
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-22 20:47:13 #蝗科

东亚飞蝗()是飞蝗的一个亚种。由于本物种跟同种的非州飞蝗在体型及结构上的差别很大,所以被认为是另一个亚种。本物种发现于中国大陆及东南亚,是当地农业的主要害虫,对当地作为主食的禾本科经济作物造成巨大损耗。东亚飞蝗基本上是一种独居性昆虫(solitary insects),但在条件适合时,会进入一种群居模式。这个时候,幼虫会组成队伍,一起移动,而成虫会结集群行。尽管近年东亚飞蝗的爆发无论在规模和次数都下降了,因为农业生产模式的转变及更好的侦查蝗虫出现的方法,东亚飞蝗到现在仍然存在,而且依然是重要的农作物害虫,未来仍然有爆发的可能。


东亚飞蝗分布于东南亚。蝗灾曾发生于泰国、马来西亚、爪哇、苏拉威西岛以及日本南端。 台湾虽为海岛,因飞蝗飞行力强,故曾数次侵袭台湾,并带来相当大的灾情,甘蔗、稻米等严重的损失。

The adult female Oriental migratory locust deposits a number of egg pods in the ground over the course of a few weeks. The sites selected include soft soils such as volcanic ash, alluvial soils and sand. Each pod contains between fifteen and a hundred eggs and most females lay from two to seven pods during the breeding season. The eggs hatch 10 to 24 days later and the nymphs develop through 5 or 6 instars, taking between 26 and 61 days to fully develop. Females do not lay eggs when the temperature is below 21 °C(70 °F), and above this temperature, development times reduces as the temperature rises until 32 °C(90 °F) is reached, after which no further reduction takes place.

Locusts change their behaviour and are attracted to each other when there are large numbers in close proximity. This behaviour starts when the nymphs are quite small and form a band that move together as a cohesive unit. The band of hoppers can travel a distance of up to 4千米(2.5英里) per day, mostly moving downhill, stopping sporadically to feed and bask in the sun. When the insects are fully developed and have wings, they stay together as a swarm. Solitary adults usually fly by night but gregarious ones fly by day. The new adults mature and become sexually active in three or four weeks. There may be up to five generations per year in the Philippines, but in the cooler parts of China, there may be just one or two.

Outbreaks tend to originate in two types of habitat; soft flood plains periodically inundated by floodwater and forest clearings. In the latter case, the land is cleared for growing crops but when the soil is exhausted it is abandoned and cultivation moves elsewhere. The grasses and weeds that grow in the clearing provide food for locust nymphs and cultivated areas nearby provide soft soil for mass egg deposition.

A serious outbreak of the Oriental migratory locust occurred in Indonesia in 1997-1998. It was first observed in the provinces of Lampung, South Sumatra and Bengkulu in 1997 and then seemed to disappear. It reappeared early in 1998 and intensified, with nearly 20,000 hectares of rice and 15,000 hectares of maize being affected. It may have been triggered by the drought conditions of 1997.

Outbreaks in China historically occurred about every ten years, usually after dry summers were succeeded by warm winters. The swarms were mostly restricted by the surrounding uplands to the river valleys. Low-lying land that floods intermittently in the delta areas of the Yellow River has been identified as outbreak centres. During the period 2002 to 2006, outbreaks of hopper bands in this locality were biologically controlled with the fungal pathogen by ground and aerial applications, giving a kill rate greater than 90%.

In the Philippines, there were four major plagues in the first half of the twentieth century. They seem to have originated in southern Mindanao around Sarangani Bay. They tended to follow periods of below average rainfall. Since about 1960, the Oriental migratory locust has been less of a problem in the Philippines, probably because cultivation practices have changed and there is less untended grassland where populations can build up undetected.

An outbreak in southern Japan was discovered on an uninhabited island in 1986. A wildfire had restricted the area available to the locusts for feeding and later provided ideal conditions for egg deposition. Hopper bands with a density of 1000 insects per square metre roamed around and swarms of adults occurred over the whole island; the outbreak was brought under control later in the year by spraying.


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