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✍ dations ◷ 2025-01-23 05:00:53 #卡罗琳·沃兹尼亚奇
卡罗琳·沃兹尼亚奇(丹麦语:Caroline Wozniacki,1990年7月11日-),丹麦前职业网球选手,她曾经登上单打世界排名第一长达67周,共先后三度登顶,并在2010年、2011年成为年终冠军,使她成为北欧第一位单打排名第一的女子选手,至今赢得1座大满贯金杯,丈夫是已退役篮球员大卫·李。2009年,年仅十九岁时闯进美国网球公开赛决赛,但输给金·克莱斯特尔斯。在现今所有现役网球女选手中,沃兹尼亚奇是少数拥有至少20座WTA单打冠军的选手;她单在2010年便拿下6座WTA单打冠军,成名甚早,隔年(2011年)她同样取得6座单打WTA冠军。沃兹尼亚奇在双打也拿过2座WTA冠军。2018年澳大利亚网球公开赛,打败时任世界第一的哈勒普,三度叩关大满贯女单决赛,终于夺得生涯第一座大满贯冠军,并再次重回世界第一。沃兹尼亚奇的父母皆是出身自波兰的天主教家庭,并且皆是运动员,父亲是足球员,母亲则是波兰排球国手;由于父亲签约给丹麦的足球俱乐部,因此搬至丹麦居住。沃兹尼亚奇便是出生在丹麦,并持丹麦国籍。哥哥Patrik Wozniacki(英语:Patrik Wozniacki)目前是足球员,效力于丹麦球队Hvidovre IF。沃兹尼亚奇能够流利的使用英语、丹麦语和波兰语。沃兹尼亚奇曾在受访时表示,除了网球之外,她对于手球、足球、游泳、弹钢琴等都很有兴趣。她是英格兰足球超级联赛中利物浦足球俱乐部的球迷,她在2011年卡达女子公开赛中穿着有史蒂芬·杰拉德签名的利物浦球衣上场。根据福布斯2011年公布的排行榜,沃兹尼亚奇是该年收入第二高的女性运动员;同年六月运动杂志SportsPro公布的最有商业市场的运动员排名,沃兹尼亚奇名列第九。而富比世2013年公布的女性运动员收入排行榜,沃兹尼亚奇以1360万美元排名第七。2019年富比世统计收入最高的女运动员,沃兹尼亚奇以年收入750万美元,排名第6名。2012年沃兹尼亚奇发行了单曲《氧气》(Oxygen)。2013年12月31日她与交往2年的北爱尔兰高尔夫球职业选手罗伊·迈克罗伊在推特上宣布订婚,但二人于2014年5月分手。2017年11月3日她与美国篮球职业选手大卫·李在推特上宣布订婚。沃兹尼亚奇是典型的防御型底线球员,击球方面使用较多的上旋,击球路径弧形较高较大以确保绝对不会挂网,反拍强于正拍,反拍可打出较深落点的攻击球,正拍则以稳定为主。因移位迅速、体力也好,能救回许多看似制胜的快速球,被昵称为“瓦墙”,她也常常参加马拉松,并能以3小时多的成绩完赛。但她由于偏向保守稳定,即便有攻击机会,若有些冒险的可能,便不会尝试攻击,因此在比赛中欠缺掌握先发制人的机会,常常是把来球推回去,故在国外也有“"Push"niacki”的揶揄(意指“推球雅琪”),而如果遭遇攻击连续且凶猛的对手,常会有“倒墙”的危机。年初澳大利亚网球公开赛名列第四种子,这也是沃兹尼亚奇第一次在大满贯比赛中名列前八种子,但在第四轮遭到中国女将李娜以6-4, 6-3直落二盘淘汰,但也使她世界排名上升到第3名。接下来她以第二种子参加印第安维尔斯公开赛,沃兹尼亚奇进入决赛但输给了前世界第一的耶莱娜·扬科维奇,这使得她世界排名在上升到第2名;而迈阿密大师赛则在八强时输给了甫复出的前世界第一贾斯汀·海宁。在佛罗里达州举办的MPS集团锦标赛,她名列第一种子并成功进入决赛,并以6-2, 7-5直落二盘击败奥尔加·葛沃索娃夺得冠军,这是她该年度第一座WTA单打冠军。接下来的家庭轮杯网赛则在四强面对薇拉·兹沃纳列娃时因受伤被迫中途退赛。虽然受伤未愈,她仍参加红土赛季的比赛,接连在保时捷、罗马和马德里提前出局后,她闯进华沙公开赛八强,但仍在比赛中间因伤退赛。法网她则名列第三种子,并进入八强,但遭到最后的冠军弗兰切斯卡·斯齐亚沃尼以6-2, 6-3直落二盘淘汰。双打部分她则与达妮埃拉·汉图楚娃搭档,但在第二轮面对威廉姆斯姐妹前就因汉图霍娃右肩受伤而退赛。在草地赛季,她以卫冕冠军身份参加伊斯特本,但提前输给了阿拉瓦内·雷扎伊。沃兹尼亚奇以第三种子身份参加温网,但在第四轮遭到同属新生代的选手佩特拉·科维托娃以6-2, 6-0直落二盘横扫淘汰。而在首度举办的丹麦公开赛则名列第一种子,该比赛的创立很大一部分便是由于沃兹尼亚奇在国内的知名度,她在决赛击败克拉拉·扎科帕洛娃,拿下该年第二座WTA冠军。在辛辛那提公开赛则在第三轮输给了玛丽昂·巴托莉;而在蒙特利尔举办的罗杰斯杯则名列第二种子,她在半决赛面对斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃,但因为大雨被迫延后两天,接下来在同一天内她击败库兹涅佐娃并在决赛中击败薇拉·兹沃纳列娃,拿下该年度第三座WTA冠军。而在纽黑文公开赛也卫冕成功,决赛以6-3, 3-6, 6-3击败娜迪亚·佩特洛娃,连续三个比赛接拿下冠军。因为世界排名第一的小威廉姆斯退赛,沃兹尼亚奇得以在美国公开赛名列第一种子,在四强遭到薇拉·兹沃纳列娃以6-4, 6-3直落二盘淘汰。但也让她和大威廉姆斯成为该年唯二在四大满贯赛事至少打进第四轮的女子选手。沃兹尼亚奇在日本东京第二轮胜出后成为第一个获得年终赛参赛资格的选手,她并在决赛击败耶莲娜·德门蒂耶娃获得该年度第5座WTA冠军。接下来的中国网球公开赛,她在第三轮打败佩特拉·科维托娃后确定取代小威廉姆斯登上世界排名第一宝座,这也是第一位丹麦选手在职业网坛上登上世界第一;而后她在决赛击败薇拉·兹沃纳列娃赢得她该年度第6座WTA冠军。年底WTA巡回赛总决赛,沃兹尼亚奇与弗兰切斯卡·斯齐亚沃尼、萨曼莎·斯托瑟和耶莲娜·德门蒂耶娃被分到同一组,第一天她以6-1,6-1击败德门蒂耶娃,但在第二天输给了斯托瑟,不过在第三天她以3–6, 6–1, 6–1逆转击败斯齐亚沃尼,除了得以晋级四强外,也已确定她取得足够积分成为年终冠军。四强时她以7-5,6-0击败薇拉·兹沃纳列娃,但在决赛以3-6,7-5,3-6输给了金·克莱斯特尔斯。本年度沃兹尼亚奇第一个WTA赛事为悉尼国际赛,名列第一种子的她第一轮轮空,不过在第二轮就输给多米尼卡·齐布尔科娃。而澳大利亚网球公开赛是沃兹尼亚奇登上世界第一后第一个大满贯赛事,她在半决赛时错过一个赛末点后被李娜逆转淘汰。二月,前世界第一的金·克莱斯特尔斯在巴黎的室内赛八强击败杜琪克后确定挤下沃兹尼亚奇重回世界第一宝座,不过在下一周刚降到第二名的沃兹尼亚奇在迪拜网球锦标赛四分之一决赛击败莎哈尔·皮尔后确定取得足够积分重回世界第一宝座;随后她在决赛击败斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃拿下生涯第十三座也是该年第一座WTA单打冠军。在多哈,她未失一盘的连续击败娜迪亚·佩特罗娃、弗拉维娅·佩内塔和玛丽昂·巴托莉,闯入决赛后输给薇拉·兹沃纳列娃。印第安维尔斯公开赛沃兹尼亚奇一路挺进决赛并击败玛丽昂·巴托莉,赢得她生涯第十四座WTA单打冠军。随后在迈阿密大师赛,沃兹尼亚奇首轮轮空,但她在第四轮输给了第22种子安德烈娅·佩特科维奇,该场比赛她一共有52个非受迫性失误,在被问到是否疲累时她回答安排太多场比赛了。而在家庭轮杯网赛她则进入决赛并击败非种子的艾莲娜·费丝莲娜,赢得该年度第三座和生涯第十五座WTA单打冠军。而保时捷她则进入决赛,这是她该年第五个决赛,但她直落二输给了尤莉亚·戈格斯。