乔瓦尼·费利切·桑切斯(意大利语:Giovanni Felice Sances,“Sances”也写作“Sancies”“Sanci”“Sanes”或“Sanchez”,约1600年-1679年11月24日),意大利歌唱家、巴洛克时期作曲家,在世时享誉欧洲。
1609年-1614年间,桑切斯在位于罗马的日耳曼大学(英语:Collegio Teutonico)学习。1614年,他曾在歌剧中上台演出。他的职业生涯始于博洛尼亚与威尼斯这两座城市。桑切斯的第一部歌剧于1636年首次亮相,其本人也亲自登台演唱Sances studied at the Collegio Germanico in Rome from 1609 to 1614. He appeared in the opera in Rome in 1614. His career then took him to Bologna and Venice. His first opera was staged in Padua in 1636, in which he also sang.
1636年,桑切斯前去维也纳,在此地他最初受雇于皇家宫廷,成为一名男高音。在1649年斐迪南三世统治期间,他委任副宫廷乐长(英语:Kapellmeister),此时正乐长为安东尼奥·贝塔利(英语:Antonio Bertali)。二人相互协作,定期将意大利歌剧搬上舞台。桑切斯还创作了如、圣乐及室内乐这些类型的作品。In 1636 he moved to Vienna, where he was initially employed at the imperial court chapel as a tenor. In 1649, during the reign of Ferdinand III he was appointed vice- under Antonio Bertali. He collaborated with Bertali to stage regular performances of Italian opera. He also composed , sacred works and chamber music.
1669年贝塔利去世后,他成功任命宫廷乐长一职。出于健康原因,从1673年始,他的副手约翰·海因里希·施梅尔策逐渐承担他的工作。1679年,桑切斯逝于维也纳。In 1669 he succeeded to the post of Imperial upon Bertali's death. From 1673, due to poor health, many of his duties were undertaken by his deputy Jodhann Heinrich Schmelzer. He died in Vienna in 1679.
Six operas, of which three lost