
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-24 00:53:06 #滑刃目,入侵昆虫种,Tree diseases,油棕,Coconut palm diseases


成虫体细长,长约1毫米,雌虫尾部近圆锥形,末端圆;雄虫尾部似鸟爪,向腹面弯曲。这种线虫的显著特征是从J2到成熟的发育良好的元细胞,成年人的短探针11-15μm,成年人的长度通常为1mm。 女性的外阴位于距离身体三分二之处,有一个阴部皮瓣。 女性有一个长的后期子宫囊和一个圆形的尾巴。 男性在尾部区域有七个乳头,不同的针状体,以及形状像铲子的囊。

The distinguishing characteristics of this nematode are a well-developed metacorpus from J2 through adult, a short stylet 11-15 μm in adults, adults typically 1mm in length. Females have the vulva located two-thirds body length and have a vulval flap. Females have a long post uterine sac and a rounded tail. Males have seven papillae in the tail region, distinct spicules, and bursa shaped as a spade.


红环线虫遵循典型的植物寄生生命周期,在成为成虫之前具有四次蜕皮。 整个生命周期持续大约十天。 生存阶段是J3。 这种线虫的传播取决于它与其媒介的关系。

The red ring nematode follows a typical plant parasitic life cycle, having 4 molts before becoming an adult. The whole life cycle lasts approximately ten days. The survival stage is the J3。 The dissemination of this nematode depends on its relationship with its vector.

The vector, (the South American palm weevil), carries the J3 stage to healthy palms. Female weevils are internally infested around the oviducts, when they lay their eggs in the palm they also disseminate the nematode.

The symptoms produced by this nematode are chlorosis beginning in the oldest leaves and a distinct red/brownish ring in the trunk of the tree.


To manage this disease scouting is the most important aspect; early detection of infected trees may save plantations. If an infected tree is found it must be removed, treated with herbicide and cut down. Leaving the stump behind can lead to vector reproduction and spread the nematode. Trapping the vector is another strategy, reducing the disease incidence from 10% to 1%.

Template:Palm oil


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