马德里她在第三轮再度输给尤莉亚·戈格斯;罗马则在四强时输给了最后的冠军玛丽亚·莎拉波娃。接下来的布鲁塞尔公开赛,她在四强时击败了去年的法网冠军弗兰切斯卡·斯齐亚沃尼,并在决赛击败第八种子彭帅取得生涯第十六座WTA单打冠军,这也是她第一座红土冠军。沃兹尼亚奇在法国网球公开赛名列第一种子,但在第三轮便输给了第二十八种子达妮埃拉·汉图楚娃。在家乡举办的丹麦公开赛,身兼卫冕冠军和第一种子的沃兹尼亚奇成功闯进决赛并击败露丝·萨法洛娃,赢得该年第五座WTA单打冠军。温网她则未失一盘进入第四轮但输给了第24种子多米尼卡·齐布尔科娃。沃兹尼亚奇在罗杰斯杯第二轮输给了罗贝塔·文奇;辛辛那提公开赛则在第二轮输给了世界排名76位的美国选手姬丝汀娜·麦海尔;接下来在纽黑文公开赛则在四强击败弗兰切斯卡·斯齐亚沃尼,并在决赛击败持外卡的Petra Cetkovská,赢得她该年第六座WTA单打冠军,打平她去年所创的纪录。名列头号种子的沃兹尼亚奇在美国公开赛第一轮击败西班牙选手Nuria Llagostera Vives、第二轮则击败荷兰选手Arantxa Rus、第三轮则击败台湾裔美国选手金久慈,在第四轮则逆转击败斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃,八强击败安德烈娅·佩特科维奇,但在四强时输给小威廉姆斯。沃兹尼亚奇在东京第三轮输给了卡娅·卡内皮;在北京八强时输给了弗拉维娅·佩内塔,这是她2011年十二场八强比赛中唯一输的一场。而在2011年WTA巡回赛总决赛,沃兹尼亚奇以第一种子身份参赛,她在分组比赛中击败了阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡,但接连输给薇拉·兹沃纳列娃和后来的冠军佩特拉·科维托娃因而无法晋级四强,但她仍然以世界排名第一结束2011年赛程,整年度除了一周让位给金·克莱斯特尔斯之外都站稳第一名宝座,这也是她连续第二年成为年终冠军。沃兹尼亚奇2012年度第一场WTA赛事是悉尼国际赛,她在八强时面对阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡一度领先并率先进入决胜局,但最后惨遭逆转。澳大利亚网球公开赛第一种子的沃兹尼亚奇未失一盘进入八强,但输给卫冕冠军金·克莱斯特尔斯,这也表示沃兹尼亚奇丢掉世界第一的宝座,由新任澳网冠军维多利亚·阿扎伦卡所取代。在多哈,她在第二轮就输给了露丝·萨法洛娃。沃兹尼亚奇是迪拜和印第安维尔斯的卫冕冠军,但分别输给尤莉亚·戈格斯和安娜·伊万诺维奇。迈阿密大师赛则以直落二击败包括小威廉姆斯在内的选手闯进四强,但最后输给第二种子玛丽亚·莎拉波娃而无缘决赛。而后在家乡哥本哈根的比赛则一路闯进决赛但输给安赫利奎·克柏,终止连两年在该比赛夺冠的纪录。法国公开赛则在第三轮决战三盘后输给了卡娅·卡内皮。温布尔登则在首轮就输给了达美拉·柏丝克,这是她职业生涯在2007年法国网球公开赛登场后首次在大满贯赛中首轮出局。沃兹尼亚奇代表丹麦参加伦敦奥运,前三轮分别击败Anne Keothavong、雅尼娅·维克梅耶尔和达妮埃拉·汉图楚娃闯进八强,但最后输给最终冠军小威廉姆斯。接下来的罗杰斯杯则在四强时输给了佩特拉·科维托娃;辛辛那提则在第三轮输给了安娜斯塔西亚·帕夫柳琴科娃;已经连续四年拿到冠军的纽黑文公开赛则在四强与玛丽亚·基里连科对战前就因为四分之一决赛与多米尼卡·齐布尔科娃比赛时伤到右膝而退赛。右膝仍未伤愈的沃兹尼亚奇在美国公开赛列名第八种子,但她在首轮就输给了世界排名96位的罗马尼亚选手Irina-Camelia Begu,这使得她世界排名掉到第十名,为三年来最低。沃兹尼亚奇接下来在首尔举办的韩国公开赛决赛以6-1, 6-0击败卡娅·卡内皮,拿下她2012年第一座WTA单打冠军,同时也是生涯第十九座;在东京则接连击败Bojana Jovanovski、达妮埃拉·汉图楚娃和李娜,但在四分之一决赛输给了阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡;而在北京则打败Chanelle Scheepers和谢淑薇,但在第三轮就输给了安赫利奎·克柏。接下来她以第三种子身份参加在莫斯科举办的克林姆林杯,她一路闯进决赛,并激战三盘后成功击败第一种子萨曼莎·斯托瑟,拿下该年第二座WTA单打冠军,同时也是生涯第20座,是现役选手中唯四WTA单打冠军达到20座者。(另三位是大威廉姆斯、小威廉姆斯和莎拉波娃。)最后在保加利亚举办的小年终赛,名列第一种子的沃兹尼亚奇在决赛输给了娜迪亚·佩特罗娃,只获亚军。沃兹尼亚奇2012年从最初的排名第一位,最终以第10名结束全年赛程。沃兹尼亚奇在该年的第一场比赛为布里斯本国际赛,并列名第8种子,但在第一轮便以三盘输给了资格赛选手Ksenia Pervak;随后的悉尼国际赛,她打败厄苏拉·拉德万斯卡后在第二轮就输给了斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃。接下来的2014年澳大利亚网球公开赛,沃兹尼亚奇打败萨比娜·利斯基、Donna Vekić、Lesia Tsurenko进入第四轮,但再一次输给斯维特拉娜·库兹涅佐娃。多哈,沃兹尼亚奇在八强时输给阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡;在迪拜则打败露丝·萨法洛娃、郑洁、玛丽昂·巴托莉进入四强,接下来则输给最终冠军佩特拉·科维托娃。马来西亚公开赛首轮就输给王蔷。印第安维尔斯大师赛则击败阿莉泽·科尔内、艾莲娜·费丝莲娜、娜迪亚·佩特罗娃,并因八强对手维多利亚·阿扎伦卡伤退而晋级四强,她随后打败安赫利奎·柯贝闯进该年第一个决赛,这也是她四年内三度打进该巡回赛的决赛,她最后输给了玛丽亚·莎拉波娃。迈阿密大师赛则在第三轮输给了加碧妮·蒙奎露萨。接着红土赛季,沃兹尼亚奇在家庭轮杯网赛的八强输给史蒂芬妮·沃格勒;沃兹尼亚奇之后一连在四个巡回赛中首轮出局,分别是在斯图加特输给卡拉·苏亚雷斯·纳瓦罗、马德里大师赛输给雅罗斯拉娃·施韦多娃、罗马大师赛输给Bojana Jovanovski、布鲁塞尔公开赛输给郑洁。沃兹尼亚奇在2013年法国网球公开赛名列第10种子,她于首轮打败劳拉·罗布森,第二轮再度输给了Bojana Jovanovski。她在草地的第一场比赛是伊斯特本,她接连击败达美拉·柏丝克、劳拉·罗布森和叶卡捷琳娜·马卡洛娃进入四强,但最后输给了资格赛选手洁美·翰普顿。2013年温布尔登网球锦标赛,第9种子的沃兹尼亚奇在第二轮就摔倒负伤输给了捷克选手Petra Cetkovská,在该天比赛中同样因滑倒和受伤输掉比赛或退赛的顶尖选手包括若-威尔弗里德·特松加、维多利亚·阿扎伦卡、玛丽亚·莎拉波娃,再次引起舆论对于温布尔登场地太容易滑倒的质疑。沃兹尼亚奇的表现接下来仍没有好转,在罗杰斯杯,她在第二轮面对索拉纳·克斯蒂时即使于第二盘时拥有两个赛末点,最后仍遭到逆转淘汰;辛辛那提大师赛则击败彭帅、莫妮卡·尼古列斯库、佩特拉·科维托娃进入八强,但输给维多利亚·阿扎伦卡,这是2009年以来沃兹尼亚奇首次输给阿札伦卡。纽黑文公开赛则在四强输给玛西莫娜·哈勒普。2013年美国网球公开赛,名列第6种子的沃兹尼亚奇在前两轮击败段莹莹和Chanelle Scheepers,不过在第三轮就输给了从资格赛打进会内的卡美娜·格奥尔基,这也表示沃兹尼亚奇自2008年以来,首次没有在任何一个大满贯赛中至少打进八强。