
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-23 03:18:21 #1946年出生,在世人物,美国诗人,美国作家,美国歌手,美国吉他手,法国艺术及文学勋章持有人,摇滚名人堂入选者,日本富士摇滚音乐祭参加歌手

派蒂·史密斯(英语:Patti Smith,1946年12月30日-),美国词曲作者和诗人。

1975年,她的首张专辑《Horses》受到刚兴起的朋克运动的影响。她将垮掉派诗歌表演和车库乐队摇滚结合在一起,因此被誉为“朋克摇滚桂冠诗人”(Punk's Poet Laureate) 和“朋克教母”(Godmother of Punk) 。她将19世纪法国作诗法介绍给美国十几岁的年轻人,同时她中性的公众形象和非女性的语言风格挑战着迪斯科时代。

史密斯最广为人知的歌曲是她与布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷一起创作的《Because the Night》(因为这夜),该歌曲在“Billboard Hot 100”排名第十三。2004年,《滚石杂志》颁布的百位摇滚重要人物名单中,将史密斯列为第47位。2007年,她被列入摇滚名人堂。她还获得两项葛莱美奖提名。 。2010年11月17日,她的回忆录《只是孩子》(Just Kids)获得美国国家图书奖。


1967年,她离开了新泽西,搬到了纽约,在一家书店工作的时候遇见了摄影师罗伯特·梅普尔索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)。梅普尔索普为她拍摄的照片成为帕蒂·史密斯乐队唱片的封面,他们一直保持着深厚的友谊直到梅普尔索普于1989年去世。1969年,史密斯和她妹妹琳达一起前往巴黎,开始街头艺术和行为艺术表演。当史密斯回到纽约后,她和梅普尔索普一起居住在切尔西旅馆,他们经常去一些时髦的夜总会,如CBGB。1969年,她出现在杰基·柯蒂斯(Jackie Curtis)的戏剧作品《荡妇》(Femme Fatale)中。作为圣马可诗会的成员,70年代初期,她忙于绘画、写作并表演。她与艾伦·拉尼尔(Allen Lanier)合作,为他的专辑创作了一些歌曲,包括《Debbie Denise》、《Career of Evil》、《Fire of Unknown Origin》、《The Revenge of Vera Gemini》和《Shooting Shark》。这段时期,她还撰写摇滚新闻,其中部分发表在摇滚杂志《Creem》上。

1974年,帕蒂·史密斯开始演出摇滚,最早和吉他手莱尼·凯(Lenny Kaye)一起合作,后来组建了整支乐队,包括凯、吉他手伊凡·克拉尔(Ivan Kral)、鼓手杰伊·迪依·多尔蒂(Jay Dee Daugherty)和钢琴手理查德·索尔(Richard Sohl)。1974年,在罗伯特·梅普尔索普的资助下,乐队录制了第一支单曲《Hey Joe/Piss Factory》。A面是标准的摇滚加上朗诵的片段,内容是关于被绑架的继承人帕蒂·赫斯特(Patty Hearst)。B面则描述了在工厂生产线工作期间无助且愤怒的史密斯的感受,她在一本偷来的书──19世纪法国诗人阿尔图尔·兰波的诗作《启迪》(Illuminations)中得到了心灵的拯救。

帕蒂·史密斯乐队和阿日斯特唱片签约,并在1975年发行了首张专辑《Horses》,制作人是从前地下丝绒乐队的成员约翰·凯尔(John Cale)。专辑融和了摇滚,朋克摇滚和诗歌朗诵,被广泛认为是摇滚史上重要的突破之一。专辑以翻唱范·莫里森(Van Morrison)的《Gloria》开始,而史密斯用独特的嗓音唱出:“Jesus died for somebody's sins... but not mine.”(上帝因为某些人的过失而死去,不是我的。)这段歌词是摇滚乐最著名的歌词之一。而罗伯特·梅普尔索普为专辑封面摄制的简单而纯净的照片也成为摇滚乐最经典的图像。

当帕蒂·史密斯乐队在美国和欧洲巡回演出时,朋克开始流行。乐队的第二张唱片《Radio Ethiopia》的声音更加阴冷刺痛,不加修饰。该唱片相当没有《Horses》受欢迎,评论不佳。但是其中的几首歌曲,如《Pissing in a River》、《Pumping (My Heart)》和《Ain't It Strange》经受住了时间的考验,史密斯至今仍然经常在音乐会表演这些曲目。1977年,在佛罗里达州坦帕演出时,史密斯很意外地从舞台上摔下来,几块颈椎骨骨折。这次受伤导致了很长时间的休息和物理治疗,这段时间她不得不重新开始生活,也使她正快速上升的事业受挫。

1970年代末期,帕蒂·史密斯乐队还录制另外两张专辑。《Easter》是她商业上最成功的专辑,包含她与布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷共同创作的单曲《Because the Night》(因为这夜),在“Billboard Hot 100”排名第十三。1978年7月27日,帕蒂·史密斯出现在《滚石杂志》的封面上。专辑《Wave》的销售量相对低一些,其中收录的歌曲《Frederick》和《Dancing Barefoot》都是电台热播曲目。

在《Wave》发行之前,史密斯与长期合作者艾伦·拉尼尔分手,与底特律著名的摇滚乐队MC5的前吉他手弗雷德·索尼克·史密斯(Fred Sonic Smith)相识,弗雷德与她一样喜爱诗歌。当时盛传的玩笑是她嫁给弗雷德就不需要改变她的姓。帕蒂和弗雷德育有一个儿子杰克森(Jackson)和一个女儿杰西(Jesse)。整个1980年代,帕蒂在音乐上出于半退休状态,和她的家人一起居住在底特律北部。1988年,她发行了一张广受好评的专辑《Dream of Life》。

