在软件工程中,忙碌等待(也称自旋;英语:Busy waiting、busy-looping、spinning)是一种以进程反复检查一个条件是否为真为根本的技术,条件可能为键盘输入或某个锁是否可用。忙碌等待也可以用来产生一个任意的时间延迟,若系统没有提供生成特定时间长度的方法,则需要用到忙碌等待。不同的计算机处理器速度差异很大,特别是一些处理器设计为可能根据外部因素(例如操作系统上的负载)动态调整速率。因此,忙碌等待这种时间延迟技术容易产生不可预知、甚至不一致的结果,除非实现代码来确定处理器执行“什么都不做”循环的速度,或者循环代码明确检查实时时钟。
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <pthread.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <stdlib.h> 5 6 volatile int i = 0; /* i is global, so it is visible to all functions. 7 It's also marked volatile, because it 8 may change in a way which is not predictable by the compiler, 9 here from a different thread. */10 11 /* f1 uses a spinlock to wait for i to change from 0. */12 static void *f1(void *p) {13 while (i == 0) {14 /* do nothing - just keep checking over and over */15 }16 printf("i's value has changed to %d.\n", i);17 return NULL;18 }19 20 static void *f2(void *p) {21 sleep(60); /* sleep for 60 seconds */22 i = 99;23 printf("t2 has changed the value of i to %d.\n", i);24 return NULL;25 }26 27 int main() {28 int rc;29 pthread_t t1, t2;30 rc = pthread_create(&t1, NULL, f1, NULL);31 if (rc != 0) {32 fprintf(stderr, "pthread f1 failed\n");33 return EXIT_FAILURE;34 }35 rc = pthread_create(&t2, NULL, f2, NULL);36 if (rc != 0) {37 fprintf(stderr, "pthread f2 failed\n");38 return EXIT_FAILURE;39 }40 pthread_join(t1, NULL);41 pthread_join(t2, NULL);42 puts("All pthreads finished.");43 return 0;44 }