在亚洲赛事,沃兹尼亚奇在东京击败弗拉维娅·佩内塔、玛格达莲娜·里巴里科娃和露丝·萨法洛娃后进入四强,但输给安赫利奎·柯贝;北京则因东京四强而首轮轮空,她击败莫妮卡·尼古列斯库和斯洛恩·史蒂芬斯,在八强时输给了当时世界排名第一且为最终冠军的小威廉姆斯。沃兹尼亚奇在2013年最后一个赛事为布鲁塞尔公开赛,名列头号种子的沃兹尼亚奇在八强激战三盘击败了Bojana Jovanovski,也终止了对战二连败,她接下来击败温网亚军萨比娜·利斯基进入决赛,最后以直落二击败Annika Beck赢得她该年第一座WTA单打冠军。虽然赢得冠军,但沃兹尼亚奇并未取得在伊斯坦布尔举办的2013年WTA巡回赛锦标赛资格,因为安赫利奎·柯贝也在林兹夺冠;虽然沃兹尼亚奇可以参加在保加利亚索菲亚举办的WTA冠军锦标赛,但她放弃了并飞往伊斯坦布尔担任候补第一位。沃兹尼亚奇最后便以排名第10名结束2013年赛季。在赛季之前,沃兹尼亚奇将她的球拍从优乃克改换成法国品牌Babolat。原本她预计要参加的第一场巡回赛为布里斯本国际赛,但她因右肩受伤未参加;她正式参加的第一场巡回赛为悉尼国际赛,她在首轮击败尤莉亚·戈格斯,但在第二轮输给露丝·萨法洛娃。2014年澳大利亚网球公开赛,名列第十种子的沃兹尼亚奇在第三轮激战三盘输给加碧妮·蒙奎露萨。澳网之后,沃兹尼亚奇在多哈首轮轮空的情况下,第二轮输给雅尼娅·维克梅耶尔;在迪拜则击败萨比娜·利斯基、Annika Beck、索拉纳·克斯蒂,在四强则输给最终冠军大威廉姆斯。印第安维尔斯大师赛,去年为亚军的沃兹尼亚奇闯进了第四轮,但输给了前世界第一耶莱娜·扬科维奇,被扣太多积分导致她世界排名跌到了第18名,是她2010年以来最低的排名。迈阿密大师赛,她则闯进八强但输给李娜;在墨西哥举办的蒙特雷公开赛是沃兹尼亚奇首次参加的比赛,她击败可可·范德维奇、克里斯蒂娜·美拉德诺维奇、Karolína Plíšková后进入四强,但输给最终冠军、同时也是前世界第一的安娜·伊万诺维奇。原本她预计的第一个红土赛事为保时捷网球大奖赛,但因伤退赛;因此她该年第一个红土赛事为马德里大师赛,她在第一轮击败叶卡捷琳娜·马卡洛娃,但苦于膝盖受伤而于第二轮输给罗贝塔·文奇;也因为受伤缘故,她退出罗马大师赛。接下来的2014年法国网球公开赛,名列第13种子的沃兹尼亚奇首轮便输给了雅尼娅·维克梅耶尔。草地赛事的第一场比赛伊斯特本国际赛,沃兹尼亚奇击败萨曼莎·斯托瑟、斯洛恩·史蒂芬斯、卡美娜·格奥尔基,在四强时输给了最终冠军安赫利奎·柯贝;2014年温布尔登网球锦标赛,沃兹尼亚奇名列第16种子,她先后击败莎哈尔·皮尔、Naomi Broady、Ana Konjuh闯进第四轮,这是她第四次到达了温布尔登第四轮,但也是她在温网的最佳纪录,她随后输给了巴博拉·扎赫拉沃娃-斯特里科娃。沃兹尼亚奇以头号种子身份参加伊斯坦布尔杯,首轮以6-0 6-0击败贝琳达·本西琪,接下来接连击败凯伦·奈普、Karolína Plíšková、克里斯蒂娜·美拉德诺维奇进入决赛,并以6-1 6-1 击败罗贝塔·文奇赢得该年第一座WTA单打冠军,这也是沃兹尼亚奇连续第七年每年至少夺得一项冠军。沃兹尼亚奇参加的第一场美网系列赛是在蒙特利尔举办的罗杰斯杯,她一盘未失击败达妮埃拉·汉图楚娃、克拉拉·扎科帕洛娃、Shelby Rogers后进入八强,但在取得第一盘领先后遭到第一种子小威廉姆斯三盘逆转击败;辛辛那提大师赛,沃兹尼亚奇先后击败玛格达莲娜·里巴里科娃、张帅、第6种子安赫利奎·柯贝、第4种子阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡,在四强时遭遇小威廉姆斯时再度三盘被逆转击败。2014年美国网球公开赛,沃兹尼亚奇首轮遭遇玛格达莲娜·里巴里科娃,并在第三盘时因对手受伤退赛而晋级,第二轮以直落二击败打资格赛进入会内的对手Aliaksandra Sasnovich,第三轮击败第十八种子安德烈娅·佩特科维奇,这是她自2012年后首次在大满贯赛击败种子选手;第四轮她击败前世界第一暨2006年美网冠军的第5种子玛丽亚·莎拉波娃,这是自2012年澳网后沃兹尼亚奇第一次进入大满贯八强。四分之一决赛她强势击败第13种子萨拉·埃拉尼,四强面对彭帅时,在领先一盘的情况下,彭帅因不适退赛,沃兹尼亚奇因而闯入生涯第二次大满贯决赛,最后仍败给第一种子小威廉姆斯。Wozniacki started her preparation for the Australian Open at the ASB Classic in Auckland seeded as No. 1 and advanced to the final before losing to Venus Williams in three sets. Despite being seeded eighth at the Australian Open, Wozniacki was unfortunate to draw fellow former world number one and two-time champion Victoria Azarenka in the second round, and was defeated in straight sets. After the tournament, she climbed back up to No. 5. Wozniacki then competed at the Dubai Tennis Championships where she made it all the way to the semifinals before losing to eventual champion Simona Halep in three sets. Wozniacki's next tournament was the Qatar Total Open where she was seeded second. However, she lost once again to fellow former No. 1 Victoria Azarenka in the quarterfinals in straight sets, winning just four games. She rebounded at the Malaysian Open, winning the title by defeating Romanian Alexandra Dulgheru in the final in three sets.Wozniacki's next tournament was the BNP Paribas Open where she was seeded fourth. In the second round, she beat Ons Jabeur before losing in the third round to Belinda Bencic in straight sets. She then competed at the Miami Open beating Madison Brengle in the second round and Kaia Kanepi in the third round. She lost to Venus Williams in the fourth round in straight sets.Wozniacki