γ(Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ,缩写为PPAR-γ或PPARG),也称胰岛素增敏剂受体(glitazone receptor),或 NR1C3(意为核受体第一亚科C集团第3号,nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group C, member 3)是一种位于人类染色体上的二型核受体,由PPARG基因编码。对脂肪细胞和胰岛素有重要的作用,是治疗糖尿病的研究对象之一。


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