✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-20 05:34:55 #RB1
1AD6, 1GH6, 1GUX, 1H25, 1N4M, 1O9K, 1PJM, 2AZE, 2QDJ, 2R7G, 3N5U, 3POM, 4ELJ, 4ELL· RNA polymerase II activating transcription factor binding · DNA binding · sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity · transcription coactivator activity · protein binding · transcription factor binding · kinase binding · ubiquitin protein ligase binding · androgen receptor binding· nucleus · nucleoplasm · spindle · SWI/SNF complex · PML body· G1 phase of mitotic cell cycle · G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle · regulation of transcription involved in G1/S phase of mitotic cell cycle · S phase of mitotic cell cycle · mitotic cell cycle · chromatin remodeling · transcription, DNA-dependent · negative regulation of protein kinase activity · cell cycle arrest · mitotic cell cycle checkpoint · Ras protein signal transduction · regulation of mitotic cell cycle · virus-host interaction · androgen receptor signaling pathway · sister chromatid biorientation · neuron projection development · maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion · neuron maturation · enucleate erythrocyte differentiation · negative regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity · regulation of lipid kinase activity · myoblast differentiation · positive regulation of macrophage differentiation · negative regulation of S phase of mitotic cell cycle · positive regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition · negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway · negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent · positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent · positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter · digestive tract development · cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation · negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation · striated muscle cell differentiation · cell division · neuron apoptotic process · protein localization to chromosome, centromeric region · regulation of cohesin localization to chromatin · negative regulation of transcription involved in G1/S phase of mitotic cell cycle视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白(英语:retinoblastoma protein,常缩写为Rb、RB或RB1)又译为成视网膜细胞瘤蛋白是一种抑癌蛋白,并在几种主要的癌症发生时失活。Rb的功能之一是通过抑制细胞周期进程直到细胞准备妥当来防止细胞过度生长。当细胞准备好要分裂时,Rb蛋白会被磷酸化为pRb而失去抑制活性,从而使细胞周期进行下去。Rb是袋状蛋白家族的一员,其特点是有一个口袋状的结构用以结合其它蛋白。使得一些致癌变蛋白,比如高危险群人类乳突病毒所感染的细胞产生的蛋白,结合并抑制pRb,最终导致癌症。Rb restricts the cell's ability to replicate DNA by preventing its progression from the G1 (first gap phase) to S (synthesis phase) phase of the cell division cycle.。Rb结合并抑制E2F(英语:E2F)家族的转录因子,which are composed of dimers of an E2F protein and a dimerization partner (DP) protein. The transcription activating complexes of E2 promoter-binding–protein-dimerization partners (E2F-DP) can push a cell into S phase. As long as E2F-DP is inactivated, the cell remains stalled in the G1 phase. When Rb is bound to E2F, the complex acts as a growth suppressor and prevents progression through the cell cycle. The Rb-E2F/DP complex also attracts a histone deacetylase (HDAC) protein to the chromatin, reducing transcription of S phase promoting factors, further suppressing DNA synthesis.已知Rb蛋白与下列蛋白质有相互作用关系:视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白引用了美国国家医学图书馆提供的资料,这些资料属于公共领域。医学导航: 肿瘤基因/标志肿瘤/同名/附瘤药物 (L1i/1e/V03)


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