started her clay season in Stuttgart where she was seeded fourth. In the second round, she beat Lucie Šafářová in straight sets. In the quarterfinals, she dropped just three games against Carla Suárez Navarro to advance to the semifinals. In the semifinals, she beat Simona Halep in a three set thriller to reach her first clay court final since 2011. She lost to Angelique Kerber in the final in three sets, despite serving for the match in the third set. Wozniacki's next tournament was the Mutua Madrid Open where she made it to the quarterfinals for the first time since 2009 beating Jarmila Gajdošová, Christina McHale, and Agnieszka Radwańska. She lost in the quarterfinals to Maria Sharapova in three sets. Wozniacki's next tournament was the Internazionali BNL d'Italia. She lost in the second round to Victoria Azarenka for the third time in straight sets. Wozniacki then played at the French Open as the fifth seed. She beat Karin Knapp in straight sets before losing to Julia Görges in the second round in straight sets.Wozniacki started her grass season at the Aegon International. She beat Jarmila Gajdošová in straight sets and Svetlana Kuznetsova in three sets to advance to the quarterfinals. She beat Andrea Petkovic in straight sets to advance to the semifinals where she faced Belinda Bencic. She retired from the match due to a back injury after losing the first three games. Wozniacki then played at Wimbledon as the fifth seed. She beat Zheng Saisai in straight sets after being down 1–4 in the first set. After beating Denisa Allertová, she breezed past Camila Giorgi to advance to the fourth round and lost to eventual finalist Garbiñe Muguruza in straight sets. Despite the loss, Wozniacki climbed back up to No. 4 after the tournament.Wozniacki's summer hard court season got off to a slow start due to an ankle injury. This injury caused her to lose early at Stanford, Toronto and Cincinnati to Varvara Lepchenko, Belinda Bencic and Victoria Azarenka, respectively. Wozniacki then played at the Connecticut Open. She finally picked up her first win by crushing Alison Riske in the first round. She then beat Roberta Vinci in three sets after being down 3–5 in the third set, saving 3 match points in the third set tiebreak, to advance to the quarterfinals. She breezed past Caroline Garcia before losing in the semifinals to Petra Kvitová in straight sets. Wozniacki then played at the US Open as the fourth seed. She easily beat Jamie Loeb in her opening match to advance to the second round where she was upset by Petra Cetkovská in a close three set match despite having four match points.Wozniacki began her Asian hard court swing at the Toray Pan Pacific Open. As the top seed, she received a bye in to the second round where she easily beat Ana Konjuh. She then defeated Angelique Kerber in three sets in the quarterfinals. In the semifinals, she lost to Belinda Bencic for the fourth straight time in straight sets. Wozniacki's next tournament was the Wuhan Open. She lost to Anna Karolína Schmiedlová in the second round in three sets, despite being up a set and a break. Wozniacki's next tournament was the China Open. She beat Bojana Jovanovski in