
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-22 10:31:37 #犹太诺贝尔奖获得者,诺贝尔奖得主列表




" the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds"

" investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for electric furnace called after him"

" his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds"

"for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll"

"for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements"

"for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes"

"for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants"

"for their studies of the structures of globular proteins"

"for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active conformation"

"for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule"

"for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures"

"for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis"

"for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA"

"for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids"

"for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions"

"for his development of crystallographic electron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes"

"for their outstanding achievements in developing direct methods for the determination of crystal structures"

"for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA"

"for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems"


"for his contribution to carbocation chemistry"

"for their discovery of fullerenes"

"for his development of the density-functional theory"

"for their discovery and development of conductive polymers"

"for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation"

"for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription"

"for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP"

"for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome"


^ #这里的中文姓名是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页(nobelprize.org)提供英文名字的翻译,对于得奖者的原名或其他名字,可从该得奖者的条目中了解。华人或日本人姓名按中文和日文姓名习惯翻译。尽可能提供了每一位获奖者的照片;如果需要,可以到诺贝尔基金会的官方主页上查询每一位获奖者的照片。

^ #=这里的国家信息是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页提供的信息列出,并不一定为得奖者真实的国籍或出生地。

^ #这里所引用的获奖理由是根据诺贝尔基金会的官方主页提供的英文原文翻译列出,英文原文被列于中文翻译之后以供查对。这一栏中的条目链接是与获奖者的获奖原因相关的研究领域与历史;这些链接这是作为指引和解释,需要了解每一位获奖者的具体工作,请由名字一栏中的链接到对应得奖者的条目中查看,或到诺贝尔基金会的官方主页中相关获奖者的页面中查看。

An additional award, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was established in 1968 by the Bank of Sweden and was first awarded in 1969


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