1994年,弗雷德逝世。之后不久,帕蒂的哥哥托德(Todd)意外身亡。当她的儿子杰克森21岁的时候,史密斯决定搬回纽约。在她的丈夫和哥哥逝世后,她的好友R.E.M.乐队成员迈克尔·斯普洛(Michael Stipe)和艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsberg)说服她重回音乐界。1995年12月,她与鲍勃·迪伦有一次短暂的巡回演出。

Alternative rock singer-songwriter Courtney Love of Hole heavily credited Smith as being a huge influence on her; Love received Smith's album in juvenile hall as a teenager, and "realized that you could do something that was completely subversive that didn't involve violence felonies. I stopped making trouble," said Love. "I stopped." Hole's classic track "Violet" features the lyrics "And the sky was all violet / I want it again, but violent, more violent", alluding to lyrics from Smith's "Kimberly". Love later stated that she considered "Rock n Roll Nigger" the greatest rock song of all time.

American pop singer Madonna has also named Smith as one of her biggest influences.

Anglo-Celtic rock band The Waterboys' debut single, "A Girl Called Johnny", was written as a tribute to Smith.

In 2018, the English band Florence and the Machine dedicated Smith the album song "Patricia". The lyrics reference Patricia as Florence Welch's "North Star".

In 1993, Smith contributed "Memorial Tribute (Live)" to the AIDS-Benefit Album produced by the Red Hot Organization.

Smith was a supporter of the Green Party and backed Ralph Nader in the 2000 United States presidential election. She led the crowd singing "Over the Rainbow" and "People Have the Power" at the campaign's rallies, and also performed at several of Nader's subsequent "Democracy Rising" events. Smith was a speaker and singer at the first protests against the Iraq War as U.S. President George W. Bush spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. Smith supported Democratic candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election. Bruce Springsteen continued performing her "People Have the Power" at Vote for Change campaign events. In the winter of 2004/2005, Smith toured again with Nader in a series of rallies against the Iraq War and called for the impeachment of George W. Bush.

Smith premiered two new protest songs in London in September 2006. Louise Jury, writing in , characterized them as "an emotional indictment of American and Israeli foreign policy". The song "Qana" was about the Israeli airstrike on the Lebanese village of Qana. "Without Chains" is about Murat Kurnaz, a Turkish citizen who was born and raised in Germany, held at Guantanamo Bay detainment camp for four years. Jury's article quotes Smith as saying:

I wrote both these songs directly in response to events that I felt outraged about. These are injustices against children and the young men and women who are being incarcerated. I'm an American, I pay taxes in my name and they are giving millions and millions of dollars to a country such as Israel and cluster bombs and defense technology and those bombs were dropped on common citizens in Qana. It's terrible. It's a human rights violation.

In an interview, Smith stated that Kurnaz's family has contacted her and that she wrote a short preface for the book that he was writing. Kurnaz's book, , was published in English by Palgrave Macmillan in March 2008, with Patti's introduction.

On March 26, 2003, ten days after Rachel Corrie's death, Smith appeared in Austin, Texas, and performed an anti-war concert. She subsequently wrote a song "Peaceable Kingdom" which was inspired by and is dedicated to Rachel Corrie. In 2009, in her Meltdown concert in Festival Hall, she paid homage to the Iranians taking part in post-election protests by saying "Where is My Vote?" in a version of the song "People Have the Power".

In 1993, Smith contributed "Memorial Tribute (Live)" to the AIDS-Benefit Album produced by the Red Hot Organization.

Smith was a supporter of the Green Party and backed Ralph Nader in the 2000 United States presidential election. She led the crowd singing "Over the Rainbow" and "People Have the Power" at the campaign's rallies, and also performed at several of Nader's subsequent "Democracy Rising" events. Smith was a speaker and singer at the first protests against the Iraq War as U.S. President George W. Bush spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. Smith supported Democratic candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election. Bruce Springsteen continued performing her "People Have the Power" at Vote for Change campaign events. In the winter of 2004/2005, Smith toured again with Nader in a series of rallies against the Iraq War and called for the impeachment of George W. Bush.

Smith premiered two new protest songs in London in September 2006. Louise Jury, writing in , characterized them as "an emotional indictment of American and Israeli foreign policy". The song "Qana" was about the Israeli airstrike on the Lebanese village of Qana. "Without Chains" is about Murat Kurnaz, a Turkish citizen who was born and raised in Germany, held at Guantanamo Bay detainment camp for four years. Jury's article quotes Smith as saying:

I wrote both these songs directly in response to events that I felt outraged about. These are injustices against children and the young men and women who are being incarcerated. I'm an American, I pay taxes in my name and they are giving millions and millions of dollars to a country such as Israel and cluster bombs and defense technology and those bombs were dropped on common citizens in Qana. It's terrible. It's a human rights violation.

In an interview, Smith stated that Kurnaz's family has contacted her and that she wrote a short preface for the book that he was writing. Kurnaz's book, , was published in English by Palgrave Macmillan in March 2008, with Patti's introduction.

帕蒂·史密斯是美国绿党的积极支持者。2000年美国总统选举,拉尔夫·纳德是绿党总统候选人。她带领民众在竞选活动中演唱《People Have the Power》。2004年美国总统选举,她名义上支持民主党约翰·克里,返回写作和录制唱片的工作。布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷则在竞选活动中继续表演她的作品《People Have the Power》。2004-05年冬季,她与纳德一起巡回演讲,呼吁结束伊拉克战争,并弹劾总统乔治·沃克·布什。

2006年9月,她在伦敦表演了两首表示抗议的新作:《Qana》关于以色列空袭黎巴嫩小镇卡纳(Qana),《Without Chains》则关于美军在关塔那摩湾的拘留营。史密斯说:


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