在计算机科学中,C3算法主要用于确定多重继承时,子类应该继承哪一个父类的方法,即方法解析顺序(Method Resolution Order,MRO)。
1996年的OOPSLA会议上,论文"A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan(英语:Dylan (programming language))"首次提出了C3超类线性化。被Python 2.3选作方法解析的默认算法。Perl 6 Parrot,, Solidity, PGF/TikZ(英语:PGF/TikZ)等面向对象语言。也作为可选的、默认不是MRO的语言如Perl 5从版本5.10.0. 早期版本Perl 5的一个扩展实现,称为Class::C3
class Oclass A extends Oclass B extends Oclass C extends Oclass D extends Oclass E extends Oclass K1 extends A, B, Cclass K2 extends D, B, Eclass K3 extends D, Aclass Z extends K1, K2, K3
L(O) := // the linearization of O is trivially the singleton list , because O has no parentsL(A) := + merge(L(O), ) // the linearization of A is A plus the merge of its parents' linearizations with the list of parents... = + merge(, ) = // ...which simply prepends A to its single parent's linearizationL(B) := // linearizations of B, C, D and E are computed similar to that of AL(C) := L(D) := L(E) := L(K1) := + merge(L(A), L(B), L(C), ) // first, find the linearizations of K1's parents, L(A), L(B), and L(C), and merge them with the parent list = + merge(, , , ) // class A is a good candidate for the first merge step, because it only appears as the head of the first and last lists = + merge(, , , ) // class O is not a good candidate for the next merge step, because it also appears in the tails of list 2 and 3; but class B is a good candidate = + merge(, , , ) // class C is a good candidate; class O still appears in the tail of list 3 = + merge(, , ) // finally, class O is a valid candidate, which also exhausts all remaining lists = L(K2) := + merge(L(D), L(B), L(E), ) = + merge(, , , ) // select D = + merge(, , , ) // fail O, select B = + merge(, , , ) // fail O, select E = + merge(, , ) // select O = L(K3) := + merge(L(D), L(A), ) = + merge(, , ) // select D = + merge(, , ) // fail O, select A = + merge(, ) // select O = L(Z) := + merge(L(K1), L(K2), L(K3), ) = + merge(, , , ) // select K1 = + merge(, , , ) // fail A, select K2 = + merge(, , , ) // fail A, fail D, select K3 = + merge(, , ) // fail A, select D = + merge(, , ) // select A = + merge(, , ) // select B = + merge(, , ) // select C = + merge(, , ) // fail O, select E = + merge(, , ) // select O = // done
def c3MRO(cls): if cls is object: #讨论假设顶层基类为object,递归终止 return #构造C3-MRO算法的总式,递归开始 mergeList = mergeList.append(list(cls.__bases__)) mro = + merge(mergeList) return mrodef merge(inLists): if not inLists: #若合并的内容为空,返回空list #配合下文的排除空list操作,递归终止 return #遍历要合并的mro for mroList in inLists: #取头 head = mroList #遍历要合并的mro(与外一层相同),检查尾中是否有头 ###此处也遍历了被取头的mro,严格地来说不符合标准算法实现 ###但按照多继承中地基础规则(一个类只能被继承一次), ###头不可能在自己地尾中,无影响,若标准实现,反而增加开销 for cmpList in inLists: if head in cmpList: break else: #筛选出好头 nextList = for mergeItem in inLists: if head in mergeItem: mergeItem.remove(head) if mergeItem: #排除空list nextList.append(mergeItem) #递归开始 return + merge(nextList) else: #无好头,引发类型错误 raise TypeError