
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-24 05:16:42 #2019年NBA选秀

2019年NBA选秀在当地时间2019年6月20日于纽约布鲁克林的巴克莱中心举行。NBA球队将依照轮次挑选包括NCAA和其他美国大学篮球(英语:College basketball)球员和包含国际球员在内的其他符合资格的球员。当年选秀由ESPN向全美直播。State Farm(英语:State Farm)对选秀赞助并冠名,这也是其连续第八年对NBA选秀提供赞助。这次选秀抽签将第一次采取改制的乐透抽签机制,当年战绩最差的三支队伍纽约尼克斯、克利夫兰骑士和菲尼克斯太阳均有14%的概率抽中状元签。乐透抽签于当年季后赛进行期间的5月14日举行,最后抽中前四顺位的四支球队里有三支较其战绩倒序位置提升了至少六位,包括最终以6%概率抽中状元签的新奥尔良鹈鹕。


莫兰特, 贾贾·莫兰特~




仅限受邀者参加的NBA选秀联合训练营(英语:NBA Draft Combine)于当年5月15日至19日在芝加哥举办,其中场上对抗部分安排在17和18日。当年共有66名待选球员进入了受邀名单,包括顶级新人锡安·威廉森和贾·莫兰特。除他们外,还有克罗地亚的国际球员卢卡·沙马尼奇、从大学退学的球员杰伦·勒丘(英语:Jalen Lecque)、以及跟米切尔·罗宾逊一样,没有选择加入NCAA或者前往海外联赛打球以得到参选资格的达里厄斯·贝兹利等人受邀进入训练营。去年受邀参加训练营的两位球员今年同样得到了邀请,他们是去年受伤的琼泰·波特(英语:Jontay Porter)和前往澳大利亚国家篮球联赛打球的布莱恩·鲍文(英语:Brian Bowen)。今年选秀训练营还特地增设了G联赛训练营,该训练营将给予一定数量未受邀加入联合训练营的待选球员转入联合训练营的机会。今年共有11名球员通过这个途径加入了联合训练营,他们也将联合训练营的名单人数扩充到了77人。塔科·法尔是这11人之一,他打破了联合试训的最高身高(穿鞋7英尺7英寸)、臂展和站立摸高的历史记录。


这次选秀是在2017年制定的“劳资协定(英语:NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement)”(或集体谈判协议,即collective bargaining agreement,简称CBA)框架下进行的。在2011年的停摆中达成的协议中并没有要求对选秀相关协议进行修改,但协议中要求各球队的所有者和球员立即对未来的选秀协议修正进行相关讨论。以下是部分规则:


Players who are not automatically eligible have to declare their eligibility for the draft by notifying the NBA offices in writing no later than 60 days before the draft. For the 2019 draft, the date fell on April 21. After that date, "early entry" players are able to attend NBA pre-draft camps and individual team workouts to show off their skills and obtain feedback regarding their draft positions. Under the CBA a player may withdraw his name from consideration from the draft at any time before the final declaration date, which is 10 days before the draft. Under current NCAA rules, players had until May 29 (10 days after the draft combine) to withdraw from the draft and retain college eligibility.

A player who has hired an agent forfeits his remaining college eligibility when he is drafted. He can be represented beginning after any basketball season, following a request for an evaluation from the NBA Undergraduate Advisory Committee. From this draft on, players who declare for the NBA draft and are not selected have the opportunity to return to their school for at least another year, only after terminating all agreements with their agents.

This year, 233 underclassed draft prospects (i.e., players with remaining college eligibility) had declared by the April 21 deadline, with 175 of these players being from college (including one American who went to a Canadian college) or were high school postgraduates. The names left over mean they have hired an agent, or have announced that they plan to do so before the night of the draft. At the end of the deadline, 86 players declared their intentions to enter the draft with an agent while 89 announced their return to college for at least one more season. By the end of the international underclassmen deadline, both Sacha Killeya-Jones and Kouat Noi removed their names from this year's draft while removing their collegiate eligibility as well, which left 84 total college underclassmen entering the draft.

International players that had declared this year and did not previously declare in another prior year can drop out of the draft about 10 days before the draft begins on June 10. By the April 23 deadline, a record-high 58 international prospects, including an international Canadian university player, expressed interest in the 2019 NBA draft. By the end of the international deadline on June 10, 46 of these players pulled their names out of the draft, leaving only 12 fully foreign players entering the NBA draft this year. For this year's draft, the total underclassmen left were 96 players.
















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