Julia (编程语言)

✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-22 20:07:02 #Julia (编程语言)







function mandel(z)    c = z    max = 80    for n = 1:max        if abs(z) > 2            return n-1        end        z = z^2 + c    end    return maxend


function randmatstat(t)    n = 5    v = zeros(t)    w = zeros(t)    for i = 1:t        a = randn(n,n)        b = randn(n,n)        c = randn(n,n)        d = randn(n,n)        P =         Q =         v = trace((P.'*P)^4)        w = trace((Q.'*Q)^4)    end    std(v)/mean(v), std(w)/mean(w)end


  • Matlab
  • GNU Octave
  • R语言
  • Mathematica
  • Sagemath


  1. ^ LICENSE.md. GitHub. 
  2. ^ Contributors to JuliaLang/julia. GitHub. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Why We Created Julia. Julia website. February 2012 . 
  4. ^ v1.4.0. Github.com. 2020-03-21 . 
  5. ^ v1.4.0-rc2. Github.com. 2020-02-24 . 
  6. ^ Julia. Julia. NumFocus project. . Julia's Base library, largely written in Julia itself, also integrates mature, best-of-breed open source C and Fortran libraries for ... 
  7. ^ Fischer, Keno. Running julia on wasm. 2019-07-22 . 
  8. ^ Download Julia - Currently supported platforms. Julia. . 
  9. ^ The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing. Termux/Android. Github. . 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Home · The Julia Language. docs.julialang.org. (英语). 
  11. ^ Programming Language Network. GitHub. . 
  12. ^ JuliaCon 2016. JuliaCon. . He has co-designed the programming language Scheme, which has greatly influenced the design of Julia 
  13. ^ The Julia Language (official website). General Purpose Julia lets you write UIs, statically compile your code, or even deploy it on a webserver. 
  14. ^ Bryant, Avi. Matlab, R, and Julia: Languages for data analysis. O'Reilly Strata. 15 October 2012 . (原始内容存档于2013-05-24). 
  15. ^ Singh, Vicky. Julia Programming Language – A True Python Alternative. Technotification. 23 August 2015. 
  16. ^ Krill, Paul. New Julia language seeks to be the C for scientists. InfoWorld. 18 April 2012. 
  17. ^ Finley, Klint. Out in the Open: Man Creates One Programming Language to Rule Them All. Wired. 3 February 2014. 
  18. ^ Escher : With Escher you can build beautiful Web Uls entirely in Julia. Shasi.github.io. . (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  19. ^ Getting Started with Node Julia · Node Julia. Node-julia.readme.io. . 
  20. ^ Moss, Robert. Using Julia as a Specification Language for the Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System. 26 June 2015 . (原始内容存档于1 July 2015). Airborne collision avoidance system 
  21. ^ Suspending Garbage Collection for Performance...good idea or bad idea?. Groups.google.com. . 
  22. ^ (now available with using FFTW in current versions; that dependency is one of many moved out of the standard library to a package because it is GPL licensed, and thus is not included in Julia 1.0 by default.) Remove the FFTW bindings from Base by ararslan · Pull Request #21956 · JuliaLang/julia. GitHub. (英语). 
  23. ^ Why We Created Julia 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2012-04-23.


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