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上座部佛教泰国佛教(泰语:ศาสนาพุทธในประเทศไทย),是泰国最重要的宗教信仰,主要由南传上座部佛教构成,也有部分华裔等东亚裔信奉大乘佛教,约西元12世纪至13世纪中叶传入,相关经典都以巴利语记载。泰国主体民族泰族和中国境内的傣族为同一民族,泰国佛教和傣族地区佛教极为同质,对于中国大陆及台湾而言最具有代表性,因此华语中所说的南传佛教主要指泰国佛教。泰国是佛教徒占本国人口比例第二高的国家(第一是柬埔寨,第三是缅甸)。公元年前后几世纪,云南境内的哀牢人沿湄公河南下,占据柬埔寨和老挝者为高棉人,进入泰国和缅甸者为今天的孟人和泰人。2世纪时,有上座部佛教在泰南零星出现。6世纪时,孟人在今泰国佛统一带建立堕罗钵底国,和缅甸境内的孟人一样受到印度文化的影响,信仰上座部佛教。7—11世纪,云南境内的北泰人大规模南迁到泰国境内。8世纪末,信仰大乘佛教的印尼室利佛逝王朝曾弘教至泰南。9世纪开始,柬埔寨吴哥王朝将印度教和大乘佛教、金刚乘佛教传播至泰国境内的罗斛、素可泰、披迈(英语:Phimai)等地。作为孟人支系的骠人在缅甸建立蒲甘王朝后,于11世纪征服了泰国北部,从蒲甘引入了斯里兰卡上座部佛教。总之,在泰国建立统一国家之前,如今国境内的地区,佛教信仰都未尝断绝。不过,泰人原始宗教(英语:Tai folk religion)“精灵崇拜”(泰语:ศาสนาผี,转写:Satsana Phi)更为流行。13世纪上半叶,泰国建立了历史上第一个统一国家素可泰王朝。净海-南传佛教史1353年,从小在柬埔寨长大、受上座部佛教僧人教育的泰人法昂回到老挝建立了澜沧王国タイ族が11世纪ごろに现在のタイへ下って来た当时は、タイ族はピー信仰(精霊信仰)を享受していたが、上座部仏教が最大の势力を持つ宗教として成立するのはラームカムヘーン王(在位・1279年? - 1300年?)の时代である。后に王に即位したリタイ王(在位1347年? - 1368年?)は、衰えて行くスコータイ王朝を仏教思想で立て直そうと、タイ族の君主として初めて出家を行い、タンマラーチャー(仏法王)と名乘った。これは大仏を建てることで、天皇の権威を高め国政を安定化しようとした圣武天皇のケースと似ている。リタイの出家、及びタンマラーチャーの思想は、王権を高める上で非常に有利であったためアユタヤ王朝、ラーンナータイ王朝などの周辺诸王国に伝播していった。さらに、この出家の习惯は初期は王が行っていたが、后には民众にも伝播し、タイ族の男子は成人すると必ず出家すると言うのが暗黙の义务になっていった。1.1 Early traditions
Some scholars believe that Buddhism must have been flowing into Thailand from India at the time of the Indian emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Empire and into the first millennium after Christ. During the 5th to 13th centuries, Southeast Asian empires were influenced directly from India and followed Mahayana Buddhism. The Chinese pilgrim Yijing noted in his travels that in these areas, all major sects of Indian Buddhism flourished. Srivijaya to the south and the Khmer Empire to the north competed for influence and their art expressed the rich Mahāyāna pantheon of bodhisattvas. From the 9th to the 13th centuries, the Mahāyāna and Hindu Khmer Empire dominated much of the Southeast Asian peninsula. Under the Khmer Empire, more than 900 temples were built in Cambodia and in neighboring Thailand.After the decline of Buddhism in India, missions of Sinhalese monks gradually converted the Mon people and the Pyu city-states from Ari Buddhism to Theravāda and over the next two centuries also brought Theravāda Buddhism to the Bamar people, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, where it supplanted previous forms of Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism was made the state religion only with the establishment of the Sukhothai Kingdom in the 13th century.1.2 13th–19th centuries
The details of the history of Buddhism in Thailand from the 13th to the 19th century are obscure, in part because few historical records or religious texts survived the Burmese destruction of Ayutthaya, the capital city of the kingdom, in 1767. Ayutthaya was the center of Thai Tantric Theravada, which included the Yogāvacara tradition, and has survived in the contemporary Dhammakaya Movement. The Tantric Buddhist Yogāvacara tradition was a mainstream Buddhist tradition in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand well into the modern era. An inscription from northern Thailand with tantric elements has been dated to the Sukhothai Kingdom of the 16th century. Kate Crosby notes that this attestation makes the tantric tradition earlier than "any other living meditation tradition in the contemporary Theravada world," predating the popular "New Burmese Satipatthana Method", better known as Vipassana meditation.The anthropologist-historian S. J. Tambiah, however, has suggested a general pattern for that era, at least with respect to the relations between Buddhism and the sangha on the one hand and the king on the other hand. In Thailand, as in other Theravada Buddhist kingdoms, the king was in principle thought of as patron and protector of the religion (sasana) and the sangha, while sasana and the sangha were considered in turn the treasures of the polity and the signs of its legitimacy. Religion and polity, however, remained separate domains, and in ordinary times the organizational links between the sangha and the king were not close.
