
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-22 23:35:49 #自August 2015准确性有争议的作品,振荡器

哈特莱振荡器(英语:Hartley oscillator),又称赫特利振荡器,电感三点式振荡器,是一种由电容和电感的调谐电路(即LC振荡器)决定振荡频率的电子振荡器电路。该电路是美国工程师雷夫·哈特莱(英语:Ralph Hartley)于1915年发明的。Hartley振荡器的特点是调谐电路由一个电容器与串联的两个电感(或单抽头电感)并联,振荡所需的反馈信号取自两电感连接的中心。



Variations on the simple circuit often include ways to automatically reduce the amplifier gain to maintain a constant output voltage at a level below overload; the simple circuit above will limit the output voltage due to the gate conducting on positive peaks, effectively damping oscillations but not before significant distortion (spurious harmonics) may result. Changing the tapped coil to two separate coils, as in the original patent schematic, still results in a working oscillator but now that the two coils are not magnetically coupled the inductance, and so frequency, calculation has to be modified (see below), and the explanation of the voltage increase mechanism is more complicated than the autotransformer scenario.

A quite different implementation using a tapped coil in an LC tank feedback arrangement, still called a Hartley oscillator (or sometimes "the" Hartley Oscillator circuit) is to employ a common-grid (or common-gate or common-base) amplifier stage, which is still non-inverting but provides instead of ; the coil tapping is still connected to the cathode (or source or emitter), but this is now the (low impedance) input to the amplifier; the split tank circuit is now dropping the impedance from the relatively high output impedance of the plate (or drain or collector).

The Hartley oscillator is the dual of the Colpitts oscillator which uses a voltage divider made of two capacitors rather than two inductors. Although there is no requirement for there to be mutual coupling between the two coil segments, the circuit is usually implemented using a tapped coil, with the feedback taken from the tap, as shown here. The optimal tapping point (or ratio of coil inductances) depends on the amplifying device used, which may be a bipolar junction transistor, FET, triode, or amplifier of almost any type (non-inverting in this case, although variations of the circuit with an earthed centre-point and feedback from an inverting amplifier or the collector/drain of a transistor are also common), but a junction FET (shown) or triode is often employed as a good degree of amplitude stability (and thus distortion reduction) can be achieved with a simple grid leak resistor-capacitor combination in series with the gate or grid (see the Scott circuit below) thanks to diode conduction on signal peaks building up enough negative bias to limit amplification.

振荡频率约为槽电路的谐振频率。若槽路电容器的电容为 而抽头电感的总电感是 ,则

若使用了电感为 12 两个的线圈

然而,如果两个线圈磁耦合,总电感会因互感 而增大





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