the first round, and won ten games in a row to beat Qiang Wang to advance to the third round. She lost to Angelique Kerber in straight sets. The loss ended Wozniacki's chances to qualify for the WTA Finals.Wozniacki's next tournament was the Generali Ladies Linz. She beat Mirjana Lučić-Baroni in three sets before losing to Kirsten Flipkens in the second round in straight sets. Wozniacki failed to qualify for the WTA Finals, but she did qualify for the WTA Elite Trophy.At the WTA Elite Trophy, Wozniacki was drawn into Group D alongside Roberta Vinci and Svetlana Kuznetsova. After retiring in her first match against Svetlana Kuznetsova, Wozniacki withdrew from the tournament. She finished the year ranked at No. 17, her worst year-end ranking since 2007.Wozniacki began her 2016 season at the ASB Classic in Auckland, where she was defending finalist points. After beating Danka Kovinić in straight sets, she dropped a combined three games against Christina McHale and Alexandra Dulgheru to advance to the semifinals where she lost to eventual champion Sloane Stephens in straight sets. Wozniacki's next tournament was the Australian Open where she lost to Yulia Putintseva in the first round in three sets, marking her worst performance at the tournament. Wozniacki's next tournament was the St. Petersburg Ladies' Trophy. She lost to Dominika Cibulková in the second round in straight sets. Wozniacki next played the Qatar Open for which she needed 9 match points to beat Ana Konjuh in the first round. She was at one point up by a double break in the third set. In the second round, she faced Daria Gavrilova which she won in straight sets. Wozniacki then played Elena Vesnina in the third round, she fell in a grueling match. Wozniacki played in the 2016 Monterrey Open instead of defending her title in Kuala Lumpur. She defeated Olga Govortsova in the first round and Mirjana Lucic-Baroni in the second round; however, she fell in the quarterfinals to the eventual winner Heather Watson. Caroline then played at the BNP Paribas Open and fell in the second round to Zhang Shuai. This match marked the longest match so far in 2016, at 3 hours and 24 minutes. Then in the 2016 Miami Open Wozniacki made a promising start, defeating Vania King; however, she fell to twelfth seed Elina Svitolina.Wozniacki was scheduled to play many clay court tournaments. However, she injured her ankle during a practice, which put her out for all of the clay-court season. This break saw Wozniacki fall though the rankings from 22 down to 34, the lowest since May 2008. She withdrew from 2016 French Open because her ankle was not 100%.Wozniacki played in Nottingham, her first tournament since the Miami Open in March and her first tournament after hiring her new coach David Kotyza. Wozniacki won her first match in ten weeks defeating Çağla Büyükakçay, but falling in yet another three-set match to Anett Kontaveit in the second round. In her last tournament leading up to Wimbledon, Wozniacki played the 2016 Aegon International Eastbourne. She showed signs of improvement from her loss of form and injury, dismissing Alizé Cornet and seventh seed Samantha Stosur and dropping only