头状骨(capitate bone)是人类掌骨中最大的一块,为腕骨中央的骨头。较圆的一端位于手舟骨及月骨所组成的凹槽上。
The is round, smooth, and articulates with the lunate bone.
The is divided by two ridges into three facets, for articulation with the second, third, and fourth metacarpal bones, that for the third being the largest.
The is broad and rough.
The is narrow, rounded, and rough, for the attachment of ligaments and a part of the adductor pollicis muscle.
The articulates with the lesser multangular by a small facet at its anterior inferior angle, behind which is a rough depression for the attachment of an interosseous ligament. Above this is a deep, rough groove, forming part of the neck, and serving for the attachment of ligaments; it is bounded superiorly by a smooth, convex surface, for articulation with the scaphoid bone.
The articulates with the hamate bone by a smooth, concave, oblong facet, which occupies its posterior and superior parts; it is rough in front, for the attachment of an interosseous ligament.
The capitate bone variably articulates with the metacarpal of the index finger.
Right hand posterior view (dorsal view). Thumb on bottom.
Right hand anterior view (palmar view). Thumb on top.
Capitate bone shown in yellow. Left hand. Palmar surface.
Capitate bone shown in yellow. Left hand. Dorsal surface.
Transverse section across the wrist (palm on top, thumb on left). Capitate bone shown in yellow.
Cross section of wrist (thumb on left). Capitate shown in red.
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