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✍ dations ◷ 2025-03-07 01:39:04 #罗斯维尔
罗斯维尔 (Roseville),旧名Roseville Junction、Junction、及Grider's,是美国加利福尼亚州普莱瑟县人口最多的城市,位于萨克拉门托都会区。根据估计罗斯维尔2012年时的人口为12万6323人,加州财政部预计2015年时将达到13万3680人。80号州际公路行经罗斯维尔,65号加州州道行经城市北端。最初这个群居处为一名为Griders的驿马车站。根据罗斯维尔历史协会记载,中央太平洋铁路于1864年由萨克拉门托往东修筑铁路时途经加利福尼亚中央铁路的一小段路段,于是将交汇处名为“Junction”,之后Junction成为罗斯维尔。1909年,在南太平洋铁路把它的机厂从罗克林迁往罗斯维尔三年后,罗斯维尔建制成市。伴随而来的是一段扩张期,超过100栋建筑被建造,其中包括当时全世界最大的制冰厂 (Pacific Fruit Express的建物,1913年完工)。罗斯维尔成为铁路城有数十年之久,1929年在当地人口仅为6425人时,就有1225人在铁路公司工作。二次世界大战初期当地的铁路调车场为前所未有的繁忙,战后的建筑潮带来了持续的繁荣。但1950年代为这个城市带来了根本的变化。During the 1950s the railroad continued to expand and upgrade, converting its steam engine fleet to all diesel engines by the end of the decade. However, the railroads began falling in the shadow of air travel and the development of the national Interstate Highway System. Thus, although the railroad remained (and still remains) a major employer, the expansion of the City began branching out into other employment sectors. Another important change during this period was the Washington Boulevard (then called Seawell) railroad underpass construction in 1950. While this improved the ability of people to travel from one side of the tracks to the other, it meant that people were no longer traveling through the Roseville business district north of the tracks. The completion of Interstate 80 in 1956 shifted the population from downtown to what would become known as East Roseville. The old downtown area slid into a gradual decline.The City saw steady population growth throughout the ensuing decades, as shopping centers, major retailers, and homes were constructed throughout the City. The growth rate was modest until 1985. Between 1929 when the population was 6,425 people and 1985, the population grew by only 22,563 people. In 1985 the population stood at 28,988 people. Five years later it was 44,685 people, and by the year 2000 it was 74,234 people. Some of this growth was fueled by the location of major employers, such as Hewlett Packard (in 1979) and NEC (in 1983). The population as of 2014 is 126,956 people.While the character of Roseville has changed over the years, as the City grew from its small-town beginnings to its status as a major urban city today, it has retained some of its historic beginnings. Roseville is no longer a railroad town, but the Union Pacific Railroad is still the 6th largest employer (see Major Employers section, below). Current visitors can now visit the revitalized historic Vernon Street and old Downtown areas which had been in decline for decades, but were recently rehabilitated (see Revitalization section, below).
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