seven games in the two matches before losing in a three-set match to qualifier Monica Puig. In Wimbledon, she went unseeded in the tournament, the first time since 2008 Australian Open and lost to Svetlana Kuznetsova in the first round, resulting in her falling out of the top 50 for the first time since February 2008.Wozniacki began her US hard court season in Washington, playing the 2016 Citi Open she went on to beat Hiroko Kuwata in the first round and retired in her second round clash with Samantha Stosur despite being up a set 7–5 a sharp pain in her left arm forced her to retire. This injury also took her out of The Rogers Cup. She then played the Summer Olympic Games. Dropping four games she beat Lucie Hradecka but fell to Czech Petra Kvitová in the second round. She failed to win a match in the Connecticut Open as she lost in the first round to young Latvian Jelena Ostapenko. However, Wozniacki's year turned around at the 2016 US Open. She slid past Taylor Townsend in three sets, then upset Svetlana Kuznetsova in round two after being two breaks down she came back to win in straight sets. She then beat Monica Niculescu in two sets to reach the fourth round, in which she upended Madison Keys in two sets to reach the quarterfinals and then beat unseeded Anastasija Sevastova to enter the semifinals. Wozniacki lost the semifinal to then-new No. 1 Angelique Kerber, in two sets, and resulting at the back of the top 30 for the first time since April of this year.Wozniacki moved on to the Toray Pan Pacific Open. In the first round, Wozniacki defeated Belinda Bencic, who had defeated her the previous year, in three sets. In the second round, she defeated fourth seed Carla Suarez Navarro, then beat qualifier Magda Linette in straight sets. In the semifinals, Wozniacki defeated defending champion Agnieszka Radwanska, which sent her off to her first final since April of the previous year. In the final, she defeated Japanese player Naomi Osaka to win her 24th WTA title, and her first title since March 2015. This was also Wozniacki's first Premier-level title since 2012.Wozniacki continued the Asian swing at the 2016 Wuhan Open. There, she had a good start, defeating Samantha Stosur in the first round. In the third round, Wozniacki faced Agnieszka Radwanska again, and this time, Radwanska came out on top. Wozniacki then competed at the China Open. She cruised past her first two matches against Coco Vandeweghe and Roberta Vinci before going head to head with Radwanska for the third time in three weeks. Radwanska emerged victorious again, defeating Wozniacki in straight sets.To finish off the Asian leg, Wozniacki partook in the Hong Kong Open. Seeded no. 5, she passed the first rounds easily, defeating Zheng Saisai, Heather Watson, and Wang Qiang.After beating Jelena Jankovic in the semifinals, Wozniacki won her 2nd title of the season and 25th title overall, beating Kristina Mladenovic in the final in three sets. This was the first time since 2012 that Wozniacki had won two WTA titles in a single season. With the win, Wozniacki returned to the top 20.Wozniacki ended the season with a run at the Luxembourg Open. The no. 2 seed had an