
✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-20 08:06:36 #人类蛋白质,酪氨酸激酶受体,癌基因

1IVO, 1M14, 1M17, 1MOX, 1NQL, 1XKK, 1YY9, 1Z9I, 2EB2, 2EB3, 2GS2, 2GS7, 2ITN, 2ITO, 2ITP, 2ITQ, 2ITT, 2ITU, 2ITV, 2ITW, 2ITX, 2ITY, 2ITZ, 2J5E, 2J5F, 2J6M, 2JIT, 2JIU, 2JIV, 2KS1, 2M0B, 2M20, 2RF9, 2RFD, 2RFE, 2RGP, 3B2U, 3B2V, 3BEL, 3BUO, 3C09, 3G5V, 3G5Y, 3GOP, 3GT8, 3IKA, 3LZB, 3NJP, 3OB2, 3OP0, 3P0Y, 3PFV, 3POZ, 3QWQ, 3UG1, 3UG2, 3VJN, 3VJO, 3VRP, 3VRR, 3W2O, 3W2P, 3W2Q, 3W2R, 3W2S, 3W32, 3W33, 4G5J, 4G5P, 4HJO, 4I1Z, 4I20, 4I21, 4I22, 4I23, 4I24, 4JQ7, 4JQ8, 4JR3, 4JRV, 4KRL, 4KRM, 4KRO, 4KRP, 4LI5, 4LL0

· MAP kinase kinase kinase activity
· protein tyrosine kinase activity
· transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
· receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase activity
· transmembrane signaling receptor activity
· epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity
· protein binding
· ATP binding
· enzyme binding
· protein phosphatase binding
· nitric-oxide synthase regulator activity
· identical protein binding
· protein heterodimerization activity

· extracellular space
· nucleus
· cytoplasm
· endosome
· endoplasmic reticulum membrane
· plasma membrane
· endosome membrane
· membrane
· integral to membrane
· basolateral plasma membrane
· AP-2 adaptor complex
· nuclear membrane
· membrane raft
· perinuclear region of cytoplasm

· activation of MAPKK activity
· ossification
· embryonic placenta development
· hair follicle development
· response to stress
· signal transduction
· cell surface receptor signaling pathway
· epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
· activation of phospholipase C activity
· axon guidance
· salivary gland morphogenesis
· cell proliferation
· positive regulation of cell proliferation
· fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
· cell-cell adhesion
· cerebral cortex cell migration
· positive regulation of cell migration
· positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity involved in G1/S
· positive regulation of catenin import into nucleus
· negative regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
· negative regulation of protein catabolic process
· positive regulation of phosphorylation
· activation of phospholipase A2 activity by calcium-mediated signaling
· negative regulation of apoptotic process
· positive regulation of MAP kinase activity
· innate immune response
· positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process
· positive regulation of DNA repair
· positive regulation of DNA replication
· protein autophosphorylation
· neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
· phosphatidylinositol-mediated signaling
· positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation
· digestive tract morphogenesis
· positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation
· regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
· regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
· protein insertion into membrane
· positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling cascade
· morphogenesis of an epithelial fold

表皮生长因子受体(英语:epidermal growth factor receptor,简称为EGFR、ErbB-1或HER1)是一类名为表皮生长因子家族(EGF-家族)的细胞外蛋白配体的细胞表面受体 。

表皮生长因子受体是ErbB受体家族家族的成员之一,ErbB家族是包含四种紧密联系蛋白的亚家族,这四种蛋白分别是受体酪氨酸激酶类:EGFR(ErbB-1)、HER2/c-neu(ErbB-2)、Her 3(ErbB-3)以及Her 4(ErbB-4)。影响EGFR表达或活性的突变可能导致癌症。



 · 2.1/2/3/4/5/6/7(2.7.10/11-12)/8/9 · 3.1/2/3/4(3.4.21/22/23/24)/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13 ·

医学导航: 肿瘤



药物 (L1i/1e/V03)

神经生长因子受体:高亲和力Trk受体 (TrkA, TrkB, TrkC)





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