巴拉基勒(英语:Barachiel 或 Barakiel;东正教译瓦拉希伊尔),希伯来文意思为“神的雷光”或“神的祝福”,有时也叫拜拉洁(Barachiel)、巴比尔(Barbiel)、拜丘(Barkiel、Barchiel)或巴拉魁尔(Baraquel),主要的炽天使之一,他借着持神的闪电持行他的统治。
一篇常见于东正教和某些民间天主教(英语:Folk Catholicism)传统中通用的圣巴拉基勒祷文如下:
O Powerful Archangel, St. Barachiel, filled with heaven's glory and splendour, you are rightly called God's benediction. We are God's children placed under your protection and care. Hear our supplications (name them). Grant that, through your loving intercession, we may reach our heavenly home one day. Sustain us and protect us from all harm that we may possess for all eternity the peace and happiness that Jesus has prepared for us in heaven. Present God the Father all these petitions, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, together with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.