斯拉夫共通语(, )是一种以斯拉夫语族语言为基础制作的国际辅助语。斯拉夫共通语的制作目的是为了帮助使用不同斯拉夫语的斯拉夫人之间的交流。斯拉夫共通语可被视为一种半人工语言。斯拉夫共通语有着悠久的历史,其历史可以追溯至15世纪。现在的斯拉夫共通语则制作于2006年。
子音 ľ、 ń、 ŕ、 ť、 ď、 ś 和 ź 是对应着l、 n、 r、 t、 d、 s 和 z的软子音。
The latter may also be pronounced like their softened/palatalized equivalents before i, ě, ę and possibly before e. This pronunciation is not mandatory, though: they may as well be written and pronounced hard.
Soft consonants are normally represented by an acute or a haček, but other ways of writing are possible as well: nj, n’, etc. To avoid texts from becoming heavy on diacritics, it is recommended that before a vowel, soft consonants are written as a hard consonant followed by a j: nom. , gen. (instead of ).