
✍ dations ◷ 2025-01-25 09:17:20 #乳糜管
乳糜管是可以吸收小肠肠绒毛中饮食脂肪的淋巴毛细血管(英语:Lymph capillary)。甘油三酯通过脂肪酶、胆汁和水解乳化,产生脂肪酸、甘油二酯和甘油单酯(英语:Monoglyceride)的混合物。At this point, the fats are in the bloodstream in the form of chylomicrons. Once in the blood, chylomicrons are subject to delipidation by lipoprotein lipase. Eventually, enough lipid has been lost and additional apolipoproteins gained, that the resulting particle (now referred to as a chylomicron remnant) can be taken up by the liver. From the liver, the fat released from chylomicron remnants can be re-exported to the blood as the triglyceride component of very low-density lipoproteins. Very low-density lipoproteins are also subject to delipidation by vascular lipoprotein lipase, and deliver fats to tissues throughout the body. In particular, the released fatty acids can be stored in adipose cells as triglycerides. As triglycerides are lost from very low-density lipoproteins, the lipoprotein particles become smaller and denser (since protein is denser than lipid) and ultimately become low-density lipoproteins. A great deal has been written about low-density lipoproteins because they are thought to be atherogenic. Note that in contrast to any other route of absorption from the small intestine, the lymphatic system avoids


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