easy first round win against Madison Brengle, and survived a second round encounter against Sabine Lisicki after losing the first set. She then was forced to retire in the quarterfinals due to sickness. Wozniacki did not play at the 2016 WTA Elite Trophy and ended her topsy turvy season ranked number 19 (having been as low as no. 74).Wozniacki began the year at the Auckland Open once again. This time, she was the No. 3 seed. She started out strong, breezing past Nicole Gibbs and Varvara Lepchenko before losing in the quarterfinals Julia Görges in three sets, despite being up a set and 3–1. At the Apia International Sydney, Wozniacki was seeded 10th. She played some solid tennis against Olympic Gold Medallist Monica Puig, winning in three sets. Wozniacki then defeated Yulia Putintseva in straight sets in a rematch of their 2016 Australian Open first round clash. In the quarterfinals, Wozniacki was defeated by Czech Barbora Strycova in three close sets, despite being up a break two times in the final set.Wozniacki was seeded 17th at the Australian Open. She reached the third round, after defeating Arina Rodionova and Donna Vekic, but was defeated by 9th seed and in-form Johanna Konta in a match which lasted just 75 minutes.After the Australian Open, Wozniacki played at the Qatar Total Open sliding past Kiki Bertens and Agnieszka Radwanska in the first two rounds in straight sets. She then savied two set points in the first seat to beat Lauren Davis, before dispatching Monica Puig to reach the final. There she fell to the in-form Karolína Plíšková. From there she played at the Dubai Tennis Championships, also making the final there by beating Daria Kasatkina, Viktorija Golubic, Kateryna Bondarenko, Catherine Bellis, and Anastasija Sevastova respectively before coming up short against Elina Svitolina in straight sets in the final. Despite runner up finishes, Wozniacki rose back up to No. 14.At the BNP Paribas Open, Wozniacki beat Magda Linette, Kateřina Siniaková, and Madison Keys, without the loss of a set, to advance to the quarterfinals where she lost to Kristina Mladenovic. At the Miami Open, Wozniacki beat Varvara Lepchenko and Sorana Cîrstea in straight sets before advancing to the quarterfinals after a retirement from Garbiñe Muguruza. In the quarterfinals, she beat Lucie Šafářová in straight sets and in the semifinals, avenged her Doha loss to Karolína Plíšková by beating her in three sets to advance to her first ever final in Miami and her first Mandatory final since 2013, but then lost in straight sets Johanna Konta, 6-4, 6-3.Wozniacki and her good friend Serena Williams have met 11 times with Williams leading the head to head 10–1. Williams leads 2–0 in Grand Slams, 8–1 on hard courts, and 1–0 on both clay and grass. Both held the No. 1 ranking from early November 2009 to late January 2012. They are currently the Top 2 active players to hold the No. 1 ranking for the most weeks.They first met at the 2009 Medibank International Sydney with Williams winning in three tight sets saving match points. Wozniacki's only win over Williams came at the 2012 Sony Ericsson Open where she won in straight sets. In 2014 the rivalry