蕾伊·(英语:Rey)是一名科幻电影系列《星球大战》中的虚构人物,由英国女演员黛西·蕾德莉饰演。首次以主要角色的身份出现于《STAR WARS:原力觉醒》,蕾伊是银河帝国皇帝希夫·帕尔帕庭的孙女,童年时期被父母(父亲传言是帕尔帕庭失败的克隆人)遗留在贾库星上,以避开帕尔帕庭的追捕,当她捡到抵抗势力的王牌飞行员波·达默龙的机器人BB-8并遇到一心想脱离第一秩序的帝国风暴兵芬恩时,导致她的孤独生活被中断,并卷入第一秩序和抵抗势力的战争之中。
Screenwriter 麦可·阿恩特 said that he found Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy's offer to write the sequel trilogy daunting in mid-2012, but he became interested when it was explained to him that the tale was about the origin story of a female Jedi and he met with 乔治·卢卡斯. The character was a young woman known as Kira in the early stages of production, and 阿恩特 described her as a "loner, hothead, gear-head, badass". 阿恩特 said that he struggled with introducing the young woman as the main character in his story while keeping her from being overshadowed after her early meeting with the Luke Skywalker character. Ridley recalled that director and writer J·J·艾布拉姆斯 originally intended to name the character "Keera", however during filming in 阿布扎比, 艾布拉姆斯 revealed to Ridley that he was thinking of going with "Rey".
On creating a female lead for the new trilogy, 艾布拉姆斯 stated that from his initial discussions with writer 劳伦斯·卡斯丹(英语:Lawrence Kasdan), he was excited at the concept of having a woman at the center of the story. He said that "We always wanted to write Rey as the central character" and that other female representation in the story was also important. 肯尼迪 stated that, "Rey is the new generation's Luke Skywalker." Rey's background as a scavenger was part of the developers attempting to portray her as "the ultimate outsider and the ultimate disenfranchised person", due to their belief that a person of that nature would likely experience a prolonged journey compared to other types of people.
Daisy Ridley was largely unknown before being cast for the role of Rey. Ridley said that she auditioned many times for the role over the course of seven months and had to keep her casting a secret for three months. She was announced as part of the cast at the end of April 2014. She only had experience with small parts in TV shows. Her inexperience and lack of exposure were a crucial part of what convinced 艾布拉姆斯 to give Ridley the role, as the previous installments had featured relatively unknown talent that would not experience heightened degrees of scrutiny. 艾布拉姆斯 stated that Ridley "was so funny and had a great spark", as well as having her act out an emotional scene, proclaiming that "she nailed it on the first take." 艾布拉姆斯 would go on to praise Ridley, stating "She was born with this gift to be in a moment and make it her own. She simultaneously works from the inside out and the outside in." 肯尼迪 proclaimed "Daisy had a physicality and a self-confidence that was so important to the character we were looking for. She epitomizes that optimism where anything is possible." Director Dusan Lazarevic, who was present at the casting of Ridley for a role in British drama series , in addition to praising her acting range, stated "She showed a combination of vulnerability and strength which gave her a complexity, and there was an intelligence in her eyes that was an indicator she could play quite a complicated part." Cailey Fleming was additionally cast to portray a young Rey.
Although Ridley expressed that she was "riddled with doubts and insecurities", she stated that Rey's hopefulness is what she related to most in Rey, going on to say it "was something driving me through the auditions—even though it felt so insanely out of anything that I could've imagined." Ridley recalled her shooting experience as starting off bumpy, with 艾布拉姆斯 telling her that her first few takes were "wooden". However, Ridley and 艾布拉姆斯 had an "incredibly collaborative" process with creating Rey; Ridley recalled that the character "changed from when we first began, she became softer. And I think that's probably me, because Americans tend not to understand me, so it helped, slowing down the speech and everything just made it softer than I am." On her character, Ridley has stated that Rey will have "some impact in a girl power-y way", adding that the character "doesn't have to be one thing to embody a woman in a film. It just so happens she's a woman but she transcends gender. She's going to speak to men and women." In an interview with , Ridley would continue describing her character, "She's so strong. She's cool and smart and she can look after herself," adding "Young girls can look at her and know that they can wear trousers if they want to. That they don't have to show off their bodies."
作曲家约翰·威廉斯说道他立刻喜爱上了电影中的蕾德莉,并且他将创作(英语:Rey's Theme)视为很有趣的挑战。他说道她的主题曲并不表示一部爱情主题曲,而是展示了一位顽强的女性冒险者。她是一位战士,为原力所充斥,因此这音乐必须是雄壮但又充满深思的。
众人驾驶千年隼号,一路行经帕萨纳星(Passanna)、基奇米星(Kijimi)和凯夫伯星(Kef Bir)追查通往“未知领域”的线索,却在这之中逐渐揭开了蕾伊的身世。凯洛忍向蕾伊告知她的真实身份是皇帝的孙女,与身为维达之外孙的自己合起来呈现了原力的二元性。凯洛忍早已察觉帕尔帕庭纯粹只是利用自己来激发蕾伊的真正本性,但凯洛忍则希望能与蕾伊联手消灭皇帝来一起统治银河。
蕾伊的角色还出现于电子游戏《Disney Infinity 3.0(英语:Disney Infinity 3.0)》及《乐高STAR WARS:原力觉醒》之中,两者皆由蕾德莉负责配音。
蕾德莉因饰演该角的表现获提名第42届土星奖(英语:42nd Saturn Awards)的最佳女主角(英语:Saturn Award for Best Actress)奖。