耶胡迪尔 (希伯来语:יהודיאל,英语:Jegudiel 或 Jehudiel;东正教译耶谷迪伊尔),名字意为“神之赞美”,是东正教会和东仪天主教会传统中的七大天使长之一。
Saint Jegudiel the Archangel, angel of praise to God, pray for us, that in every act, in every job, in every work, and in every labor we may constantly carry out the will of the Lord gladly and in praise for all He has given us. Amen.
O merciful Archangel, St. Jhudiel, dispenser of God's eternal and abundant Mercy. Because of our sinfulness, we do not deserve God's forgiveness. Yet, He continually grants us forbearance freely and lovingly. Help us in our determination to overcome our sinful habits and be truly sorry for them. Bring each one of us to true conversion of heart. That we may experience the joy of reconciliation which it brings, without which neither we, as individuals, nor the whole world can know true peace. You who continually intercede for us, listen to our prayers. Present to God our Father all these petitions. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.