
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-23 20:34:12 #卢博斯·莫特尔

卢博斯·莫特尔(捷克语:Luboš Motl,捷克语发音:,1973年12月5日-)是捷克物理学家和博主。2004年至2007年,在哈佛大学担任物理学助理教授。科学出版物专注于弦理论。


Although an undergraduate at a Czech university where none of the faculty specialized in string theory, Motl came to the attention of string theorist Thomas Banks in 1996, when Banks read an arXiv posting by Motl on matrix string theory. "I was at first a little annoyed by paper, because it scooped me," said Banks. "This feeling turned to awe when I realized that Lubos was still an undergraduate". He then became a graduate student of Banks, and wrote his PhD thesis on matrix theory. While at Harvard, Motl worked on the pp-wave limit of AdS/CFT correspondence, twistor theory and its application to gauge theory with supersymmetry, black hole thermodynamics and the conjectured relevance of quasinormal modes for loop quantum gravity, deconstruction, and other topics. In 2006, he proposed the weak gravity conjecture with Nima Arkani-Hamed, Alberto Nicolis and Cumrun Vafa.

He is the author of , a 2008 French-language book discussing the scientific ideas and controversy of the Bogdanov brothers.

Motl writes a science and politics blog called "The Reference Frame: Supersymmetric world from a conservative viewpoint", in which he expresses his scientific and right-wing political opinions, including invective as well as personal insults. The blog has been described by George Musser as an "over-the-top" defense of string theory, defining one of the extremes of scientific opinions on that topic, with the other extreme being represented by Peter Woit. Following the example of Oriana Fallaci, Motl characterizes himself as a Christian atheist. He also describes himself as a "champion of the consistent histories interpretation of quantum mechanics", and has strongly criticised Erik Verlinde's entropic gravity theory. As of April 2022, Motl abolished the blog citing censorship pressures and general dissatisfaction.


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