✍ dations ◷ 2024-07-08 09:30:42 #GH
1A22, 1AXI, 1HWG, 1HWH, 1KF9, 2AEW, 3HHR· protein binding · peptide hormone binding · growth factor binding · protein kinase binding · protein phosphatase binding · SH2 domain binding · protein homodimerization activity· extracellular space · nucleus · mitochondrion · plasma membrane · integral to plasma membrane · cell surface · integral to membrane · extrinsic to membrane · neuronal cell body · receptor complex· allantoin metabolic process · citrate metabolic process · 2-oxoglutarate metabolic process · succinate metabolic process · oxaloacetate metabolic process · isoleucine metabolic process · valine metabolic process · creatine metabolic process · fatty acid metabolic process · endocytosis · JAK-STAT cascade · hormone-mediated signaling pathway · taurine metabolic process · receptor internalization · response to food · response to estradiol stimulus · cellular response to insulin stimulus · cellular response to hormone stimulus · regulation of multicellular organism growth · positive regulation of multicellular organism growth · positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat3 protein · positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5 protein · activation of JAK2 kinase activity · response to morphine · multicellular organismal metabolic process · positive regulation of cell differentiation · creatinine metabolic process · response to cycloheximide · insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway · positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation · response to glucocorticoid stimulus · cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis · growth hormone receptor signaling pathway · JAK-STAT cascade involved in growth hormone signaling pathway · response to interleukin-1生长激素受体(英语:Growth hormone receptor)是一种由人类基因GHR 编码的蛋白质,GHR的直系同源物广泛存在于各种哺乳动物中。此基因编码的蛋白是结合生长激素的跨膜受体。生长激素受体能与SGTA、PTPN11、JAK激酶2、SOCS1和CISH发生交互作用。GHR 基因曾作为动物核DNA(英语:nuclear DNA)系统发育标记,对其10号外显子基因多态性的探究第一次阐释了啮齿目主要类群间的亲缘关系。GHR也用于较低阶元的分类,在鼠总科、八齿鼠科、田鼠亚科、鼠亚科(英语:Murinae)、白足鼠属等啮齿动物,及熊型总科、猫科等肉食动物以及皮翼目的分类上有重要作用。GHR的9号内含子也用于阐释鼬科、鬣狗科的系统发生。


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