Replica of Ashok pillar at Wat Umong in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13th century. Shows the establishment of Buddhism by Lanna Dynasty's King Mangrai in northern ThailandAmong the chief characteristics of Thai kingdoms and principalities in the centuries before 1800 were the tendency to expand and contract, problems of succession, and the changing scope of the king's authority. In effect, some Thai kings had greater power over larger territories, others less, and almost invariably a king who sought successfully to expand his power also exercised greater control over the sangha. That control was coupled with greater support and patronage of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. When a king was weak, however, protection and supervision of the sangha also weakened, and the sangha declined. This fluctuating pattern appears to have continued until the emergence of the Chakri Dynasty in the last quarter of the 18th century.1.3 Modern era
Buddhist monk chants paritta to a group of Siamese women in 1900.
By the 19th century, and especially with the coming to power in 1851 of King Mongkut, who had been a monk himself for twenty-seven years, the sangha, like the kingdom, became steadily more centralized and hierarchical in nature and its links to the state more institutionalized. As a monk, Mongkut was a distinguished scholar of Pali Buddhist scripture. Moreover, at that time the immigration of numbers of monks from Burma was introducing the more rigorous discipline characteristic of the Mon sangha. Influenced by the Mon and guided by his own understanding of the Tipitaka, Mongkut began a reform movement that later became the basis for the Dhammayuttika order of monks. Under the reform, all practices having no authority other than custom were to be abandoned, canonical regulations were to be followed not mechanically but in spirit, and acts intended to improve an individual's standing on the road to nirvana but having no social value were rejected. This more rigorous discipline was adopted in its entirety by only a small minority of monasteries and monks. The Mahanikaya order, perhaps somewhat influenced by Mongkut's reforms but with a less exacting discipline than the Dhammayuttika order, comprised about 95 percent of all monks in 1970 and probably about the same percentage in the late 1980s. In any case, Mongkut was in a position to regularize and tighten the relations between monarchy and sangha at a time when the monarchy was expanding its control over the country in general and developing the kind of bureaucracy necessary to such control. The administrative and sangha reforms that Mongkut started were continued by his successor. In 1902 King Chulalongkorn (Rama V, 1868–1910) made the new sangha hierarchy formal and permanent through the Sangha Law of 1902, which remained the foundation of sangha administration in modern Thailand. While Buddhism in Thailand remained under state centralization in the modern era, Buddhism experienced periods of tight state control and periods of liberalization depending on the government at the time.1.3.1 Statistics
Approximately 94 percent of Thailand's population is Buddhist (five percent Muslim). As of 2016 Thailand had 39,883 wats (temples). Three hundred-ten are royal wats, the remainder are private (public). There were 298,580 Buddhist monks, 264,442 of the Maha Nikaya order and 34,138 of the Dhammayuttika Nikaya order. There were 59,587 Buddhist novice monks.在泰国,佛教体系十分完整,他们除了有寺院,还有完善的佛学院供在学的出家人专研佛学。释迦牟尼佛是佛教的教主,故也是泰国佛教的最高信仰。其佛像的法相因各地传说、民情、历史而有所不同。此外,南传上座部佛教也供奉三世佛。泰国佛教经典基本上都以巴利文作记载,但也因为地方民情之故,融入了一些泰国高棉文。以巴利三藏和泰文译版三藏为主。为泰国佛经中最基础经文,在持任何经文前都必须先以巴利语诵读此经。相当于汉传佛教的《开经偈》。源自于斯里兰卡的梵文经书,在一次机缘巧合下被阿赞多发现,并被翻译成现今的巴利文经书。泰国佛教徒需做三皈依,并遵守五戒或八戒,而比丘戒条更是严谨,必须谨记遵守诸多戒法,泰国佛教比丘戒法如下:
- 网巢病毒目网巢病毒目(学名:Nidovirales),又称成套病毒目、套式病毒目,是一类具有动物和人类宿主(MERS-CoV和SARS-CoV)的病毒。该目下的科有:
- 腿肿外周性水肿(peripheral edema)属于组织的肿胀(Swelling (medical)),由于流体的积聚及引力的作用、水肿通常发生在下肢。外周性水肿产生的条件通常与老化有关,但也可以由其它的情
- 发光生物发光现象是在生物体内,由于生命过程的变化,化学反应将化学能转化为光能而发光的现象。生物发光在英语中名为bioluminescence,该词为合成词,是由希腊语中代表生命的bios与拉
- 心理成熟心理成熟是指心理指随着时间的推移向着圆满生长,有能力以恰当的方式对社会环境做出适当反应。反应通常而言是靠学习而得到的,而非先天本能。成熟也意味着根据情况和社会文化,知
- 亮盖灵芝蕈伞平版状蕈柄裸露异养腐生真菌亮盖灵芝(学名:Ganoderma lucidum),是灵芝属下的一个种。在《神农本草经》中将灵芝依色泽的不同划分成赤芝、黄芝、白芝、青芝、黑芝、紫芝六种
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- 气单胞菌科气单胞菌属 Aeromonas 甲苯单胞菌属 Tolumonas气单胞菌科(Aeromonadaceae)属于革兰氏阴性菌。该科内的物种均为厌氧、杆状,大多出现于入海口及淡水内,亦可于粪便及污水中发现其
- 推断遗传学中的推断是指对为观察到的基因型进行统计推断。这通过人群中的单倍型来完成,比如国际人类基因组单体型图计划和千人基因组计划,这从而允许通过未检测变异与已检测变异的
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- 鬼道饿鬼(梵语:प्रेत,Preta;巴利语:Peta),又称祖父鬼(梵语:Pitṛ(英语:Pitrs),义为父辈、父系,和英文father同词源)或鬼,音译薜荔多、闭戾多、卑帝黎等,本自于印度固有的死后信仰,而又为佛教