reached its peak with the pair meeting four times and Williams winning all of them. Three of their four meetings went to three sets with Williams coming from a set down in each to win. At the Rogers Cup Wozniacki led by a set and a break before Williams came back to win it. They would meet a week later at the Western & Southern Open where Williams again came from a set down to win. They faced off against each other in the final at the US Open where Williams won in straight sets to claim her 18th Grand Slam title. Their most recent meeting at the WTA Finals was an epic with Wozniacki winning the first set before Williams came back to win the second set. At 4–4 Wozniacki broke Williams to serve for the match and Williams broke back. At 6–5 Wozniacki saved match point with an incredible volley and held serve to take the set to a tiebreak. In the tiebreak Wozniacki was up 4–1 before Williams came back and eventually prevailed.Despite being rivals, the two maintain a strong friendship off court. Wozniacki visited Williams during her recovery from injury in 2011. In 2014 after they both lost early at the French Open they vacationed together in Miami. They attended a Mariah Carey concert the night before their semifinal match at the WTA Finals. Williams was present during Wozniacki's run at the New York City Marathon. They also went on a mini tour around New York City.Wozniacki and Agnieszka Radwańska have met 16 times with Wozniacki leading the head to head 10–6. Wozniacki leads 8–6 on hard courts and 2–0 on clay.They first met at the 2007 Nordea Nordic Light Open with Radwańska winning in straight sets. After that win, Wozniacki would win the next 5 matches before having the streak snapped at the 2012 Apia International Sydney where she lost in three sets. Radwańska would then win the next 2 matches before that streak was snapped at the 2014 Western & Southern Open where she would lose in straight sets. Their most recent meeting was at the 2017 Qatar Total Open where Wozniacki won in straight sets.Wozniacki and Maria Sharapova have met 10 times with Sharapova leading the head to head 6–4. Wozniacki leads 2–0 in Grand Slams with both coming at the US Open in 2010 and 2014. Wozniacki leads 4–3 on hard courts, while Sharapova leads 3–0 on clay.The pair first met at the 2008 Qatar Total Open where Sharapova won in straight sets and then again at the 2008 Rome Masters. Wozniacki then won the next two meetings to tie the head-to-head. Sharapova then won the next three meetings including their only meeting in a final at the 2013 BNP Paribas Open. Wozniacki snapped the losing streak by beating Sharapova in three sets at the 2014 US Open and would go on to the reach the final. They met again at the 2014 WTA Finals where Wozniacki won in three sets in a marathon match that lasted over three hours. Their most recent meeting was at the 2015 Mutua Madrid Open where Sharapova won in three sets.W:冠军; F:亚军; SF:四强; QF:八强; #R:前四轮;RR:小组赛; LQ:止步资格赛;A:缺席;P、Z# 、PO:参与戴维斯杯;SF-B :奥运会铜牌;F、S:奥运会银牌;G:奥运会金牌;NMS:非ATP1000大师赛系列;NH:该赛事本年度未举行;NQ:未入围。本模板用于各项网球赛事的指引,以及球员在职业生涯各赛事的表现指引。如若更新赛事与球员资料,请在相关段落正文之前添加此模板。
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