
✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-20 13:43:04 #Matale,Kingdom of Kandy,斯里兰卡城市


The Aluvihare Temple, on the north side of the town, is the historic location where the Pali Canon was first written down completely in text on ola (palm) leaves in 29 BCE.

Matale was a site of a major battle in 1848 when the Matale Rebellion started and the British garrison in the Fort MacDowall in Matale was placed under siege by the rebels led by Weera Puran Appu and Gongalegoda Banda who are considered as national heroes in Sri Lanka.

This historical city was also home to Monarawila Keppetipola, another national hero who led the Wellasa rebellion against the British troops. His ancestral home, the Kappetipola walawuwa is still present at Hulangamuwa, Matale.

Christ Church, Matale was consecrated by Bishop James Chapman on 30 December 1860.

The church site chosen was Fort McDowall, commanding a view of the entrance to Matale via Trincomalee. The church having been erected and furnished, the Revd William Frederick Kelly, Minister and Chaplain in Matale, and 36 others sent their petition to the Rt Revd James Chapman, D.D., to dedicate and consecrate Christ Church. The parsonage was opened on 16 August 1862. The 75th Anniversary was celebrated in 1935. The centenary was celebrated on 28 and 29 January 1961. The 125th Anniversary was celebrated on 6 September 1986. The church was gutted by fire in 1985 and was completely restored. Services were held in the Baptist Church in the interim period.

On 22 June 1911, there was a special service held in this church in connection with the Coronation of His Majesty King George V, and Queen Mary. The offertory on that was given to the King Edward VIII.

The 150th Anniversary was celebrated on 2 October 2010.

Matale is the only district of Sri Lanka, with a book of written history. The book is known as


Aluvihare岩石寺(英语:Aluvihare Rock Temple)

马特莱的印度教寺庙(英语:Sri Muthumariamman Temple, Matale)

马特莱叛乱(英语:Matale rebellion)纪念碑


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