ENQUIRE又称询问计划,是由欧洲核子研究中心的蒂姆·伯纳斯-李于1980年编写的一个软件计划,它是万维网的前身。它是一个简单的超文字程序,与万维网和语义网有一些相似的概念,但在几个重要部分有所差异。根据伯纳斯-李的说法,这个名字的灵感源自于一本古老的书籍“探询一切事物(英语:Enquire Within Upon Everything)”。
Documentation of the RPC project (concept)Most of the documentation is available on VMS, with the twoprinciple manuals being stored in the CERNDOC system.1) includes: The VAX/NOTES conference VXCERN::RPC2) includes: Test and Example suite3) includes: RPC BUG LISTS4) includes: RPC System: Implementation GuideInformation for maintenance, porting, etc.5) includes: Suggested Development Strategy for RPC Applications6) includes: "Notes on RPC", Draft 1, 20 feb 867) includes: "Notes on Proposed RPC Development" 18 Feb 868) includes: RPC User ManualHow to build and run a distributed system.9) includes: Draft Specifications and Implementation Notes10) includes: The RPC HELP facility11) describes: THE REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL PROJECT in DD/OCHelp Display Select Back Quit Mark Goto_mark Link Add EditENQUIRE的显示画面。