✍ dations ◷ 2024-07-03 01:33:58 #APP
1AAP, 1AMB, 1AMC, 1AML, 1BA4, 1BA6, 1BJB, 1BJC, 1BRC, 1CA0, 1HZ3, 1IYT, 1MWP, 1OWT, 1QCM, 1QWP, 1QXC, 1QYT, 1TAW, 1TKN, 1UO7, 1UO8, 1UOA, 1UOI, 1X11, 1Z0Q, 1ZE7, 1ZE9, 1ZJD, 2BEG, 2BOM, 2BP4, 2FJZ, 2FK1, 2FK2, 2FK3, 2FKL, 2FMA, 2G47, 2IPU, 2LFM, 2LLM, 2LMN, 2LMO, 2LMP, 2LMQ, 2LNQ, 2LOH, 2LP1, 2LZ3, 2LZ4, 2M4J, 2M9R, 2M9S, 2MGT, 2MJ1, 2MPZ, 2MVX, 2MXU, 2OTK, 2R0W, 2WK3, 2Y29, 2Y2A, 2Y3J, 2Y3K, 2Y3L, 3AYU, 3BAE, 3BKJ, 3DXC, 3DXD, 3DXE, 3GCI, 3IFL, 3IFN, 3IFO, 3IFP, 3JQ5, 3JQL, 3JTI, 3KTM, 3L33, 3L81, 3MOQ, 3MXC, 3MXY, 3NYJ, 3NYL, 3OVJ, 3OW9, 3SV1, 3U0T, 3UMH, 3UMI, 3UMK, 4HIX, 4JFN, 4M1C, 4MDR, 4NGE, 4OJF, 4ONF, 4ONG, 4PQD, 4PWQ· serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity · receptor binding · protein binding · heparin binding · peptidase activator activity · enzyme binding · acetylcholine receptor binding · identical protein binding · transition metal ion binding · PTB domain binding· extracellular space · nuclear envelope lumen · cytoplasm · endosome · smooth endoplasmic reticulum · Golgi apparatus · cytosol · plasma membrane · integral component of plasma membrane · coated pit · cell-cell junction · cell surface · integral component of membrane · ER to Golgi transport vesicle · axon · platelet alpha granule lumen · neuromuscular junction · endosome lumen · trans-Golgi network membrane · ciliary rootlet · terminal bouton · dendritic spine · dendritic shaft · intracellular membrane-bounded organelle · receptor complex · membrane raft · apical part of cell · synapse · perinuclear region of cytoplasm · spindle midzone· platelet degranulation · mRNA polyadenylation · regulation of translation · protein phosphorylation · cellular copper ion homeostasis · post-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport · endocytosis · response to oxidative stress · cell adhesion · regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity · Notch signaling pathway · axonogenesis · blood coagulation · mating behavior · locomotory behavior · axon cargo transport · cholesterol metabolic process · adult locomotory behavior · visual learning · negative regulation of endopeptidase activity · positive regulation of peptidase activity · positive regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle · axon midline choice point recognition · neuron remodeling · dendrite development · platelet activation · extracellular matrix organization · forebrain development · neuron projection development · ionotropic glutamate receptor signaling pathway · nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway · regulation of multicellular organism growth · regulation of protein binding · innate immune response · negative regulation of neuron differentiation · positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle · positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter · collateral sprouting in absence of injury · regulation of synapse structure or activity · neuromuscular process controlling balance · synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction · neuron apoptotic process · smooth endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis前类淀粉蛋白质 (英语: Amyloid precursor protein, APP) 是一个细胞膜内嵌蛋白,在很多组织都能找到,但主要集中在神经元的突触。一般认为前类淀粉蛋白质能够调控突触的形成, 神经可塑性及排出铁原子,但其主要功能仍然未明。某些基因突变如果发生在前类淀粉蛋白质的重要位置,包括但不限于发生在类淀粉蛋白序列组中,就会增加患上遗传性阿兹海默症的机会。例如一些发生在类淀粉蛋白序列外面的基因突变就被认为导致类淀粉蛋白增长。亦有些基因突变,例如是A673T,就被认为能减低患上阿兹海默症的机会。这个突变位于 beta secretase cleavage site,理论上能经由减低beta C-Terminus fragment 而抑压类淀粉蛋白的生成。证据显示于试管内能减低40% 类淀粉蛋白生成。


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